Bobby Sng Scholarship for Theological Studies

Country : Singapore
Ministry: Bible mission, Community Service and Youth Work
In memory of the late Dr Bobby Sng - a prolific author, spiritual mentor, and a dear brother and friend who has touched the lives of many - The Bible Society of Singapore (BSS) launched the Bobby Sng Scholarship for Theological Studies on 15 October 2021 to build up Christians who wish to pursue theological training and serve in spheres that Dr Sng was fiercely passionate about - Bible mission, community service and youth work.
As a visionary, missionary and giant of faith, he is widely recognised as having had a pivotal influence on generations of evangelical Christians in Singapore, after having nurtured thousands of students, many of whom are leaders in Singapore today. He has impacted so many lives, brought many to eternal salvation, and has helped restore many to spiritual wellness. He was truly an extraordinary and exemplary follower of Christ.
Your generous donation to this scholarship is a divine God-anointed investment in the future of the church and the community, empowering our new generation of Christians to reach out and minister to the community. Your gift will go towards supporting the student’s tuition fees and book allowance to study at local theological seminaries in Singapore. For detailed Scholarship awarding conditions, please click here :
Mode of Giving
To support our efforts towards the Bobby Sng Scholarship for Theological Studies, besides Debit/Credit card payments, you may also donate through cheque, bank transfer or PayNow.
For donations via PayNow :
Scan the PayNow QR Code or key in BSS UEN No.: S70SS0023A.
Please indicate <Your Name> followed by <BSSTS> in the Reference field
For further enquiries you may send email to:
For donations via cheque :
Cheque can be made payable to : The Bible Society of Singapore. Kindly mail the cheque to : 7 Armenian Street, #04-01, Bible House, Singapore 179932.
(At the back of the cheque, please indicate “Scholarship”)
For donations via bank transfer, below are the following details:
Account Name : The Bible Society of Singapore
Account Number : 581-834306-001
Bank Name : OCBC
For further enquiries you may send email to: