Mission Update: Ukraine, Sri Lanka & Cambodia

DATE AND TIME: Thursday, 6 July 2023 at 7.30PM–9.00PM

VENUE: 7 Armenian Street, Bible House S179932

Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka has faced an extreme financial emergency since early 2022 that has caused severe uncertainty in Sri Lanka. This has caused 6.9 million individuals and 2.9 million children to be at risk and in urgent need of humanitarian assistance.

The SowCare Organization in Cambodia conducts regular humanitarian relief work in Banteay Meanchey to provide the poor and needy community in Cambodia with holistic care and essential items.

It has been almost two years since the outbreak of the violent war in Ukraine, and yet, regular missile strikes and fighting persists. This war that created the greatest humanitarian crisis of this generation continues to impact the people of Ukraine with constant instability and suffering as they continue to live in trauma and fear.

We welcome you to come and listen to the latest update on the work in Sri Lanka, Cambodia & Ukraine from our speakers.

You may also call Ivan Chee at 6304 5281 or email to ivan.chee@biblesociety.sg and missions@biblesociety.sg

Co-organised by
The Bible Society of Singapore
GoForth 2023

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Rev Dr Choong Chee Pang (1942 – 2021)

(10.9.1942 – 12.6.2021)

In Loving Memory of Rev Dr Choong Chee Pang

从此以后,有公义的冠冕为我存留,就是按着公义审判的主到了那日要赐给我的…… “

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord,
the righteous judge, will award to me on that day…”
— 2 Timothy 4:7-8a (ESV)



  • 锺志邦博士曾在新加坡、马来西亚大专基督徒学生福音团契及信义会事奉。
  • 1977至2001年任教于新加坡三一神学院,先后担任教务主任、院长、研究院主任及东南亚神学研究院区主任、博士生导师及审考员。
  • 1988年起为北京大学客座教授,2002年起为复旦大学客座教授。
  • 1992年起为新加坡共和国总统特委宗教理事会理事,2001年受聘为世界信义宗联会学术顾问。
  • 活跃于画坛,作品曾获多项大奖。由于对时势的兴趣及关注,常应邀为媒体评论时势,曾屡次担任由中国中央电视台和新加坡电视台联合主办的国际大专辩论会评委。
  • 先后毕业于:新加坡南洋大学文学士
  • 著作:《普天注释:约翰福音》《约翰福音(卷上)》《约翰福音(卷下)》
  • 2019年7月锺博士是新加坡圣经公会主办《和合本》百周年纪念——和合论坛的讲员之一,分享题目是 “明道、学道、行道” 。论坛内容收录在
    《太初有道 《圣经》和合百年纪念文集》里。若您想拥有一本,请与我们联系。存书有限,送完为止。
  • 2020 年10月锺博士为新加坡圣经公会主办的“圣经与中华文化艺术节”系列活动分享“基督徒的艺术观”。
    点击链接观看锺志邦博士的的分享: https://youtu.be/j3xzAIQA_bM
探丧:6月14 & 15日 |早上11点 – 傍晚7点
追思礼拜:6月14 & 15日 |晚上8点


5 Poh Huat Road, Singapore 546703



please click on the image to show large version

如果您想为锺志邦博士写吊唁词,请发邮件至 comms@bible.org.sg

锺博士是一位受膏的宗教领袖、圣经学者、牧师、艺术家;他不但热心事奉上帝,更是将信仰生活化。他把信仰和文化结合的透彻贯通。他一生为主摆上,即使到了生命的尽头,依然投入开展上帝的事工。 锺博士不仅是一位导师和好朋友,他积极参与新加坡圣经公会的宣教事工。他是公会华文事工的顾问之一。这不仅对我,而且对整个圣经公会的大家庭是一种鼓励。我们为他丰盛的人生表示敬意,我们非常有福气见证和经历他的人生--一个充满意义和目标的人生。 我谨代表新加坡圣经公会全体同工再次向敬爱的锺志邦牧师(博士)致敬!
What a privilege to have met you, Prof Choong. Though it was just ones, I will keep that meaningful conversation with you in my lifetime. I wish I never had took my time and could have passed you the video archives you've wished to see before you left. Hope this video tribute of you reaches you in heaven.


多年后,我在新加坡圣经公会全职服事。通过宣教活动、举办书画展等时,和锺博士有了初次的接触。锺博士不但是一位圣经学者,也是一位艺术爱好者。2019年是《和合本圣经》问世100周年纪念。我们邀请锺博士成为和合论坛的讲员之一,他二话不说,立马答应,鼎力支持这意义深长的活动。锺博士分享的题目是 “明道、学道、行道” 。论坛内容收录在《太初有道 《圣经》和合百年纪念文集》里。





锺博士自认在天性和气质上是个 “浪漫主义者”,对大地有着强烈的情感,对上帝的创造有着深刻的关注。”乡土 “一直是他最喜欢的主题,这与他童年的成长和在乡村的经历是分不开的。 对他来说,整个宇宙是上帝的杰作,是卓越的艺术品。他在视频中分享说人类的艺术历史就是见证上帝赐予我们创造本能的一个记录,因为上帝是全人类的创造主。钟博士在我们离开前强调,保留文物和保住文化的根,都是很重要的。他把信仰和文化结合的那么透彻贯通,着实为后辈树立了美好的榜样。

经过一段日子的剪辑、加字幕、校阅、修正、再修正后,锺博士的分享视频“基督徒的艺术观” 终于制作完成。我第一时间致电通知他查收邮件,请他过目审阅看看有哪些需要修改的。一会儿功夫,锺博士就回电给我。电话那头听得出他非常的高兴,频频说道我们把他拍得太好了,剪辑配图等都恰到好处,每一个细节都处理得非常完美,他感到非常的满意,还说给我们一个大大的赞,满分100分呀!锺博士,您太给力了。(点击链接观看锺志邦博士的的分享“基督徒的艺术观” https://youtu.be/j3xzAIQA_bM)







Feature Article: Rebuilding Lives, Embracing Change & Resilience

This article was originally posted in our March 2021 Word@Work.

While 2020 was the year that saw COVID-19 ravage countries and economies all around the world,  2021 promises to hold some hope as some nations are slowly emerging from the crisis. In the midst of this transition, The Bible Society of Singapore (BSS) remains steadfast in its mission to make the Word of God known to all peoples, especially in these uncertain times. Having been in existence for more than 183 years now, BSS has never ceased to serve churches and communities around the world, as the Beacon of Light pointing others to Christ.

Strengthening Mental Wellness

As the world adapts to the “new normal”, the Gospel remains ever so relevant as a powerful story of redemption and hope. This is much needed—the lockdowns all over the world have put the spotlight on mental health issues as people find themselves struggling with the effects of confinement and isolation. A survey of 1,000 people in Singapore by Ipsos between April and May 2020 found that one in four respondents said they were not in good mental health. Similarly, an online poll by mental health charity Silver Ribbon found that a quarter of the 577 participants had experienced “more than usual” anxiety and feelings of low moods.

Now, more than ever, is the pressing time to make God’s Word more available, accessible and credible to all peoples. This is why BSS has worked with various partners, such as Care Corner Singapore, Caring for Life, Trauma Healing Institute and Lutheran Community Care Services, to roll out Bible-based mental wellness programmes to help the local community become more resilient. Since December 2020, the Sower Institute for Biblical Discipleship (SIBD)—a Ministry of BSS—and Caring for Life have been jointly holding a LIFE Training workshop twice a month to help participants identify potential suicide cases, and introduce them to the basic principles of suicide identification and prevention.

Mental wellness also has to do with Trauma Healing, which is a ministry that BSS has been helming since 2014, with professional trainers from the USA and local facilitators. In order to amplify our Trauma Healing efforts, SIBD and the Trauma Healing Institute organised a Trauma Healing Initial Equipping workshop which combined proven mental health practices with the wisdom of the Bible to bring restoration and hope to the broken-hearted. SIBD also partnered Care Corner Singapore to organise a series of talks on mental wellness, titled Empowerment for Effective Self-Care. More information on these events can be found on page 28.

To continue efforts to make the Word of God accessible to all peoples, in 2021, SIBD will organise more Bible Literacy Programmes in more languages and for targetted age groups. BSS Chinese Ministry will also expand its reach by working with regional partners in 18 countries and territories in East Asia, South East Asia, the Pacific, and even in North America. It will reach out to the larger Chinese-speaking communities and bridge the gap by offering more Bible-based courses and resources to build up the Body of Christ.

Sowing Care for the Needy

Aside from strengthening our mental wellbeing, God has also called us to serve the physical needs of our fellow brothers and sisters. The Bible urges us to “share (our) bread with the hungry and bring the homeless poor into (our houses)” (Isaiah 58:7a). It is with this missional call in mind that SowCare—the social service arm of BSS—continues to partner the Alliance of Guest Workers Outreach (AGWO)—a movement of Hope Initiative Alliance—to reach out to needy communities, such as the guest workers. On 17 December 2020, SowCare and its pool of volunteers were actively involved in an International Migrants Day cum Christmas Celebration that launched a nine-day long celebration for more than 10,000 workers across 75 factory-converted dormitories (FCDs). A special festive meal was served to 600 guest workers from one of the FCDs on 17 December. (More information on this initiative can be found on page 18.)

Beyond celebrating festive occasions with the guest workers, SowCare is also focused on improving their mental wellness by teaming up with partners to provide suicide prevention support, counselling, recreation activities and befriending services.

Another vulnerable group that SowCare has been blessed to help is the homeless. On 19 December 2020, SowCare hosted a Christmas celebration for 14 rough sleepers at the Safe Sound Sleeping Places (S3P) at the Bible House (S3P is a community initiative to provide temporary shelter for rough sleepers, set up in partnership with the Ministry for Social and Family Development (MSF)). SowCare supports S3P@Bible House, which currently houses 10 homeless individuals. The programme included a lunch and dinner for the homeless individuals, a bazaar and an opportunity for them to receive gifts for themselves and their loved ones. SowCare also distributed 500 care packs to homeless individuals in celebration of Christmas. Aside from S3P, SowCare also supports The Innkeeper’s Project, in partnership with New Hope Community Services and Singapore Kindness Movement, that aims to provide holistic care for 165 homeless individuals housed temporarily in HDB estates.

Also, SowCare aims to work and partner with more churches to impact the community by doing good together with them. (More information on SowCare’s activities can be found on page 20.)

Wielding the Word

With the Lent season upon us, Sower Publishing Centre—also a ministry of BSS—has produced a 2021 Lent Devotional, themed From Fear to Faith, commissioned by the National Council of Churches of Singapore and into its 16th year running. Visit bible.org.sg/lent to get an e-copy of the Lent Devotional 2021.

Sower Publishing Centre will also continue to render more services and digitalisation efforts to make Scriptural resources more available online and on various digital platforms.

In May, BSS will also be organising the annual DECLARE event—a 72-hour long national Bible reading event—typically held in conjunction with the Feast of Pentecost, where believers come together to read the Bible aloud in different languages.

More Partnerships and Initiatives Looking Ahead

Moving forward, BSS will continue to assist churches in digitalising their services through SowerCommuniTech—our offering of digitalisation and media services to meet the future needs of the Christian community. Watch out for more BSS digitalisation projects underway that aim to provide holistic services for the churches and community—fulfilling our core purpose in making God’s Word more relevant in this digital era.

In the midst of this Lent season, let us not forget to be the love of Christ in tangible form to the people around us. May we embody the sacrificial love of Christ to help rebuild lives in need of His transforming power and resilience that comes from an unwavering faith in Him.

Feature Article: Encouraging & Engaging Communities in Need

Encouraging & Engaging Communities in Need

Christmas is a very special time of the year; it is a time where we come together to remember the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who came down to earth in human form to bring hope to humanity. When we consider the birth and life of Jesus, we are also reminded of Jesus’ acts of kindness to the needy and the care he showed for those around him.

In reflecting on the spirit of Christmas, renowned preacher Charles Spurgeon once said, “And when the Lord Jesus has become your peace, remember, there is another thing: good will towards men. Do not try to keep Christmas without good will towards men.”

This year presents us with unique circumstances, as we celebrate the birth of Christ in the middle of a pandemic—a greater call for us to cling on to the Word of God, which promises us that all things will work together for good (Romans 8:28). This is the spirit that The Bible Society of Singapore (BSS) hopes to echo this festive season, by encouraging and engaging communities in need as we move towards a new normal.

Engaging the Local Christian Community: Digitalisation of Programmes and Initiatives

In order to remain relevant and continue serving the Christian community, BSS has launched several digitalisation initiatives in the past few months—which have allowed us to connect with Christians and provide useful faith-based resources in spite of restrictions on public gatherings. One of our first initiatives was the various online webinars and courses to engage the public with God’s Word from the various ministries—the Sower Institute for Biblical Discipleship (SIBD), ETHOS Institute for Public Christianity, and our Chinese Ministry. One of these webinars was the recent Financial Stewardship webinar, in partnership with the Evangelical Alliance of Singapore (formerly the Evangelical Fellowship of Singapore) in conjunction with their 40th anniversary. More information about these sessions can be found on page 28.

To further assist Churches and fellow Christian organisations with adapting to the new normal, BSS has also launched Sower CommuniTech, which aims to help streamline administrative processes and ministry with the use of technology. Sower CommuniTech provides a plethora of digitalisation and media services, such as a National Church Procurement Platform, SecureMeet, Online AGM Solution, PayNow custom QR code generator and webinars on how to use these platforms.  For more information, visit bible.org.sg/communitech.

Encouraging Communities in Need: Initiatives for Guest Workers and Rough Sleepers

In continuing with our core mission of serving the vulnerable and needy amongst us, SowCare—the social service arm of BSS—has been working closely with the Alliance of Guest Workers Outreach (AGWO)—a movement of Hope Initiative Alliance (HIA)—to provide holistic care for the guest workers since the commencement of the circuit breaker in April. With the combined efforts of our volunteers, partners and donors, we have managed to distribute more than one million Care Meals and 1.2 million medical supplies, hygiene products and other food items to over 21,000 guest workers in 300 dormitories.



As these guest workers gradually prepare to resume work after months of lockdown, BSS hopes to go a step further in showing care for them not just in relation to their physical needs, but also their psychological and emotional needs. In this phase, SowCare is focused on the mental wellness of the migrant workers by providing suicide prevention support, counselling, recreation activities and befriending services. On 2 September, SowCare was actively involved in an outdoor activity for about 50 guest workers at Labrador Park and Hort Park. The event was a trial run for Project Sunshine—in partnership with AGWO and the Ministry of Manpower — which seeks to improve the holistic wellbeing of the guest workers. SowCare has also invited hundreds of churches to participate in the Project Sunshine initiative to bless more guest workers especially during Christmas season. More information about the event can be found on page 20.

While we have moved on to a phase of caring for the mental wellbeing of guest workers, SowCare is continuing to show care by bringing them good cheer during festive seasons, such as the recent Deepavali. SowCare supported AGWO on 14 November to distribute meals to about 8,000 guest workers from more than 70 factory-converted dormitories (FCDs)—as reported on The Straits Times and CNA. The meal comprised chicken biryani, kesari and laddus (types of Indian sweets), muruku, other Indian sweets and drinks. More than 100 volunteer drivers were mobilised to help to deliver the food to the various FCDs across the island.

Minister of State for Culture, Community and Youth & Trade and Industry, Mr Alvin Tan, also joined the food distribution exercise. AGWO was glad to partner with the Assurance, Care and Engagement (ACE) Team of the Ministry of Manpower and other like-minded charity organisations in this initiative.

Looking ahead, we are also planning celebrations with guest workers on International Migrants’ Day on 18 December and Christmas this year.

Aside from the guest workers, whose lives have been affected by the pandemic, the ripple effect of COVID-19 has also caused substantial disturbances and difficulties for the lives of many rough sleepers in Singapore.

During the circuit breaker and beyond Phase 1, Bible House opened its doors to provide a temporary shelter for 10 rough sleepers under the S3P (Safe Sound Sleeping Places) project, launched in close partnership with the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF). The temporary shelter at Bible House was known as S3P@Bible House.

Since July, SowCare has also been providing essential items to almost 260 rough sleepers under The Innkeeper’s Project. This has been done through the valuable support from our generous donors and partner organisations—CDC Funds, SG Strong, and OSCAR@SG Fund. Read page 22 for more information about SowCare’s initiatives to help the rough sleepers.

Empowering Global Communities: Overseas Holistic Missions


Staying true to our mission of bringing the hope of the Gospel to unreached communities overseas, BSS has been working with our sister Bible Societies in Uganda, Bangladesh, Nepal, Lebanon, and Israel to bring the Word of God to the unreached in these countries. Our partnerships with these countries include providing and sharing resources with them to bring the Bible to the local communities, as well as providing humanitarian aid when needed—such as during the explosion that happened recently in Beirut, Lebanon, which caused the devastation of homes, and even the Bible House in Lebanon. In November, Cambodia, Vietnam and the Philippines were massively flooded due to raging typhoons in the region that displaced millions of people. We are working closely with our sister Bible Societies in these countries to extend practical help for the victims and bring the Word of Hope to them. Read pages 10-12 for more information about BSS’ overseas missions.

In the words of the late Billy Graham, “Christ didn’t only come into the world that first Christmas night in Bethlehem, but He wants to come into our lives today, and every day of the year.” As we gather with our families and friends to celebrate Christmas amidst these new circumstances, may we be moved and comforted by the unending hope we have in Jesus, and spread His love to those in need.


Want to contribute to the Global Bible Mission? Visit bible.org.sg/donate to donate.

Donation to the Myanmar Bible Society

In line with our efforts to be a channel of blessing to the nations, The Bible Society of Singapore (BSS) works closely with our sister Bible Societies around the world to reach needy communities with not just with the Word of God but also practical help.

To meet the needs of the poor in Myanmar, SowCare—the charity arm of BSS—recently donated SGD $15,000 to the Myanmar Bible Society. There was a great need to support the Myanmar Bible Society in its local humanitarian efforts given the socio-economic challenges the country is facing. The financial aid was used to provide rice, potatoes, onions and cooking oil for more than 300 families displaced from the Rakhine State due to the ongoing Rohingya conflict. The donation also funded the construction of a well at the refugee settlement near Yangon City so that these families would have access to clean water.

SowCare is blessed to be a blessing and we would like to invite you to partner us in our outreach towards the needy and destitute. Visit bible.org.sg/donate to support our various efforts in bringing God’s word and humanitarian aid to the nations.

Cyclone Idai in Mozambique

(Image Source: UNICEF)

About Cyclone Idai and Cyclone Kenneth:

Cyclone Idai hit near Beira city, Mozambique, on March 14, 2019. The heavy rains and strong winds led to flash flooding, hundreds of deaths, and massive destruction of property and crops. Just under six weeks later, on April 25, Cyclone Kenneth hit northern Mozambique about 600 miles away from where Idai had dealt its blow. 

Cyclones Idai and Kenneth are one of the worst storms to have ever hit Mozambique. The catastrophic flooding that resulted from these cyclones has affected almost 2.2 million people in Mozambique and its neighbouring countries. 


(from https://www.worldvision.org/disaster-relief-news-stories/2019-cyclone-idai-facts

March 3 – The tropical disturbance that would become Cyclone Idai develops and begins to strengthen near the coast of Africa.

March 5 – Heavy rains cause severe flooding across Mozambique and Malawi.

March 11 – Now a tropical depression, the storm builds in intensity between coastal Africa and Madagascar.

March 14 to 15 – Tropical Cyclone Idai makes landfall near Beira, Mozambique, as a Category 2 storm with sustained winds exceeding 105 mph.

March 20 – Heavy rains continue along with search and rescue operations and damage assessments.

March 21 to 27 – Governments and humanitarian aid agencies begin responding with life-saving relief supplies to the affected areas.

March 28 – The Mozambique government calls off the search for survivors of Cyclone Idai.

April 2 – Cholera cases in Mozambique top 1,400, according to health officials.

April 25 – Cyclone Kenneth hits northern Mozambique with winds above 125 mph.

How much damage was caused?

Cyclone Idai wiped out roads, bridges, and dams as it swept through Southeast Africa. According to the United Nations, Cyclone Idai and subsequent flooding destroyed more than an estimated $773 million in buildings, infrastructure, and crops. As a result of Cyclone Idai itself, more than 100,000 homes were also damaged or destroyed.

Additionally, Cyclone Kenneth is estimated to have destroyed about $100 million worth of homes, crops, and infrastructure, including boats and equipment belonging to coastal fishing villages.

What was the impact on the Bible Society of Mozambique?

As a consequence of Cyclone Idai, the Bible Society depot in Mozambique suffered huge damages. The violence of the cyclone winds washed away all the roof, thus destroying all Scriptural stock in the warehouse. Additionally, the roof of the office managing the Ndau Revision Bible was destroyed, and books and computers in the office were also damaged.

What is the death toll?

More than 1,000 people have died from the impact of Cyclone Idai and Cyclone Kenneth.

About Mozambique:

Mozambique is a country of 29 million people who live between 4 extremes, namely drought, floods, poverty and tropical cyclones. Apart from poverty, natural disasters are cyclical, leaving little room for the Mozambique people to restore their country.

Singaporeans bring festive cheer to guest workers and Foreign Domestic Workers (FDWs)

This article was originally posted in our Tamil Murasu.

Singaporeans bring festive cheer to guest workers and Foreign Domestic Workers (FDWs) 

Widely celebrated festive seasons, such as Christmas, are especially meaningful because they bring families and loved ones together over shared meals and traditions. However, these occasions can often exacerbate feelings of loneliness among vulnerable communities in society, such as the homeless and guest workers, who may not be able to celebrate with their families. Such feelings may also often be more pronounced among guest workers in Singapore, who frequently experience homesickness from having to relocate and live in an unfamiliar environment.

In an effort to alleviate the emotional struggles of these guest workers, SowCare—a charity arm of The Bible Society of Singapore—and TSL Holdings Group worked collaboratively to include guest workers in their Christmas celebrations this year.

Gathering over 350 guest worker employees at TSL Holdings Group, on 8 December at the company headquarters, the ‘Christmas with the Nations’ event sought to appreciate and recognise the efforts of their migrant employees. In the spirit of Christmas, carols were sung and guest worker employees were gifted with presents as well.

Mr Tan Swee Lim, President of TSL Holdings Group, who was present at the event as the Guest of Honour, honoured the workers who were present in his opening address.

“I am very pleased and honoured to host this meaningful event. It is our way of expressing our deepest gratitude to all of you, who have worked hard to contribute to the success of not only my group of companies, but our nation. Your contributions have included laborious work and long hours, and we are truly thankful for the role you have played.”

The ‘Christmas with the Nations’ event follows a series of Feasts of Appreciation (FOA), which were launched by the Alliance of Guest Workers Outreach (AGWO) in September this year. The FOA initiative seeks to invite the local community to tangibly appreciate guest workers here, by hosting celebratory meals for them.

Sharing his vision and ethos behind the FOA movement, Rev Samuel Gift Stephen, Chairman of the AGWO, said, “In a country where food is such an important part of our lives, sharing a meal with these guest workers goes a long way in showing them how we do not consider them to be alien and are truly appreciative for their role in our society.”

Seeking to include FDWs in the leg of celebrations, 300 FDWs have also been invited to attend an upcoming feast at Bible House on 15 December. The FOA for FDWs will also feature performances by various ethnic groups and a mini-bazaar, including photobooth and manicure stations.

Reiterating the role of FDWs in the Singaporean society, Mr Ezekiel Tan, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of SowCare, shared how, “while guest workers serve in public industrial sectors, the contributions of FDWs are close to home and to the heart. The role they assume is deeply personal and we must remember to remain thankful for the sacrifices they have made and continue to make every day.”

For more information on how individuals or groups can host a FOA, please visit hia.sg/AGWO.



Bobby Sng Scholarship for Theological Studies

Terms of Reference


On 29 October 2019, the President of The Bible Society of Singapore, Dr Lee Soo Ann, mooted the proposal to set up the Bobby Sng Scholarship for Theological Studies (BSSTS). The Board endorsed the proposal on 31 October 2019 and decided to launch the Scholarship during the memorial service of the late Dr Bobby Sng.

A meeting was held on 4 March 2021 to discuss the plans for BSSTS. The Bible Society of Singapore will help to coordinate fundraising efforts. A Scholarship Committee will be formed comprising of leaders from The Bible Society of Singapore and other invited organisations to make awarding decisions.

BSSTS was initially scheduled to be announced on 17 May 2021, however the COVID-19 situation and Heightened Alert measures delayed the launch. It was decided eventually to launch BSSTS on 15 October 2021, a day after the Anniversary of the late Dr Bobby Sng.

Scholarship Name:
Bobby Sng Scholarship for Theological Studies (BSSTS)


The scholarship uses the name of the late Dr Bobby Sng to celebrate his life and ministry, especially in the three areas he is most passionate about: in Bible missions, in community service, and in youth work. Hence, the scholarship aims to fund students pursuing theological studies who aspire to serve or already involved in the above three areas.


Students pursuing theological studies involved in the following works:

  1. Bible Missions
  2. Community Service
  3. Youth Work


Awarding Conditions

The BSSTS is awarded to deserving persons who fulfil the following criteria:

  1. Wish to pursue first degree in theological studies (undergraduate or postgraduate) in a Singapore theological institution. The relevance of the chosen courses will be decided by the Scholarship Committee.
  2. The current approved Singapore theological institutions are:
    • ACTS College
    • Baptist Theological Seminary (BTS)
    • Biblical Graduate School of Theology (BGST)
    • Discipleship Training Centre (DTC)
    • East Asia School of Theology (EAST)
    • Singapore Bible College (SBC)
    • TCA College
    • Trinity Theological College (TTC)
  3. Commit to work or serve in the following areas for at least three (3) years after graduation:
    • Bible Missions
    • Community Service
    • Youth Work

Application Criteria

All applications to BSSTS must fulfil the following criteria:

  1. Applicant must be Singaporean or PR
  2. Applicant must be an active member of a local church
  3. Applicant must be in financial needs
  4. Applicant must complete the application forms and submit all the required documents

Application to BSSTS is open throughout the year, however the Scholarship Committee will usually deliberate and make the awarding decision at least once a year.

Detailed Terms and Conditions

  1. Scholarship is prioritized to be awarded to those who are about to enter their theological study. Exception will be decided by the Scholarship Committee.
  2. There is no age limit for the applicant. Grant will be given based on the applicant’s potential, character, and commitment to the scope of the scholarship.
  3. Scholarship will only be disbursed to those who are already admitted to the undergraduate program of one of the above theological institutions, either full-time or part-time (official admission letter is required)
  4. Scholarship will cover academic/tuition fees and book allowances, excluding accommodation, meal plan, and other expenses (like mission trips, insurance, etc.)
  5. The scholarship recipient must sign and undertake the following:

“I solemnly declare that should I be awarded a Bobby Sng Scholarship for Theological Studies (BSS TS); I will undertake the following:

  1. That on completion of the degree/studies for which the BSS TS has been awarded, I shall be involved in full time work in the area of bible missions, community service, or youth work, for at least 3 years, failing which I shall return the scholarship award in full to the scholarship committees
  2. That during the period of my studies, I shall send written reports to the Scholarship Committees at the end of each term/semester, informing of my academic progress as well as personal developments. The Scholarship Committees reserve the right to cease further scholarship payments or demand return of the scholarship award if academic results or other factors do not justify further support
  3. That I shall do my utmost, God being my helper, to complete with merit or better, the course of study for which the BSS TS has been awarded, so as to be a faithful and responsible steward of God’s gracious provision.
  1. The scholarship recipient is encouraged to do their ministry internship, as required by their theological institution, at the organizations related to the scope of the scholarship.
  2. The scholarship recipient is not allowed to change their theological institution or course of study.

For further enquiries, please write to scholarship@biblesociety.sg. Click here if you wish to contribute towards the Scholarship.


“And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky above;
and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.”
— Daniel 12:3 (ESV)

Our beloved advisor and former President, Dr Bobby Sng, was called home to be with the Lord on 14 October 2019.

Leaving for missions only a year after graduating as a doctor, his life of 83 years was lived to the fullest for God as he served in many different ministerial capacities. In fact, he was on the committee which headed the Billy Graham Crusade in 1978, which was a defining chapter in the local Christian history for sparking revival in the local Church.

He was also a prolific author, having written many staples in Singaporean Christian literature. Some prominent titles—published by The Bible Society of Singapore—are ‘Changing Times, Unchanging Word’, ‘In His Good Time’, ‘Listen to Him! The Last Word of Jesus from the Cross’, ‘The Story of the Old Testament’, ‘The Story of the Church’, and ‘The Story of Jesus’.

As the President of The Bible Society of Singapore from 2002—2012, Dr Sng spearheaded the shift towards regional holistic missions that has heavily contributed to Singapore serving its call of being the Antioch of Asia.

In his own words, Dr Sng wrote, “It is my privilege to have been part of this emerging generation. Converted in the late 40s, nurtured in the Varsity Christian Fellowship in the mid-50s, and commencing an active ministry in the early 60s, I have never regretted embarking on this journey. It was a journey that has taken me from ministering in a rural church in Malaysia to engaging with students in tertiary institutions, from preaching to congregations in Singapore to addressing robust campus groups across the cities of Asia.”

“[The Christian community] is a thriving community, attracting worshippers from different ethnic groups, it is also actively engaged in community service and mission outreach. The Gospel has endowed us with a compelling message—love for God and love for our neighbours. The post-War generation of believers, most of whom hailed from non-Christian homes, have sought to remain faithful to God’s Word, addressing issues as they have arisen. But, our journey has not ended. New issues and challenges will present themselves and these must be met. May the coming years witness a new generation of believers who are equally determined to present God’s unchanging Word in changing times.”

Dr Sng was an inspiration to many local Christian leaders for his great passion and zeal for God, especially Rev Ezekiel Tan, General Secretary of The Bible Society of Singapore—who was mentored by Dr Sng.

“He was an anointed Bible teacher and preacher; what impacted me most about him was not his knowledge of the Word of God, but how he lived it out. His life was that of a godly role model. As my mentor, his wise words and fruitful ministry have shaped my life greatly. It was truly a privilege to have served alongside him while he was president of The Bible Society of Singapore.” — Rev Ezekiel Tan

“He has fought the good fight and gone to glory. May we all humbly follow his example, and keep serving his Master and ours until the Lord returns.” — Dr Ernest Chew, Honorary Chair of the National Museum of Singapore

Dr Bobby Sng's oral history interview with the National Archives of Singapore is available here

Bobby and I entered the university at the same but he to study medicine, I to study arts. We were both in the Varsity Christian Fellowship. However he was drawn to medical missions and after graduation and a year in a hospital, he went with his wife Ivy to the Cameron Highlands where he supported himself by setting up a clinic and also began a church which is still there today, very strong and active. His three children were born there but they returned to Singapore for their schooling. He carried his mission work by serving fulltime with the Fellowship of Evangelical Students. He was the one who challenged me to be the founding chairman of St.Luke’s Hospital. By then I had become general secretary of the bible society of Singapore. I invited him to join the committee, and he became president in 2002. His first love was the bible and he gave the society the privilege of printing his collection of bible stamps. God’s Word was preached in the stamps printed in many parts of the world which he meticulously collected. Besides advising and guiding students, he also preached. Twice he spoke at my home in the university: one was on making the mind captive to God and the second was on keeping one’s lifestyle simple. He obeyed both injunctions and was a role model of simple and sincere life as a Christian.

I served under him as bible society president which he continued when Khay Tham succeeded me as general secretary. Under his leadership, Bible House was rebuilt. Many gave generously because he was the president. Ezekiel Tan also served under him. Truly he has been our bible society leader. I am indebted to him for teaching me many lessons in how to preach effectively and write too. His “In his good time” book is a must for all seminary students on the history of the church in Singapore. The society also published another two books written by him.

It is challenging to follow in his footsteps but his example gives me the confidence to do so for he was always willing to help others. He was a man of few but effective words. He said that he was not used to writing as he was a medical doctor but that made him even more effective because of his wise choice of words. I look forward to re-reading what he has written to inspire me to serve our Lord Jesus Christ even better.
Dr. Lee Soon AnnPresident of The Bible Society of Singapore
Eulogy & Tribute delivered by Rev Ezekiel Tan, General Secretary of BSS
(At Dr Bobby Sng’s Wake Service at Wilkie Terrace Christian Assembly on 16 October 2019.)
A Student leader. Medical doctor. Missionary. Shepherd. Bible Teacher. Preacher. Theologian. Mentor. Social activist. Church historian. Christian statesman. Gentle spiritual giant. Servant of God. The late Dr Bobby Sng played many roles in his decades of ministry.

Although he did not receive any formal training in seminary, he was well sought after for his theological reflections. Although he was not an ordained minister, he had shepherded many pastors and leaders. Although he was a member of a non-denominational church, he was greatly respected by bishops and senior leadership across all denominations. Dr Bobby Sng was truly an extraordinary and exemplary follower of Christ!

In ancient times, priests were called the “cure of the soul”. Dr Bobby Sng was not only a medical doctor who administered medical treatment to those with physical ailments, he was also a physician of the soul—who had brought many to eternal salvation, and had helped restore many to spiritual wellness.

I have known Dr Bobby Sng for more than twenty years. And I was greatly privileged to have been mentored by him, and to have served under his leadership while he was the President of The Bible Society of Singapore. He had served for decades on the board of the Bible Society. From 2002–2012, he served as our President, and thereafter, he continued to contribute towards the Bible Mission as our Advisor to the Board—until he was promoted to glory and returned to the Author and Finisher of his faith.

As much as I have greatly benefited from the leadership skills, biblical knowledge and ministry values that he imparted to me, I was most impacted by his deep spirituality. St Paul exhorts the Corinthian Christians (1:11), “Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ.” Dr Bobby Sng was such a Godly role model—the most Christ-like leader I’ve personally had the honour of knowing. He truly imitated Christ in all that he did.

His humility and spirituality was not only evidenced in public areas, but they were especially visible in the private moments I shared with him. There were many seemingly insignificant encounters that I had with him—day-to-day experiences. These moments, however, have left an important impact upon me. Do allow me to relate some of these anecdotes with you.

While he was the President—and I was the General Secretary designate of the The Bible Society of Singapore—he would meet me privately on a monthly basis. Whenever we arranged for a meeting—despite my objections—he would insist that he take a bus to come to Bible House to meet me, instead of me going to his residence. Even though he was my boss and such a great figure in the Christian community. Thankfully, he did allow me to drive him back home.

During each of these meet-ups—beyond receiving a monthly report of the activities and events we were engaged in as a Society—he was always more interested in learning how he could support me in succeeding in my role.

Even after he had stepped down as President, we would continue to meet up—though not as regularly. Each time—without fail—he would make sure to enquire about my well-being: whether I was coping well and if there was anything he could do to support me. Time spent with him was always deeply edifying—he never failed to generously affirm me in my work. Dr Bobby Sng has been such a pillar of support—and his unfailing encouragement has given me confidence to pursue bold initiatives and changes, in order that we may be more effective and extensive in our Bible Missions.

For many years, I had repeatedly encouraged him to pen an autobiography of his ministry life. He would always decline. He would reiterate that he saw no merit in writing about himself and did not believe in glorifying his achievements. He would be more interested in making Jesus known. Only in his late 70s, at my insistence of leaving behind his spiritual legacy to inspire the future generations, that he reluctantly agreed to publish his collection of sermons tracing the stages of his ministry journey in proclaiming His Lord and Savior. The title of this book is ‘Changing Times, Unchanging Word.’ I have brought 200 copies of this publication, which is probably the last that Dr Bobby Sng—a prolific Christian author and beloved Christian statesman—authored, to be given out tonight for you to remember him, the inspiration and beacon of our generation.

In Philippians 1:23-24, St Paul lovingly related to the church in Philippi:
“I’m torn between two desires: I long to go and be with Christ, which would be far better for me. But for your sakes, it is better that I continue to live.”

Several times I had the privilege to meet up with our saintly Dr Bobby Sng after his hospitalization. Knowing that his life journey here on earth was coming to an end, almost every time, he would echo the words of St Paul that he was ready and eager to meet Jesus. He was so certain of the eternity that awaits him. He was so confident of the destiny beyond this temporal dwelling place.

Like St Paul, Dr Bobby Sng has fought the good fight, he has finished the race, he has kept the faith. (2 Tim 4:7) And He has now gone to be with His Lord in this final destination of his earthly pilgrimage. The legacy he has left will always be an inspiration to me—and to the many others he impacted—to live lives fully and wholly for Christ.

In fact, when I informed the Board of the Bible Society on the passing of our dearly beloved leader, one of them—the Rev Canon Louis Tay—quoted a Bible verse in tribute to this great servant of God, that encapsulates the unending impact his life will have.

(Daniel 12:3) "And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky above; and those who turn many to righteousness, like stars forever and ever.” Truly, the life of Dr Bobby Sng counts for eternity!

My deepest condolences to the family of Dr Bobby Sng—his beloved life companion Mrs Ivy Sng, his daughters (Jen Hwei, Li Hwei and Ming Hwei), his sons-in-law (Nicholas Merrow-Smith, Mak Koon Hou and Francis Lee) and his six grandchildren (Daniel, Joshua, James, Claire, Esther & Grace).

Our heartfelt gratitude to you—for sacrificially sharing your beloved husband, father and grandfather with the larger Christian family. Your lost time with him allowed for him to be a fatherly figure to us, and that time has enriched many many lives—both the young and old. We are forever indebted to you.

Good bye, Dr Bobby Sng—my spiritual father, my leadership guru, my beloved mentor. Though you are no longer on this side of eternity, you will always live on in our collective memories. And one day, we shall meet again.
Rev. Ezekiel TanGeneral Secretary of The Bible Society of Singapore
If you have any testimonies or tributes of Dr Bobby Sng please email us at comms@biblesociety.sg

Defending the Truth: Unmasking Eastern Lightning

Defending the Truth: Unmasking Eastern Lightning

Eastern Lightning (东方闪电), also known as The Church of Almighty God (全能神教会), is a Chinese cult that has been involved in heinous crimes against Christian congregations in the rural parts of China. Some of these acts include kidnapping Chinese church leaders, conversion by coercion, the infamous Zhaoyuan McDonald’s Cult Murder, and rioting.

This panel session aims to raise awareness about the destruction and devastation that Eastern Lightning has caused in the Christian community in China, and invite Christian leaders to take a stand against the violence propagated by members of the cult.

All participants of this panel session will receive a brand-new publication, Unveiling the Truth Behind the Eastern Lightning—A New Perspective on the Church of Almighty God, available in English and Chinese.


  • Rev Li Zheng Xiang
    Chairman (Hainan Province), Three-Self Patriotic Movement and China Christian Council
  • Rev Dr Caleb Soo Lee Chong
    Senior Pastor, Singapore Life Church
  • Rev Dr Wang Yi
    PhD in Mechanical Engineering, Nanyang Technological University
    Senior Pastor, Immanuel Christian Church
  • Rev Ezekiel Tan
    General Secretary/CEO, The Bible Society of Singapore
    Vice-Chairman & General Secretary, Evangelical Fellowship of Singapore

Bishop Terry Kee, Bishop of the Lutheran Church in Singapore and President of the National Council of Churches, and Dr Lawrence Chia, Chairman of the Evangelical Fellowship of Singapore will also be joining us at the panel session.

*Some of the panelist will be speaking in Mandarin, and in English

Date: 29 October 2019
Time: 11:00am–2:00pm
Venue: Pavilion of the Nations, Bible House, 7 Armenian Street, Singapore 179932

For any additional queries please kindly contact Leon Eng at leon.eng@bible.org.sg or call Wei Jie at 6304 3793

A Conduit of Hope in the Region

This article was originally posted in our September 2018 Word@Work.

Although the Alliance of Indian Ministries (AIM*) is still relatively new, its commitment to both local and regional aid has already been proven even in its previous identity as the Indian Christian Network. This was clearly demonstrated in the aftermath of the deadly South Asian floods in 2017 that took place from June to September.

In just three months, more than 45 million people were affected by the monsoon flooding. Rural villages with poor infrastructure were hit the hardest. It was one of the worst monsoon seasons in recent years—buried homes and submerged cultivated fields were a common sight as the extent of the destruction gradually came to light.

With many of those affected unable to get by on a daily basis, let alone even begin to think about rebuilding the livelihoods they had lost, AIM—along with the Bible Society of Singapore (BSS) and with the approval from the Commissioner of Charities—helped raise funds for victims in three of the affected countries: India, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh. The money was used to purchase daily necessities that they were sorely lacking.

Rev Samuel Gift Stephen, Chairman of AIM, recounted how the ministry was able to tap into its extensive network to maximise its relief efforts. "Many of the AIM churches rallied and were activated to send clothes and food rations to India and Sri Lanka," he explained. Apart from daily necessities, Bibles and school supplies were also distributed. Amazingly, one of the requests from a particular Sri Lankan village was to replace their Bibles that were lost in the flood! In total, BSS and AIM jointly gave US$60,000 to the victims.

It is incredibly encouraging to witness our different Indian Christian communities come together to lend their support to fellow Indians beyond Singapore's shores, and we pray that as AIM continues to grow, it will have an even greater impact and presence in the region as a conduit of God's love and hope.

*AIM is a ministry of The Bible Society of Singapore