Thank you for your consideration to donate towards the Bible Mission. Your support of our mission works helps transform and bring hope to many lives.

To donate, you can use any of the following Modes of Giving:

For PayNow and Credit Card donations, kindly click the button below and fill out the donor form to receive an acknowledgment receipt of your donation.

For Cheque donation, following are the details:

  • Address to: The Bible Society of Singapore 7 Armenian Street, Bible House, Singapore 179932.
  • Note: At the back of the cheque, please indicate “2024Banquet”

For Bank Transfer donation, following are the details:

  •   Account Name: The Bible Society of Singapore
  •   Account Number: 581-834306-001
  •   Bank Name: OCBC

If you have any queries, please contact 6337 3222 or email


我们诚邀您赞助一张餐桌(10人座),最低捐款额为 S$3,000 新元。您也可以向圣经宣教基金捐献任何金额(无需赞助餐桌),以支持我们的宣教事工。


通过 PayNow 和信用卡捐款,请点击下边的按钮填写表格并提交,您即可收到捐款收据。

支票抬头:The Bible Society of Singapore
地址: 7 Armenian Street, Bible House, Singapore 179932.
(支票背后请注明 “2024Banquet”) 

帐户名称: The Bible Society of Singapore
账号: 581-834306-001
收款银行: OCBC 

若有任何询问,请致电 6337 3222 或电邮

Country: Singapore

Ministry: All Projects

“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” –John 1:14

“道成了肉身,住在我们中间,充充满满地有恩典有真理,我们也见过他的荣光,正是父独一儿子的荣光。” —— 约翰福音 1:14

Heartiest greetings from The Bible Society of Singapore!

This 2024, the Bible Society commemorates the 201st year of the Bible Mission in Singapore, with the work started by pioneering missionaries such as Rev Dr Robert Morrison and Sir Stamford Raffles. This year also marks the 187th year since the Bible Society was officially registered as an organisation in Singapore. Since then, we have worked with our sister Bible Societies and evangelical communities regionally in pioneering the Bible Mission and advancing the Bible Cause.

In commemoration of the support and help of our partners, donors and friends over the years, and what we have accomplished together, we respectfully invite you to consider sponsoring one or few tables (S$3,000 per table) and host your church members and friends for our Bible Mission Banquet 2024. Details as follows:

The Bible Society of Singapore

Bible Mission Banquet 2024

Date: 5 July 2024, Friday

Time: 7.00pm to 9.30pm (Registration and Cocktail start at 6.30pm)

Venue: The Fullerton Hotel Singapore, The Ballroom, Lower Lobby,

1 Fullerton Square, Singapore 049178

All donations for the celebration will go towards the Bible Mission fund, which will be channelled towards Bible translation, distribution, engagement and advocacy, and holistic ministries that involve humanitarian and charity causes.

The Minister for Culture, Community and Youth, and Second Minister for Law, Mr Edwin Tong, will grace the occasion as the Guest of Honour. Several of our regional Bible Mission partners will be there to enlighten us on the work of the Bible Mission in their communities. We will hear more about the neglected and marginalised, and how the Bible Mission work has brought hope and transformed lives through the Word of God.

We thank God for you and for your steadfast partnership in the Bible Mission.

Faithful in Mission,

Rev. Ezekiel Tan

General Secretary



      为了感谢多年来合作伙伴、捐助者和朋友的支持和帮助,以及庆贺我们共同取得的成果,我们诚邀您赞助晚宴餐桌(每桌 S$3,000),与您的会友和亲友共同参与此盛会。详情如下:






1 Fullerton Square, Singapore 049178






