Customisation Services
BSS offers partnership with churches and organisations to produce Scriptures that meet various needs of the congregation in different seasons. Please contact us to find out how we can cater to your church’s publication needs.
Here are some of the publications produced by BSS with other organisations:
Gospel of Mark: A publication with Heart of God Church Singapore
It includes member’s testimonies and the gospel presentation to reach out to pre-believers.
Gospel of Mark: A publication with Hope Church Singapore
It includes member’s testimonies and the gospel presentation to reach out to pre-believers.

The Good News According to St John: A publication with St Andrew’s Cathedral
It includes a gospel presentation to reach out to pre-believers.

A Gift (Comic): A publication with Covenant Evangelical Free Church
For outreach to pre-believers.

English (ESV)-Chinese (RCUV) Bilingual Bible: A publication with Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Schools (KCPS)
In celebration of the 100th anniversary of KCPS (1924-2024). It includes Foreword, School history, Apostles’ Creed and The Westminster Confession of Faith in English-Chinese bilingual.

A New Start: A publication with Every Nation Church
A special New Testament outreach edition in the English Standard Version (ESV) for Every Nation Church, Singapore.

Jubilee SG50 Bible (New Testament): A publication with Jubilee Day of Prayer (JDOP)
It was given to every Christian attending the JDOP who would then share the good news and give the New Testament to their pre-believing friends or relatives.

Free on the Inside Bible: A publication with Prison Fellowship Singapore
It contains notes of encouragement and advice on following Christ, giving hope and a chance for inmates to transform their lives and claim the freedom that God has promised through Christ.

NEW! Free on the Inside (Chinese) Bible: A publication with Prison Fellowship Singapore
It contains notes of encouragement and advice on following Christ, giving hope and a chance for inmates to transform their lives and claim the freedom that God has promised through Christ.

Bible for Students: A publication with Anglo-Chinese School (Junior), The Boys' Brigade & The Girls' Brigade

Bible for Students: A publication with Anglo-Chinese School (Primary)

ESV-RCUV Bilingual Bible: A publication with St Andrew’s Cathedral
In celebration of the 150th anniversary of the consecration of their Nave worship sanctuary (1862-2012).

Chinese Large Print Bible: A publication with Ang Mo Kio Chinese Methodist Church
Church rebuilding project.

Chinese Bible with John Sung’s hymns: A publication with Chin Lien Bible Seminary
Marking the 110th anniversary of John Sung’s birth.

Bible for Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) in Singapore: A publication with Network of Filipino Churches Singapore (NETFIL)