


"Let everything that has breath praise the LORD! Praise the LORD!” Psalm 150:6


DECLARE is a Bible proclamation movement that celebrates the restoration of the public reading of God’s Word by Christian communities across nations and generations.

In the first 3 years since 2017, DECLARE began as an intergenerational Arts & Family event held at the Bible House at Fort Canning in Singapore. Over the pandemic years this expanded online to involve over 50 nations & 150 local languages. As we gather from different tribes and traditions, we come to unite in one voice on a common foundation – the Word of God – to bear witness to God’s light of truth and love in a dark and despairing world.

DECLARE is organised by the Arts Collective, a ministry of The Bible Society of Singapore, and is supported by Elijah 7000.

DECLARE featured in W@W

How is DECLARE Organised?

There are different tracks organised for international and local participants.

International participants may sign up as groups representing a nation or region and pre-select a book / books to declare in recorded video format, or on Zoom livestream at the scheduled time. Local participants may register for a Day and will receive an allocated passage at the local venue.

80-hour Event over 3 Weeks

  • Opening Celebration: Fri 24 May, 4.30-5pm (SGT)*
  • Week 1 Reading: Fri 24 May, 5pm – Sat 25 May, 5pm (SGT)*
  • Week 2 Reading: Fri 31 May, 5pm – Sat 1 Jun, 5pm (SGT)*
  • Week 3 Reading: Fri 7 Jun, 5pm – Sat 8 Jun, 5pm (SGT)
  • Closing Celebration: Sat 8 Jun, 5pm (SGT)
    *Updated timings

HELP Build a Shelter for our Homeless People

“Everyone was so friendly and caring, sheltering us, providing us our needs. It reminds us that people still love us.” - Mr K

Mr K is one of our beneficiaries at SowCare@Armenian, where we provide Safe Sound Sleeping Places (S3P) for 10 homeless / rough sleepers with temporary housing and basic daily necessities. People like Mr K are homeless not by choice, but by unfortunate circumstances. They are unable to support themselves and some also have families to provide for.

Modes of Giving

Please donate to provide a temporary shelter for our homeless / rough sleepers via the below modes.

For donations made using PayNow, scan the QR code below or key in the UEN No: 201918865M. (Please key in “Homeless" in the reference field.)

For donations through, please visit:

For donations made via bank transfer:

Account Name: Sowcare Ltd

Account Number: 033-905817-3

Bank Name: DBS Bank Ltd

 For donations made via cheques, please make cheque payable to SowCare Ltd.

(At the back of the cheque, please indicate “Homeless" and mail it to 101 Eunos Avenue 3, TSL Building, #07-10 Singapore 409835.)

For donations-in-kind, refer to the list below for items that the Homeless need the most. Please call us at 6304 5281 / 6304 3796 to make the necessary arrangements.

  1. Mattresses / Mattress Covers
  2. Pillows / Pillowcases
  3. Blankets
  4. Towels
  5. Body Washes / Shampoo / Toothbrushes / Toothpaste

(Owing to hygiene purposes, new and unused are preferred.)

HELP our Elderly Neighbours Age with Dignity

We all grow old one day. As we age, we suffer from health problems like back pain and weak legs. We no longer have the means to work and be self-sufficient. It is a common sight to see our poor and needy elderlies selling tissue papers or collecting cardboard in our neighbourhood without strong social support from their children to aid them as they grow old.


Please join us at SowCare by donating to our movement as we provide them with essentials and monetary support. Let us show love to our elderly neighbours and help them age with dignity. Thank you!

Modes of Giving

For donations via PayNow, please use your mobile banking app to scan the PayNow QR Code or key in BSS UEN No.: 201918865M.
Please indicate <Your Name> followed by <Elderly>  in the reference field.
For further enquiries you may send email to:

Your donation can bring smiles and dignity to these socially isolated and vulnerable families.
For donations through, please visit:

For donations made via bank transfer:

Account Name: Sowcare Ltd

Account Number: 033-905817-3

Bank Name: DBS Bank Ltd

For donations made via cheques, please make cheque payable to SowCare Ltd.

(At the back of the cheque, please indicate “Elderly" and mail it to 101 Eunos Avenue 3, TSL Building, #07-10 Singapore 409835.)

For donations-in-kind, please call us at 6304 5281 / 6304 3796 to make necessary arrangements. Some items may include rice, instant noodles, biscuits, coffee packs, canned food (at least 6 months before expiry), etc. 


For further enquiries you may send email to:

Bobby Sng Scholarship for Theological Studies

Country : Singapore

Ministry: Bible mission, Community Service and Youth Work

In memory of the late Dr Bobby Sng - a prolific author, spiritual mentor, and a dear brother and friend who has touched the lives of many - The Bible Society of Singapore (BSS) launched the Bobby Sng Scholarship for Theological Studies on 15 October 2021 to build up Christians who wish to pursue theological training and serve in spheres that Dr Sng was fiercely passionate about - Bible mission, community service and youth work.

As a visionary, missionary and giant of faith, he is widely recognised as having had a pivotal influence on generations of evangelical Christians in Singapore, after having nurtured thousands of students, many of whom are leaders in Singapore today. He has impacted so many lives, brought many to eternal salvation, and has helped restore many to spiritual wellness. He was truly an extraordinary and exemplary follower of Christ.

Your generous donation to this scholarship is a divine God-anointed investment in the future of the church and the community, empowering our new generation of Christians to reach out and minister to the community. Your gift will go towards supporting the student’s tuition fees and book allowance to study at local theological seminaries in Singapore. For detailed Scholarship awarding conditions, please click here :

Mode of Giving

To support our efforts towards the Bobby Sng Scholarship for Theological Studies, besides Debit/Credit card payments, you may also donate through cheque, bank transfer or PayNow.


For donations via PayNow :

Scan the PayNow QR Code or key in BSS UEN No.: S70SS0023A. 

Please indicate <Your Name> followed by <BSSTS> in the Reference field
For further enquiries you may send email to:


For donations via cheque :

Cheque can be made payable to : The Bible Society of Singapore. Kindly mail the cheque to : 7 Armenian Street, #04-01, Bible House, Singapore 179932.

(At the back of the cheque, please indicate “Scholarship”)


For donations via bank transfer, below are the following details:

Account Name : The Bible Society of Singapore

Account Number : 581-834306-001 

Bank Name : OCBC


For further enquiries you may send email to:


Support Declare Readings

Hear the word of the LORD, O you nations, and declare it in the isles afar off, and say, He that scattered Israel will gather him, and keep him, as a shepherd does his flock. Jer 31:10

Country: Singapore
Ministry: Centre for Advocacy, Relations and Engagement 

DECLARE is an expression of unity, to bring together different parts of the Body of Christ in thanksgiving, celebration and worship in a City or Nation.

In 2017, DECLARE began as a beginning-to-end Bible proclamation anchored with The Bible Society of Singapore. It has been held annually over the feast of Pentecost, or Shavuot, as a time commemorating the Law given to Moses at Sinai [Ex 34] and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem [Acts 2]. First held as 72-hour readings by teams reading in succession, Declare is being adopted by churches and fellowships in communities in Singapore, Okinawa, Japan, Sri Lanka and Timor Leste in various adaptations.

Our desire is to see the church without walls across the nations proclaiming the Word of God in 2020 and beyond. We have witnessed how much the declared word has blessed both readers and communities. We even hear of miraculous healings taking place and we would like the transformative power mentioned in Isa 55:11 to reach out to more nations. Your gift enables us to defray costs for worldwide communities, including increasing IT efficiency and communications. Any financial help relieves the pressure of fundraising so that our team of volunteers can concentrate on spreading the Word.

Mode of Giving

To support our efforts towards the Bible Mission, you can donate right now.

For donations via PayNow, please use your mobile banking app to scan the PayNow QR Code or key in BSS UEN No.: S70SS0023A.
Please indicate <Your Name> followed by <DFD> “Donation for Declare” in the reference field.

Alternatively, Cheque donations can be addressed to The Bible Society of Singapore, 7 Armenian Street, Bible House, Singapore 179932.

(At the back of the cheque, please indicate “Donation for Declare ”)

For bank transfer, below are the following details:

Account Name : The Bible Society of Singapore

Account Number : 581-834306-001

Bank Name : OCBC

You can make a difference.

Chinese Ministry – Sower Institute for Biblical Discipleship

新加坡圣经公会华文事工 - 道耕学院

每一分钱, 支助道耕学院发展得更扎实;

每一份情, 祈祷道耕学院发展得更卓越!

新加坡圣经公会道耕学院旨在为本地和亚洲的信徒提供: 门徒培训、领导力、识字班和宣教方面的装备和训练。学院也与可信赖的机构合作,通过工作坊、研讨会和专题大会 发展整全门徒培训计划,以建立教会。

从2020年2月开始,道耕学院(华文系)正式开展网络线上课程(简称“道耕在线”),从圣经与宣教的角度出发,拓展全方位师资培训课程,同时也开发门徒培训课程,围绕12板块:认识圣经、 属灵操练、 宣教使命、 卓越领袖、健康心灵、 婚姻家庭、 生涯规划、 优质管家、事工推动、目标设定、智慧沟通和技能培训。

目前我们的在线课程多数是免费的,若您有感动欢迎自由奉献支持我们的事工。 您无私的奉献与捐款有助于道耕学院在课程编制、翻译、门训及配备上帮助更多基督门徒在属灵和各样装备上提升。



扫码 PayNow 二维码 或

输入UEN No.: S70SS0023A 



The Bible Society of Singapore (新加坡圣经公会)

7 Armenian Street, Bible House, Singapore 179932


帐户名称:The Bible Society of Singapore (新加坡圣经公会)



注明:CH-SIBD / 道耕学院

For further enquiries you may send email to:

Sower Institute for Biblical Discipleship

Country: Singapore
Ministry: Sower Institute for Biblical Discipleship (English Programme)
About The Ministry
The Sower Institute™ for Biblical Discipleship aims to equip and train the body of Christ locally and in Asia in the areas of discipleship, leadership, literacy and missions. Sower Institute also works with established partners to develop holistic discipleship training programmes - through workshops, seminars and conferences - to build up the Christian body and churches.How your donation makes an impactSower Institute offers a wide range of programmes to equip the people of God. Your donation will contribute to the development of quality discipleship resources that would be made available and accessible, benefiting a greater outreach of audience.

Mode of Giving

To support our ministry, you can donate right now.

For donations via PayNow, please use your mobile banking app to scan the PayNow QR Code or key in BSS UEN No.: S70SS0023A.
Please indicate <Your Name> followed by <SIBD-English> “Sower Institute for Biblical Discipleship (English Programme)” in the reference field.
For further enquiries you may send email to:

Cheque donations can be addressed to: The Bible Society of Singapore, 7 Armenian Street, Bible House, Singapore 179932.

(At the back of the cheque, please indicate “SIBD-English")

For bank transfer, following are the details:

•    Account Name: The Bible Society of Singapore
•    Account Number: 581-834306-001
•    Bank Name: OCBC

You can make a difference.

For further enquiries you may send email to:

Make a General Donation

Give to where it is needed most

Country: Global

Ministry: All projects

General donations will give us the greatest flexibility to send your donation to where it is needed most.

Your donation will support local and overseas projects such as Bible distribution to the poor, Bible-based trauma healing for the suffering, Bible translation work for minority ethnic groups.


For donations via PayNow, please use your mobile banking app to scan the PayNow QR Code or key in BSS UEN No.: S70SS0023A.
Please indicate <Your Name> followed by <JAN2024BSS>  in the reference field.

For further enquiries you may send email to:


请通过您的银行应用程序扫描PayNow二维码或输入BSS UEN No.: S70SS0023A,在备注栏中注明您的姓名和”JAN2024BSS”。


Cheque donations can be addressed to: The Bible Society of Singapore, 7 Armenian Street, Bible House, Singapore 179932.
(At the back of the cheque, please indicate “JAN2024BSS")

For bank transfer, following are the details:

•    Account Name: The Bible Society of Singapore
•    Account Number: 581-834306-001
•    Bank Name: OCBC

支票抬头:The Bible Society of Singapore
地址: 7 Armenian Street, Bible House, Singapore 179932.

帐户名称: The Bible Society of Singapore
账号: 581-834306-001
收款银行: OCBC 


As we enter a brand-new year, most of us are expectant—of a fresh start and the new opportunities that another year brings. But with much of the world in disarray, the people in the nations affected by war, natural calamities, political or economic uncertainty do not share the same excitement. They are, instead, plagued by misery and hopelessness.

In an effort to alleviate their suffering, the Bible Society aims to bring God’s Word and humanitarian assistance to the people of these nations. With our collective help, we can provide the destitute the opportunity of hope and a new life.

Li Yumei—an elderly farmer in China who relied on the same passed-down Bible for 50 years—was moved to tears upon receiving her new Bible during the Bible distribution drive in her hometown in Henan Province.

Indika Sampath, who struggled with drug addiction for nearly 30 years in Colombo, Sri Lanka, shared: “Today I am cured, thanks to the love of God and the divine help given by Him. I had many difficulties and pain in my life, but I have dedicated my life to Jesus and now am living a life full of freedom.”

Roeun Vorn, a 70-year-old vegetable farmer in Cambodia, whose home had collapsed due to a flood, said: “I am so grateful for the relief package in this time of hardship. We are grateful to Jesus who always meets our needs.”

Oleg, a battalion commander in the Ukrainian army, recounted: “When we were sent to the frontline, the soldiers' morale started to drop. Losing hope, many turned to alcohol. So, what we did was read Psalms. Every morning, the whole battalion was listening to the Bible. We saw great changes in the soldiers and were able to go through many difficult situations. I am grateful to God and to the believers who supported us!”

We appeal to you to bring hope to the hopeless by supporting the Bible Mission with your donations and enabling us to continue upholding the destitute with the power of hope from the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13).










For donations via PayNow, please use your mobile banking app to scan the PayNow QR Code or key in BSS UEN No.: S70SS0023A.
Please indicate <Your Name> followed by <JAN2024BSS>  in the reference field.

For further enquiries you may send email to:


请通过您的银行应用程序扫描PayNow二维码或输入BSS UEN No.: S70SS0023A,在备注栏中注明您的姓名和”JAN2024BSS”。


Cheque donations can be addressed to: The Bible Society of Singapore, 7 Armenian Street, Bible House, Singapore 179932.
(At the back of the cheque, please indicate “JAN2024BSS")

For bank transfer, following are the details:

•    Account Name: The Bible Society of Singapore
•    Account Number: 581-834306-001
•    Bank Name: OCBC

支票抬头:The Bible Society of Singapore
地址: 7 Armenian Street, Bible House, Singapore 179932.

帐户名称: The Bible Society of Singapore
账号: 581-834306-001
收款银行: OCBC 

Bicentennial Bible Mission Fund

“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” –John 1:14

For donations via PayNow, please use your mobile banking app to scan the PayNow QR Code or key in BSS UEN No.: S70SS0023A.
Please indicate <Your Name> followed by <BBMF> “Bicentennial Bible Mission Fund” in the reference field.
For further enquiries you may send email to:

Cheque donations can be addressed to: The Bible Society of Singapore, 7 Armenian Street, Bible House, Singapore 179932.
(At the back of the cheque, please indicate “BBMF")

For bank transfer, following are the details:

•    Account Name: The Bible Society of Singapore
•    Account Number: 581-834306-001
•    Bank Name: OCBC

Bicentennial Bible Mission Fund 30-Sep-23
Cash and Cheque $192,887.59
Direct Deposit $116,421.91
Credit Card $11,520.00
Total: $320,829.50

Heartiest greetings from The Bible Society of Singapore!

July was a full and fruitful month for The Bible Society of Singapore as we commemorated the bicentennial of the Bible Mission in Singapore with the Bible Mission Banquet. The Bible Mission in Singapore started in 1823 with the distribution of 1,000 Chinese New Testament Bibles to the first Chinese settlers. For the past 200 years, our Society has worked with sister Bible Societies and evangelical communities regionally in pioneering the Bible Mission and advancing the Bible cause. Singapore has been the regional hub for Bible translation and printing projects since the 19th century.  

We are privileged to have had Minister Desmond Lee, Minister for National Development & Minister-in-charge of Social Services Integration, regional and global mission leaders, donors, supporters, volunteers and dear friends of the Bible Mission grace the occasion with their presence. The official launch of the World Chinese Christianity Alliance (WCCA)—where the Bible Society is one of the founding members of this global missional platform under the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) to reach out to all Chinese communities across the globe—was also held in conjunction with the Bible Mission Banquet.  

Amidst the preparations for these events, we are thankful for God’s faithfulness and provision, as well as for the partnerships of various donors such as yourself. All donations for the celebration will contribute towards the Bicentennial Bible Mission Fund (BBMF), which will be channelled towards Bible translation, distribution, engagement and advocacy, and holistic ministries that involve humanitarian and charity causes. It is your generosity that enables us to carry out the Bible Mission in Singapore and beyond.   

As we approach the new year, we invite you to continue to partner with us through your giving and prayers, so that we may allow God’s light and hope to reach more people! 

We thank God for you and for your steadfast partnership in the Bible Mission.

Shining forth Thy Word with you,


Rev. Ezekiel Tan
General Secretary


For further enquiries you may send email to:

Bible Mission Videos