Meet Our Trainers

Rev Dr Peter Poon
Walk Thru the Bible
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Rev Poon has been involved in Walk thru the Bible Ministry since 1988. Rev Poon has also served in four Presbyterian churches for over 30 years. He is passionate about teaching and training, as well as coaching and mentoring emerging leaders.

Rev Nicholas Choo
WTTB Kids in the Book
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Rev Nicholas Choo holds a B.A. in Psychology with Trent University, and a M.Th from Ontario Theological Seminary in Canada. He is a certified Trainer for Walk Thru the Bible programmes. Since 1992, he has been conducting Walk Thru the Bible programmes, especially Kids in the Book. He is a much sought after speaker and trainer by churches, schools, corporate companies and charitable institutions.

Rev Lim Choon Guan
Trainer profile coming soon.

Elder Jeffrey Goh
Walk Thru the Bible
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Elder Jeffrey Goh has been training Teaching with Style for more than six years with churches and the public. He was an Elder from Bethesda (Bedok-Tampines) Church, as well as a trained teacher and a retired Major with the Singapore Armed Forces. He is now a Management Trainer and has done trainings for the Civil Service College, Singapore Institute of Management and the Management Development Institute of Singapore and many corporations like banks, insurance and real estate companies and statutory boards.

Rev Dr John S H Tay
Biblical Studies Programme
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Rev Dr John S H Tay is currently the Dean of the Faculty of Biblical Studies in the Bethany International University (also known as the Bethany School of Missions). In 2004, he retired from St Andrew’s Cathedral, where he had been Dean and Vicar since 1996.

Dr Mary W J Tay
Biblical Hebrew Courses
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Dr Mary W J Tay has a Ph.D. in linguistics from Edinburgh and a M.Div (with the Board of Governors’ Prize for Overall proficiency and Prize for Theology) from Regent College. In 1989, at the peak of her career as a university professor in NUS, the Lord called her into the full-time Christian ministry and she has been serving Him ever since in various capacities – as full time missionary with OMF, and in preaching, and teaching the Bible in various churches in Singapore. She is an experienced language instructor who has taught different languages to hundreds of missionaries. She currently worships at St John’s- St Margaret’s Church and is an adjunct faculty at Bethany International University (a.k.a. Bethany School of Missions) where she teaches Hebrew and Greek. She has written three books in her retirement, How to Read the Bible, The Single’s Connection, and Grace and Gratitude.

Rev Vincent Lee
Christian Entrepreneurship Programme
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Rev Vincent Lee is the Executive Director of Crown Financial Ministries Singapore, part of the international organisation Crown Financial Ministries founded by the late Larry Burkett, where he has been facilitating Crown’s materials (i.e. Biblical Financial Studies, Business By The Book, etc) for more than eight years. These are teachings on handling money from the instructions of the Bible. He is also the President of Adullam Life Counselling, a Christian ministry that helps people (Help Seekers) who have debt troubles with Money Lenders and Loan Sharks by advising them on what to do so that they could come out of the vicious cycle of debt.
Since 1985, as a businessman, Rev Vincent, was involved in forming and running companies and when he felt called into full-time ministry, he enrolled into Bible school in 2006 while still running his business. He currently serves as the Lead Pastor of Live for Eternity Church.