希腊-土耳其 (2020年10月26日至11月7日)


行程特点 :

雅典卫城 • 哥林多古城• 米特奥拉 • 腓立比

• 别迦摩 • 以弗所 • 士每拿 • 老底嘉 • 棉花堡 • 非拉铁非 • 撒狄 • 推雅推喇 • 圣索菲亚大教堂

*表示该景点道路不平或有梯级,对年长者及行走困难的人多有不 便。我们建议以上团员使用手杖。

往程航班: TK55 SIN-IST 2335-0615


第2天:星期二, 10月27日
航班: TK1845 IST-ATH 0830-0900

早上抵达雅典,开始市区观光游,游览宪法广场Syntagma Square, 议会大厦House of Parliament,以及由身穿传统制服的总统卫队守卫的无名战士纪念碑Tomb of Unknown Soldier。在雅典帕那辛纳克体育场Panathenaic Olympic Stadium稍作停留,然后继续前往宙斯神庙Temple of Zeus哈德良拱门Hadrian’s Arch的考古遗址。之后,参观世界著名的雅典卫城Acropolis*并欣赏雅典黄金时代的建筑杰作(如帕特农Parthenon)。接着去普拉卡老城区Plaka,雅典历史最悠久的街区,也是最有活力的地区,遍布餐厅、咖啡厅及旅游纪念品商店。结束一天旅程后,入住酒店。(含午、晚餐)


第3天:星期三, 10月28日
卡兰巴卡 (上午办理酒店退房手续)
早餐后从酒店出发,参观连接爱琴海和爱奥尼亚海的哥林多运河C o r i n t h C a n a l , 以及哥林多古城A n c i e n t
C o r i n t h。这里曾是一个极为辉煌、繁华的城市,尽管毁于地震、战火,如今仅是一片废墟。在哥林多古城我们会参观雅典古代市集遗址 the huge "Agora" 和阿波罗神庙 Temple of Apollo。哥林多古城是使徒圣保罗居住了两年且撰写帖撒罗尼迦前书前两章的地方。下一站参观达夫尼修道院 Monastery of Dafni,这是一座11世纪拜占庭修道院。继续行程,在晚间抵达到达卡兰巴卡Kalambaka并入住酒店。(含早、午、晚餐)


第4天:星期四, 10月29日
帖撒罗尼迦 (上午办理酒店退房手续)
清晨前往美丽的米特奥拉Meteora*,并从半空中的修道院欣赏美丽的风景。在修道院里,您会看到筑和历史文物。途中停靠山中小镇维利亚Veria,参观圣保罗当年宣讲福音的地方。我们会在这儿参观圣保罗教堂Altar of St Paul。夜宿帖撒罗尼迦Thessaloniki酒店。(含早、午、晚餐)


第5天:星期五, 10月30日
卡瓦拉 (上午办理酒店退房手续)
我们今天参观帖撒罗尼迦的标志-白塔White Tower圣迪米特里斯教堂Church of St Demetrios。接着前往卡Kavala游览腓立比Philippi。参观集市遗址Agora八角教堂The Octagon圣保罗监狱St Paul’s Prison遗址和呂底亞受洗之地遗址Lydia’s Baptismal Site。然后在卡瓦拉Kavala吃晚餐和逗留一夜。(含早、午、晚餐)


第6天:星期六, 10月31日
恰纳卡莱 (上午办理酒店退房手续)
早餐后, 游览罗马渡槽R o m a n Aquaduct圣保罗港口St Paul’s P o r t。接着到土耳其边境T u r k e y Border,进入土耳其境内。我们在境内集合后便步行到旅行巴士。乘坐巴士到达恰纳卡莱Canakkale。在恰纳卡莱过夜。(含早、午、晚餐)


第7天:星期日, 11月1日
伊兹密尔 (上午办理酒店退房手续)
早上,前往美丽的别迦摩Pergamum*。在这座可追溯至公元前399年的古城的众多壮观建筑中,您将参观宙斯神坛Altar of Zeus、图拉真寺Temple of Trojan、剧场Theater以及藏书20万册的图书馆。当时,它的规模仅次于古亚历山大图书馆。在伊兹密尔Izmir逗留一夜。(含早、午、晚餐)


第8天:星期一 , 11月2日
库萨达斯 (上午办理酒店退房手续)
早餐后我们参观士每拿教堂Church of Smyrna圣约翰教堂Basilica of St John。据说,使徒约翰带着圣母马利亚来到这里居住,并在以弗所写了福音书卷。然后到著名的古城以弗所Ephesus*。它是世界上保存最好的考古遗址之一。行程景点包括塞尔苏斯图书馆Library of Celcius、哈德良神庙Temple of Hadrian、图拉真喷泉 Fountain of Trajan 和大剧院 Theatre。接着参观位于科索斯山顶Mt Coressos童女马利亚的故居House of the Virgin Mary。那里被认为是她度过晚年的地方。我们在库萨达Kusadasi逗留一夜。(含早、午、晚餐)


棉花堡 (上午办理酒店退房手续)
早餐后, 启程来到塞尔丘克镇, 在一间皮革专营店Leather Outlet 稍作停留,欣赏时装秀并购物。接着我们到老底嘉Laodicea*,参观剧场、运动场、水塔和剧院。老底嘉是安提阿古二世 Antiochus II 为纪念妻子而以她名字命名的。然后参观由国王忒勒福斯Telephos建立并以其妻希拉的名字命名希拉波立斯Hierapolis*。最引人入胜的是罗马浴场Roman Baths、大剧院Theatre和著名的棉布状石灰岩-棉花堡Pamukkale*。在棉花堡逗留一夜。(含早、午、晚餐)


布尔萨 (上午办理酒店退房手续)


伊斯坦布尔 (上午办理酒店退房手续)
早餐后,我们离开布尔萨B u r s a,驱车到伊兹尼克城Iznik, 旧名为尼吉亚Nicea。这城市是在公元前1000年左右建立的。公元325年,第一次的大公会议在这里举行,焦点是谴责亚流派异端(Arianism)。第七次的大公会议也在这里举行,就是我们将参观的圣索菲亚教堂St Sophia Church。这所教堂建于4世纪,但其马赛克(mosaic)地板可追溯到6世纪,城门和墙是源于拜占庭时期。我们接着到伊斯坦布尔,参观著名的托普卡帕宫Topkapi Palace。它从15到19世纪时是众苏丹的居所。现在则成了一间博物馆,展出皇室收藏的水晶、银器、中华陶瓷和宫服。我们在伊斯坦布尔Istanbul吃晚餐和逗留一夜。(含早、午、晚餐)


第12天: 星期五, 11月6日
今早,将游览由君士坦丁大帝所建造的圣索菲亚大教堂Hagia Sophia(也被称为阿亚索非亚博物馆)。然后参观君士坦丁堡的地下水宫殿Underground Basilica Cistern竞技场Hippodrome of Constantinope。午餐后,在博斯普鲁斯河 Bosphorus River 上享受一次休闲游轮之旅。最后在香料市场 Spice Bazaar 购物。在去机场前,享用丰盛的告别晚餐结束这次旅程。餐后出发去机场。(含早、午、晚餐)


第13天: 星期六, 11月7日
回程航班:TK54 IST-SIN 0155-1730




*表示该景点道路不平或有梯级,对年长者及行走困难的人多有不 便。我们建议以上团员使用手杖。









费用: ≥25位: SGD$4,500*

            ≥35位: SGD$4,150*




- 旅行配套价格包括酒店,陆上交通费,往返经济舱机票 和机场和燃油费(预计$600)单不包括任何机场和燃油附加的费用。参加者得付这附加的费用。

- 旅行费用是根据最少≥35人计算。

- 视乎变化而定-







注册截止日期: 6月30日2020年


如需查询或注册, 请致电(65) 6304 3762, 微信(65)8424 7072 或 info@ibex.sg

敬请留意, 询问圣经圣地之旅及付款需前往总部。

地址:7 Armenian Street, Bible House #04-02, Singapore 179932











Please read the terms and conditions or download a copy here

i. Customers are deemed to have read, understood and accepted the following terms and conditions. For the purpose of clarity, “International Bible Experiences Pte Ltd” shall be referred to as “the Company” hereinafter.

ii. When the customer (You) purchase any tours or goods online from the Company, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.

iii. The Company may change these terms and conditions at any time. Any such changes will take immediate effect when posted on the website, and it is your responsibility to read these terms and conditions on each occasion you use this website.

1.1 Bookings will be accepted upon the payment of deposit as stated in the itinerary. The deposit made forms part of the final payment. However, please note that the deposit does not constitute confirmation of the tour. Confirmation of the tour is subjected to the minimum group size (as determined by the Company), in order for the confirmation to be effected and for the departure to be finalised.

2.1 Payments must be strictly in cash or cheque. Full payment for any product and/or service is required to be paid by the due date stipulated in the online registration form.

2.2 In the event that the Company does not receive any payment when due for whatever reason, the Company reserves the right to cancel the participant’s booking immediately, in which case the participant shall pay the relevant cancellation fees accordingly.

3.1 In the event of a cancellation of the tour, the participant is required to give prior notice in writing or by email to the Company. A cancellation fee is applicable and is based on the following calculation. The Company shall not be held liable for any contingent costs incurred by the participant arising from the cancellation.

(For IBEx tours)
Timeline Amount Forfeited
Once tour confirmation email is sent: Deposit Forfeited
39 to 35 days before departure date: 75% of Tour Package Price
34 to 0 days and no show: 100% of Tour Package Price

4.1 Any amendment requested by the participant to any existing booking will incur an administrative charge of $50 and additional charges levied by the airlines, hotels, or service providers concerned. Any amendment request will be subjected to airlines’, hotels’, and service providers’ approval and conditions.

5.1 All participants are strongly recommended to purchase a travel insurance to cover unforeseen circumstances such as trip cancellation, personal baggage loss, personal accident, injury or illness. The purchase of travel insurance is an additional cost and is to be borne by the participant. Under no circumstances is the Company responsible for expenses of uninsured participants. Under no circumstances is the Company to be construed of as being a carrier under contract for the safe carriage of any passenger and/or his/her baggage and belongings.

6.1 Different embassies and consulates require varying lengths of time to process visa applications. The Company renders assistance in visa application wherever possible. The Company cannot, however, guarantee the approval of such visa application. This service is subject to (auxiliary) charges.

6.2 If, for any reason, application for a visa or exit permit is rejected, the relevant cancellation fee as stated under the section “Cancellation by Participant”, and/or in the addendums to the terms and conditions, if any, will apply.

6.3 The Company will not be responsible for any expense, reimbursement or refund of the trip fare if the participant is deported or refused entry by immigration authorities on the trip for whatever reasons, including improper travel documents, quarantine, custom regulations, and possession of unlawful items or irregularities that may cause harm/damage to person or property.

7.1 Any extension or deviation of stay may be permitted at the end of the tour. This is subjected to the maximum validity and restrictions of air tickets, seat confirmation and availability of hotel prior to commencement of tour. It is the participant’s responsibility to hold firm confirmation for their return flight.

7.2 When extension or deviation cannot be confirmed three weeks prior to group departure date, the participant is deemed to remain with the original tour schedules.

7.3 Extension of stay or deviation will be at the participant’s own expense and transfers to or from the airport will not be provided.

8.1 Where the Company has not been negligent nor in breach of any duty, it assumes no responsibility for injury, damage, accident, loss, delay or irregularities that may be caused to person or property where such occur as a result of circumstances beyond its control.

8.2 The Company does not accept any liability, whether negligent or otherwise, of those service providers for and during the trip but will render assistance wherever possible. The Company will also not be responsible or liable (for damages, refunds or otherwise) for: mechanical breakdown, government actions, weather, acts of God, strikes, compulsory quarantine, or other circumstances beyond its control.

8.3 The Company reserves rights to alter routes, timetables, itineraries, and accommodation reserved if this is so necessary or in the case of force majeure and to cancel any tour prior to departure for any reason including insufficient number of passengers.

8.4 The Company will as far as possible try to notify the client 14 days prior to departure in the case of cancellation due to insufficient numbers or as early as possible if cancellation is due to other factors.

9.1 The Company reserves the right to cancel or withdraw any bookings made for a participant or decline to accept or retain any person as a Participant of the trip due to the following circumstances.
a. Failure of participant to obtain required documentation (e.g. Health certifications, visas, passports, etc.)
b. Failure of participant to follow reasonable instructions including but not limited to check-in and check-out places and times.
c. When it appears to the Company, the participant is likely to endanger the health or safety of the rest of the Participants.

9.2 In any of the foregoing events, the Company’s sole liability shall be to refund to the client any monies paid less the amounts for service utilized, administration and cancellation fees.

10.1 The Company respects your privacy and will make the necessary security arrangements to safeguard your personal information. It is the Company’s practice not to ask for information unless the Company needs and/or intends to use it. The primary purpose for collecting your personal information is to provide and deliver our products and services to you; improving our service and to conduct research and analysis and advertising and marketing our products and services (“the purposes”).

10.2 The type of personal information that the Company collects includes but is not limited to; your name, home and email addresses, home/office and mobile numbers; date of birth; gender, passport number and details, marital status, occupation, nationality, and other information necessary to fulfil specific travel and tour related purposes (such as booking air tickets and accommodations, visa application, emergency contact purposes etc.)

10.3 When you provide the Company with personal information for the purpose of receiving any form of assistance from the Company, the Company will collect, use and/or disclose such personal information solely to facilitate providing such assistance. Personal data collected will not be given to third parties unless it is necessary to fulfil the purposes set out herein (e.g. to share your information with vendors like hotels, airlines, land operators etc.) The Company will within its means to ensure that these third parties are also under similar obligations to protect your personal information.

10.4 The Company may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. This Privacy Policy is not intended to, nor does it create, any contractual rights whatsoever or any other legal rights, nor does it create any obligations on the Company in respect of any other party or on behalf of any party.

11.1 The Company will only conduct water baptism upon request by the Pastor or Ministry leader who is leading the tour group for their church.

11.2 The Company will not accept any registration for twin sharing if the couple is unmarried.

11.3 All claims against The Company must be made in writing within 14 days from the date of return to Singapore for the company’s investigation. No responsibility is accepted in respect of any complaint and/or claim not so made.

11.4 The Company reserves the right to change, amend, insert, or delete any of the Terms and Conditions, or polices contained in this document, as the case may be, without prior notice.

11.5 These terms and conditions shall be governed and construed in accordance with Singapore law, and each of the parties submits itself to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Republic of Singapore.

Please read the following FAQ.

A.General information about IBEx
1. IBEx is a licensed travel agent with Singapore Tourism Board (TA no. 02822).
2. Office address: International Bible Experiences (Main Office):  7 Armenian Street, #B2-02, Singapore 179932.
3. Operating hours: Mon-Fri, 9am-6pm (Closed on weekends and Public Holidays).
4. General enquiry: Call 6304 3762 or Email info@ibex.sg

B. Bookings and Payments
1. How do I book a tour package?
Visit our website www.ibex.sg to select your choice of tour and register online. After registration, mail the cheque deposit to IBEx’s office (Refer to A2). Please ensure your passport has at least 7 months’ validity from the date of departure.

2. Amendments to booking
If you want to make changes after the online registration closes, there is an IBEx amendment fee of $50 and, in addition, the airline and land operators’ amendment charges will apply where applicable. For cancellation of tour, refer to D.

3. Modes of Payment
We accept the following
i. Cash: Please pay in person at IBEx’s office (Refer to A2.)
ii. Cheque: Crossed and made payable to ‘IBEX’ as indicated in the booking form. Please indicate participant’s name, contact no, tour destination and tour dates on the back of the cheque.
iii. ATM, Bank transfer and PayNow: Please contact us for the bank details or UEN Number.

C. Accommodation
1. What is the hotel standard for the tours?
Generally, we will provide 3-5 star hotel accommodation. This will be indicated in the tour itinerary.
2. What type of room options is available?
The tour cost displayed is based on twin sharing. For single room, there will be a supplementary cost. For triple sharing room, the tour cost for each participant remains the same for twin sharing. There is no reduced cost for triple sharing.

D. Cancellation and Refund
1. What happens when I cancel the tour?
You are required to inform IBEx on your cancellation via email or writing. A cancellation fee will be imposed on the participant. Refer to the table below for the cancellation charges.

Cancellation Fee
45days or more before departure date
Deposit Forfeited
75% of Tour Package Price
34-0days and no show
100% of Tour Package Price
*Cancellation fee may be covered by specific travel insurance (optional) for which the premium has been paid and the reason for the cancellation is covered by the policy.

2. What happens to my tour deposit if the tour fails to materialise?
Upon the closing of registration, if a tour fails to materialize, the deposit will be returned to participants.

E. Visa
1. Do I need a visa?
Refer to the table below to check if you require a visa to your tour destination. We will assist in visa application wherever possible; however, there will be extra charges. For overseas participants joining our tours, you are required to apply for your own visas at the nearest embassy to you. If your country is not listed in the table, please check with the embassy if you are required to apply for a visa.

Who requires Visa?
Indonesia, Malaysia
Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar
Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam
Note: Correct as at 1st February 2016

F. Others
1. Can I extend the tour?
Participants who are interested to extend the tour are required to purchase their own air tickets (same departure flight to tour destination). They are only permitted to extend after the end of the tour.

2. Travel insurance
Participants are strongly encouraged to purchase their own travel insurance so as to cover any unforeseen circumstances for their tour.

3. Terms and conditions
The full terms and conditions are available on IBEx’s website

How to Register

  1. To register, please click the button SIGN UP NOW and you will be directed to the registration page.
  2. To register for Bible Land Tours, please click on the respective category. Choose the tour or trip that you are registering and press Continue.
  3. Complete the registration form and upload a copy of the Passport ID page for each participant.
  4. Cheque deposit is required upon registration and balance payment will be collected once the tour is confirmed.
  5. For participants who are below 21 years, they are required to fill an indemnity form. This is available for download at the CONSENT page.
  6. Kindly note that all correspondence will be emailed to Participant #1.
  7. If you have any enquiries on registration or having trouble registering, please contact us at Tel: (65) 6304 3762 or Email: info@ibex.sg.

Please use the latest Chrome/ Firebox browser to proceed your registration

Turkey & Greece (10 – 24 Apr 2020)

Join us for a journey to the lands of ancient treasures and Christian history. Enjoy breathtaking views at some of the most beautiful and unique biblical sites in both Turkey and Greece. Walk through the lands of the Churches of Revelation with visits to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea. You will also walk in the footsteps of the Apostle Paul and experience Greek history, culture and learn more about early Christianity. From the iconic religious sites retracing the footsteps of the Apostle Paul to the UNESCO World Heritage Site like the Acropolis in Athens. A truly inspirational experience!

Tour Highlights:
Turkey - Hagia Sophia, Pamukkale, Hierapolis, Laodicea, Philadelphia, Sardis, Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamon
Greece - Philippi, Thessaloniki, Meteora, Delphi, Acropolis

Changi Airport

Day 1 - Fri, 10 Apr
Assemble at Changi Airport to begin your journey to Turkey and Greece.
Departure Flight: TK55 SIN-IST 2335-0525
Check-in starts from 8.30pm
(Changi Airport, Terminal 1)
Meals on board the plane.

Hagia Sophia

Day 2 – Sat, 11 Apr
Arrive in Istanbul and proceed to Sultanahmet Square (Old City). Visit Hippodrome, center of sporty (chariot
races, athletics) events and political activities of the old city. Obelisk of Theodosius, Serpentine Column and
German Fountain of Wilhelm II are the monuments decorating Hippodrome. Then visit the Hagia Sophia, now
called the Ayasofya Museum. Built by Constantine the Great, it was reconstructed by Justinian in the 6th century
and is unquestionably one of the finest buildings of all time. Then we take the Bosphorus cruise to enjoy the unique experience of cruising between 2 continents, Asia and Europe. Lastly, we will visit the aromatic Spice Bazaar, where the smells of cinnamon, cloves and thyme, rise from hundreds of colourful muslin bags at every store-front. Dinner and overnight in Istanbul. (L/D)

St Peter's Cave Church

Day 3 – Sun, 12 Apr
(Check-out in the morning)
After an early breakfast, transfer to the airport for domestic flight to Hatay, ancient Antioch.
Flight: TK2252 IST-HTY 1000-1155

Antioch is thought to have been founded in 300 BC. St Peter was the first to preach here, followed by St Paul and Barnabas whose extensive efforts proved to be very fruitful for Christianity. Highlights include the museum which houses a superb collection of mosaics from Antioch, Daphne and Seleucia Pieria. St Peter’s Grotto, the cave church, came to be known as the meeting place of the early Christians. The most interesting monument here is the Tunnel of Titus, which is a tremendous canal dug for the purpose of diverting waters from the Orontes River. Another highlight is the rock tombs with their impressive facades pertaining to the Hellenistic period. Overnight in Antioch. (B/L/D)


St Paul's Well

Day 4 - Mon, 13 Apr
(Check-out in the morning)
After an early breakfast, we drive north to Cappadocia. Our first stop is Tarsus, the birthplace of St Paul. Highlights include St Paul’s well and Cleopatra’s Gate. Than second stop is Derinkuyu, an underground city carved into soft rocks resembling a huge labyrinth of tunnels, rooms, kitchens, wine cellars and passageways. A huge chimney ventilates this 8-level dwelling, which was used by Christians hiding from their Roman and Byzantine persecutors. Their colourful frescoes remain as vibrant as when they were first made. Further on, we come to Cappadocia, which reminds the visitor of a village out of Grimm’s Fairy Tales. Overnight in Cappadocia. (B/L/D)


Valley of Goreme

Day 5 - Tue, 14 Apr
(additional USD$250, early in the morning)
In the morning, we visit the Valley of Goreme to explore the unusual troglodyte dwellings, remains of the early churches comprising complicated rooms hollowed out of the cones of volcanic ash and decorated with scratched frescoes. We will visit the Apple Church, the Church of Sandals, and the Church with a Buckle in Goreme. Next stops are Ortahisar and proceed to the pottery town of Avanos where Kizilirmak (Hallys), the longest river of Turkey, meanders leaving the red clay on its banks that has been the raw material of pottery for centuries. Stop by the famous local pottery where you can buy some as souvenir. Dinner and overnight in Cappadocia. (B/L/D)


Antioch Pisidian

Day 6 - Wed, 15 Apr
(Check out in the morning)
Following an early breakfast, we drive to Pisidian Antioch (Yalvac). During Paul’s time, the population was made up of Jews, Romans and Greeks. Very little is left of Pisidian Antioch today. Thereafter, we proceed to Pamukkale and stay the night there. Overnight in Pamukkale. (B/L/D)



Day 7 - Thu, 16 Apr
(Check out in the morning)
In the morning, visit the Antique City of Hierapolis where Calcareous hot springs descending over cliff shave created fascinating travertines in the form of white terrace and basins. Then stop at Laodicea where we find here two Theaters, a large Stadium, a Water Tower and an Odeon. The city is named by Antiochus II in honor of his wife, Laodicea. St. Paul wrote a letter to the church here (Acts:4:16). Drive to Alasehir. Visit Philadelphia which was an important Christian centre during Byzantine times. Then proceed to Sardis whose history dates back to 12th century B.C. Sardis felt the influence of Christianity very early and was included in the Seven Churches of the Apocalypse. During the Byzantine times it was the seat of a bishopric. Highlights will be a Synagogue, Gymnasium, Byzantine Church and the Temple of Artemis. Drive to Kusadasi. Dinner and overnight in Kusadasi. (B/L/D)


Day 8 - Fri, 17 Apr
(Check out in the morning)
Drive to Selcuk Town and stop at a Leather Outlet on the way. Visit the famous ancient city of Ephesus, one of the world’s finest archaeological sites. Highlights include the Library of Celcius, the Temple of Hadrian, the Fountain of Trajan and the Theatre. After lunch, visit the Basilica of St John “the Evangelist” who came here with the Virgin Mary and wrote his Gospel in Ephesus. Dinner and overnight in Kusadasi. (B/L/D)


Day 9 - Sat, 18 Apr
(Check out in the morning)
In the morning, drive to Izmir and visit one of the Churches of Revelation in Izmir (Symra). Then drive to Thyteria to see the remains of the church. This was one of the principle towns where Christianity spread quickly. Proceed to Pergamon. Among the impressive structures of this city, dating from 399 B.C., we will see the Altar of Zeus, Temple of Dionysus and the 200,000 volume library which was surpassed only by that found in Alexandria at the time. Proceed to Canakkale. Dinner and overnight in Canakkale. (B/L/D)


Day 10 - Sun, 19 Apr
(Check out in the morning)
After breakfast, check-out from the hotel and drive to Greece Border. Cross to Greece side at around 11:30am. Depart and drive via the first Greek town, Alexandroupolis. Continue along the coast to Kavala, Biblical Neapolis. Drive to and visit UNESCO World Heritage Site Philippi to explore the archaeological site and its incredible ruins. Here you can see the remains of the Agora, the Octagon, the remains of the 2 Basilicas and St, Paul’s prison. Completing the tour, drive to Kavala. (B/L/D)

White Tower

Day 11 - Mon, 20 Apr
(Check out in the morning)
Continue along the coast to Greece’s second city, Thessaloniki. See the White Tower (the symbol of the city), the Via Egnatia, the Church of St. Dimitrios and the Rotunda. After lunch, drive south into central Greece, to Kalambaka, the town nestling at the foot of Meteora. On the way, visit the mountain town of Veria. See the spot where St. Paul preached the gospel and continue on to Kalambaka. (B/L/D)


Day 12 - Tue, 21 Apr
(Check out in the morning)
This morning, we drive to Meteora and visit one of the Meteora monastery. Standing amid striking scenery, perched on top of huge rocks, which seem to be suspended in mid air. Inside, see exquisite specimens of Byzantine art, manuscripts and jewellery. Then drive to Delphi. Dinner and overnight in Delphi hotel. (B/L/D)

Day 13 - Wed, 22 Apr
(Check out in the morning)
After breakfast, we visit the archaeological site of Delphi. On the slopes of Mt. Parnassus, lie the ruins of the Sanctuary of the Apollo Pythios. See and visit the Doric Temple, the Treasury of the Athenians and see Castalia Spring. Visit also the museum holding masterpieces of ancient Greek sculpture such as the bronze charioteer. On the way back to Athens, passing the mountain village of Arachova, Levadia and the town of Thebes.

Arrive in the early afternoon in Athens and proceed with your Half Day City Tour. See Syntagma Square, the House of Parliament and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, guarded by the Evzones in their traditional costume. See the Athens Academy and the University. Stop at the Pan Athenaic Olympic Stadium (where the first Olympic Games of the modern era were held in 1896). See the archaeological site of the Temple of the Olympian Zeus and Hadrian’s Arch. After dinner, transfer to the hotel and check in. Overnight in Athens. (B/L/D)


Day 14 - Thu, 23 Apr
(Check out in the morning)
After breakfast, we drive west along the coastal highway, the Apollo coast where we will stop to see the Corinth Canal, which connects the Aegean and the Ionian Seas. Continue to and visit Ancient Corinth. See the Bema, the Temple of Apollo, the remains of the Agora, and Pyrene Fountain. Visit Cenchreaes, from where the Apostle Paul departed on his journey. Lunch at a local restaurant. On the Acropolis, visit the architectural masterpieces of the Golden Age of Athens: The Propylaea, the Temple of Athena Nike, the Erechtheion and the Parthenon. Free time for shopping in Plaka area and Syntagma Square until dinner at a local restaurant. Evening transfer to Athens airport for flight to Istanbul (transit) for connection flight to Singapore. (B/L/D)
Departure Flight: TK1844 ATH-IST 2225-2355



Day 15 - Fri, 24 Apr
Transit in Istanbul
Flight to Singapore: TK54 IST-SIN 0200 – 1750
Arrive in Singapore at 5.50pm.


Tour Information:


Date: 10 - 24 Apr 2020
Price: ≥20 pax: SGD$5,450* ≥30pax: SGD$4,850*


Single's Day Promotion
Enjoy $100* discount per pax when you sign up for this Bible Land Tour.
Valid: Register by 31 Dec 2019.





Registration extended: 31 Dec 2019


*Terms and Conditions.
- Tour cost includes airfare, airport & fuel taxes and land package as in itinerary.
- Excludes any increase in taxes.


- The itinerary and flight schedules are subject to change without prior notice in the event of unforeseen circumstances.
- Hotel confirmations will be given 2 weeks before departure.


Tel: (65) 6304 3762 | Whatsapp: (65) 8424 7072 | Email: info@ibex.sg

Kindly note that Bible Land Tour enquiries and payments can only be attended to and collected @Armenian Office.

Spiritual Director

Rev Dr Danny Goh is the Pastor of The Bible Church, Singapore. Previously, he lectured at Singapore Bible College and TCA College and he majors in the counselling, family life and pastoral ministry. With his wealth of experience in teaching and preaching the Word, he will be able share biblical insights on the Word during the tour.

Corinth Canal




Hagia Sophia




Here's to even greater savings this 11.11. Enjoy $100* discount per pax when you sign up for the following tours.

10-24 Apr 2020
Biblical Journey to Turkey & Greece
Turkey & Greece
Spiritual Director: Rev Dr Danny Goh

5-14 Jun 2020
Experience Germany + Passion Play
No Spiritual Director

Valid: Register by 31 Dec 2019

*Terms and Conditions apply

How to Register

1. Click on the Sign Up Now button and you will be directed to the registration page.
2. To register for Bible Land Tours, please click on the respective category. Choose the tour or trip that you are registering and press Continue.
3. Complete the registration form and upload a copy of the Passport ID page for each participant.
4. Cheque deposit is required upon registration and balance payment will be collected once the tour is confirmed.
5. For participants who are below 21 years, they are required to fill an indemnity form. This is available for download at the CONSENT page.
6. Kindly note that all correspondence will be emailed to Participant #1.
7. If you have any enquiries on registration or having trouble registering, please contact us at Tel: (65) 6304 3762 or Email: info@ibex.sg.

Please use the latest Chrome/ Firebox browser to proceed your registration.

Please read the following Terms and Conditions or download a copy here

Participants of the tour are deemed to have read, understood and accepted the following terms and conditions. For the purpose of clarity, ‘International Bible Experiences Pte Ltd’ shall be referred to as “the Company” hereinafter.

When the participant (You) purchase any tours or goods online from the company, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.

The Company may change these terms and conditions at any time. Any such changes will take immediate effect when posted on the website, and it is your responsibility to read these terms and conditions on each occasion you use this website.

Bookings will be accepted upon payment of deposit as stated in itinerary. The deposit made forms part of the final payment. However, please note the deposit does not constitute confirmation of the tour. Confirmation of tour is subjected to the minimum group size (as determined by the Company) in order for the confirmation to be effected and for the departure to be finalised.

Payments must be strictly in cash or cheque. Full payment for any product and/or service is required to be paid by the due date stipulated in the online registration form.

In the event that the Company does not receive any payment when due for whatever reason, the Company reserves the right to cancel the participant’s booking immediately, in which case the participant shall pay the relevant cancellation fees accordingly.

In the event of a cancellation of tour, the participant is required to give prior notice in writing or by email to the Company. A cancellation fee is applicable and is based on the following calculation. The Company shall not be held liable for any contingent costs incurred by the Participant arising from cancellation.

Once tour confirmation email is sent: Deposit Forfeited
39-35 days before departure date: 75% of Tour Package Price
34-0 days and no show: 100% of Tour Package Price

Any amendment requested by the Participant to existing booking will incur an administrative charge of $50 and additional charges levied by the airlines, hotels, or service providers concerned. Any amendment request will be subject to airlines, hotels, and service providers’ approval and conditions.

All Participants are strongly recommended to purchase a travel insurance to cover unforeseen circumstances such as trip cancellation, personal baggage loss, personal accident, injury or illness. The purchase of travel insurance is an additional cost and it is to be bore by the participant. Under no circumstance is the Company responsible for expenses of uninsured participants. Under no circumstances is the Company to be construed of as being a carrier under contract for the safe carriage of any passenger and/or his/her baggage and belongings.

* Participants are advised to buy adequate travel insurance, including cover against the following:
(1) the validity of his or her passport, with at least a minimum of 6 months from the departure date of the trip;
(2) the necessary visas, vaccinations, health certificates; and
(3) all necessary travel documents (eg. Exit permit, work permit, social visitor pass, etc) as required by the various government authorities of the country/countries to be visited.

Different embassies and consulates require varying lengths of time to process visa applications. The Company renders assistance in Visa application wherever possible. The Company cannot, however, guarantee the approval of such visa application. This service is subject to (auxiliary) charges.

If, for any reason, application for Visa or exit permit is rejected, the relevant cancellation fee as stated under the section “Cancellation by Participant”, and/or in the addendums to the terms and conditions, if any, will apply.

The Company will not be responsible for any expense, reimbursement or refund of the trip fare if the Participant is deported or refused entry by immigration authorities on the trip for whatever reasons, including improper travel documents, quarantine, custom regulations, and possession of unlawful items or irregularities that may cause harm/damage to person or property.

Any extension or deviation of stay may be permitted at the end of the tour. This is subjected to maximum validity and restrictions of air tickets, seat confirmation and availability of hotel prior to commencement of tour. It is the Participant’s responsibility to hold firm confirmation for their return flight.

When extension or deviation cannot be confirmed three weeks prior to group departure date, Participant is deemed to remain with the original tour schedules.

Extension of stay or deviation will be at Participant’s own expense and transfers to or from the airport will not be provided.

Where the Company has not been negligent nor in breach of any duty, it assumes no responsibility for injury, damage, accident, loss, delay or irregularities that may be caused to person or property where such occur as a result of circumstances beyond its control.

The Company does not accept any liability, whether negligent or otherwise, of those service providers for and during the trip but will render assistance wherever possible. The Company also will not be responsible or liable (for damages, refunds or otherwise) for: mechanical breakdown, government actions, weather, acts of God, strikes, compulsory quarantine, or other circumstances beyond its control.

The Company reserves rights to alter routes, timetables, itineraries, and accommodation reserved if this is so necessary or in the case of force majeure and to cancel any tour prior to departure for any reason including insufficient number of passengers.

The Company will as far as possible try to notify the client 14 days prior to departure in the case of cancellation due to insufficient numbers or as early as possible if cancellation is due to other factors.

The Company reserves the right to cancel or withdraw any bookings made for a Participant or decline to accept or retain any person as a Participant of the trip due to the following circumstances.
(1) Failure of Participant to obtain required documentation (eg. Health certifications, visas, passports, etc.)
(2) Failure of Participant to follow reasonable instructions including but not limited to check-in and check-out places and times.
(3) When it appears to the Company, the Participant is likely to endanger the health or safety of the rest of the Participants.
In any of the foregoing events, the Company’s sole liability shall be to refund to the client any monies paid less the amounts for service utilized, administration and cancellation fees.

The Company respects your privacy and will make the necessary security arrangements to safeguard your personal information. It is the Company’s practice not to ask for information unless the Company needs and/or intends to use it. The primary purpose for collecting your personal information is to provide and deliver our products and services to you; improving our service and to conduct research and analysis and advertising and marketing our products and services (“the purposes”).

The type of personal information that the Company collects includes but is not limited to; your name, home and email addresses, home/office and mobile numbers; date of birth; gender, passport number and details, marital status, occupation, nationality, and other information necessary to fulfil specific travel and tour related purposes (such as booking air tickets and accommodations, visa application, emergency contact purposes etc.)

When you provide the Company with personal information for the purpose of receiving any form of assistance from the Company, the Company will collect, use and/or disclose such personal information solely to facilitate providing such assistance. Personal data collected will not be given to third parties unless it is necessary to fulfil the purposes set out herein (eg. to share your information with vendors like hotels, airlines, land operators etc.) The Company will within its means to ensure that these third parties are also under similar obligations to protect your personal information.

The Company may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. This Privacy Policy is not intended to, nor does it create, any contractual rights whatsoever or any other legal rights, nor does it create any obligations on the Company in respect of any other party or on behalf of any party.

The Company will only conduct water baptism upon request by the Pastor or Ministry leader who is leading the tour group for their church.

The Company will not accept any registration for twin sharing if the couple is unmarried.

All claims against The Company must be made in writing within 14 days from the date of return to Singapore for the company’s investigation. No responsibility is accepted in respect of any complaint and/or claim not so made.

The Company reserves the right to change, amend, insert, or delete any of the Terms and Conditions, or polices contained in this document, as the case may be, without prior notice.

These terms and conditions shall be governed and construed in accordance with Singapore law, and each of the parties submits itself to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Republic of Singapore.


Please read the following FAQ.

A. General information about IBEx
1. IBEx is a licensed travel agent with Singapore Tourism Board (TA no. 02822).
2. Office address: International Bible Experiences (Main Office): 7 Armenian Street, #B2-02, Singapore 179932.
3. Operating hours: Mon-Fri, 9am-6pm (Closed on weekends and Public Holidays).
4. General enquiry: Call 6304 3762 or Email info@ibex.sg

B. Bookings and Payments
1. How do I book a tour package?
Visit our website www.ibex.sg to select your choice of tour and register online. After registration, mail the cheque deposit to IBEx’s office (Refer to A2). Please ensure your passport has at least 7 months’ validity from the date of departure.

2. Amendments to booking
If you want to make changes after the online registration closes, there is an IBEx amendment fee of $50 and, in addition, the airline and land operators’ amendment charges will apply where applicable. For cancellation of tour, refer to D.

3. Modes of Payment
We accept the following
i. Cash: Please pay in person at IBEx’s office (Refer to A2.)
ii. Cheque: Crossed and made payable to ‘IBEX’ as indicated in the booking form. Please indicate participant’s name, contact no, tour destination and tour dates on the back of the cheque.
iii. ATM, Bank transfer or PayNow: Please contact us for the bank details or UEN Number.

C. Accommodation
1. What is the hotel standard for the tours?
Generally, we will provide 3-5 star hotel accommodation. This will be indicated in the tour itinerary.

2. What type of room options is available?
The tour cost displayed is based on twin sharing. For single room, there will be a supplementary cost. For triple sharing room, the tour cost for each participant remains the same for twin sharing. There is no reduced cost for triple sharing.

D. Cancellation and Refund
1. What happens when I cancel the tour?
You are required to inform IBEx on your cancellation via email or writing. A cancellation fee will be imposed on the participant. Refer to the terms and conditions for the cancellation charges.

Once tour confirmation email is sent: Deposit Forfeited
39-35 days: 75% of Tour Package Price
34-0 days and no show: 100% of Tour Package Price

2. What happens to my tour deposit if the tour fails to materialise?
Upon the closing of registration, if a tour fails to materialize, the deposit will be returned to participants.

E. Visa
1. Do I need a visa?

Please check with us if you require a visa. We will assist in visa application wherever possible; however, there will be extra charges. For overseas participants joining our tours, you are required to apply for your own visas at the nearest embassy to you.

F. Others
1. Can I extend the tour?
Participants who are interested to extend the tour are required to purchase their own air tickets (same departure flight to tour destination). They are only permitted to extend after the end of the tour.

2. Travel insurance
Participants are strongly encouraged to purchase their own travel insurance so as to cover any unforeseen circumstances for their tour.

3. Terms and conditions
The full terms and conditions are available on IBEx’s website.


Greece – Turkey (24 Nov – 6 Dec 2019)

Join us on this Apostle Paul's Journey and the 7 Churches Bible Land Tour where you will be inspired and have your faith renewed by following the footsteps of Apostle Paul. This tour will let you experience and learn more about early Christianity as you visit some of the places associated with the missionary journeys of the Apostle Paul and the Seven Churches mentioned in the Book of Revelation. You will also visit archaeological sites and city tours of Istanbul and Athens.


From the iconic religious sites retracing the footsteps of Apostle Paul to historic wonders such as the UNESCO World Heritage site of the Acropolis* and Parthenon, you will also see the Agora, Temple of Zeus and the stadium built for the first modern Olympic Games in 1896.

You will travel to Ancient Corinth where Paul lived and preached for one and a half years. Pass by the port of Cenchreaes from where Paul departed on his journey. Visit Meteora*, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and explore Thessaloniki, a major city of Macedonia.  Travel to  Philippi, a major city of Macedonia and a Roman colony which Paul visited on his Second Missionary Journey.


You will also explore the ancient cities of the seven churches in the Book of Revelation on this tour and visit important Christian sites. See the beautiful Pergamum* and the ruins of Smyrna in Izmir. Explore the famous city of Ephesus*, one of the world’s finest archaeological sites. Visit the house where the Virgin Mary is believed to have spent her last days. See the remnants of Laodicea* and visit Hierapolis*.


Travel to Philadelphia, an important Christian centre during Byzantine times and drive to Sardis which holds a prominent place in mythology. Continue to Thyteria to see the remains of the church which was one of the principle towns where Christianity spread quickly. Explore vibrant Istanbul where you will visit Hagia Sophia, take the Bosphorus Cruise to enjoy the unique experience of cruising between 2 continents, Asia and Europe and more.


This is a truly inspirational vacation as you see the history of the Early Church come alive!


Spiritual Director

Pastor Marc Madrigal 

Marc Madrigal is a Pastor and Board Member at the Istanbul Protestant Church Foundation. He graduated from Bosphorus University in Istanbul in 2006 having studied English Literature. In 2009, he completed his Master’s degree in Theological studies in Phoenix Seminary, U.S.A. He is married and is a father of three children. Madrigal centres his research in the fields of Biblical Archaeology and early Church History. He works as a part-time, join-in expert in many Biblical tours. He is also a contributor in a Turkish Christian magazine and he publishes articles on his personal website (www.inciltarihi.com). Currently he is in the process of publishing several books through the Turkish Bible Society.

Tour Highlights


Athens City Tour, Acropolis*, Ancient Corinth, Meteora*, Thessaloniki, Philippi



Pergamum*, Church of Symyrna, Ephesus*, Laodicea*, Pamukkale*, Philadelphia, Sardis, Thyteria, Hagia Sophia


*Indicates that the site has uneven or steep path(s) that may be challenging for elderly and people with walking difficulties. For such participants, you are advised to use a walking stick.

Tour Information

Date: 24 Nov - 6 Dec 2019

Price: ≥25pax: SGD$4,500*

          ≥35pax: SGD$4,150*






*Terms and Conditions

- Tour cost includes airfare, airport & fuel taxes (Est SGD$600 as at 1 Jan 2019) and land package as in itinerary.

- Tour cost is based on ≥25pax and ≥35pax respectively. Package cost will increase should there be fewer participants.

- Excludes any increase in taxes.




-The itinerary and flight schedules are subject to change without prior notice in the event of unforeseen circumstances.

- Hotel confirmations will be given 2 weeks before departure.


Note: This Bible Land Tour is cancelled.


Tel: (65) 6304 3762  Whatsapp: (65) 8424 7072  Email: info@ibex.sg



Kindly note that Bible Land Tour enquiries and payments can only be attended to and collected @Armenian (Main Office).

Greece & Turkey Map




Ancient Corinth


Bosphorus Cruise



CLICK HERE to download the itinerary.

Changi Airport

Day 1 - Sun, 24 Nov


Assemble at Changi Airport to begin your journey to Greece.

Departure Flight: TK55 SIN-IST 2335-0615


Check-in starts from 8.30pm (Changi Airport, Terminal 1)

Meals on board the plane


Day 2 – Mon, 25 Nov


Transit in Istanbul for flight to Athens.

Transit Flight: TK1845 IST-ATH 0830-0900


We arrive Athens in the morning. Upon arrival, we begin our Athens city tour. See Syntagma Square, (Constitution Square), the House of Parliament and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, guarded by the Evzones in their traditional costume. See the Athens Academy and the University. Stop at the Panathenaic Olympic stadium, (where the first Olympic Games of the modern era were held in 1896). See the archaeological site of the Temple of the Olympian Zeus and Hadrian’s Arch. Continue with a visit of the world famous site of the Acropolis* and see the Propylaea and the Parthenon. Below Acropolis is Areopagos, from where St. Paul preached the gospel to the Athenians. Visit Plaka, the old quarter. Dinner and overnight in Athens.


Ancient Corinth

Day 3 Tue, 26 Nov


(Check-out in the morning)

After breakfast drive west, along the coastal highway and stop to see the Corinth Canal which connects the Aegean and the Ionian Seas. Continue to Ancient Corinth. See the Bema of Gallio, the Temple of Apollo, the remains of the Agora, the Erastus inscription and Perene Fountain. Completing the tour, lunch at a local restaurant and we return to Athens. Enroute, we stop to view the Monastery of Dafni. Located 11 km north west of Athens, the monastery was founded around the beginning of the 6th century. It was declared a World Heritage Site in 1990. We depart for Kalambaka (a small town built at the foot of the majestic grey rocks and crowned by the METEORA Monasteries). Dinner and overnight in Kalambaka.



Day 4 Wed, 27 Nov


(Check-out in the morning)

After breakfast, drive to Meteora*, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most stunning sites in Greece. Visit the Meteora monastery. Standing amid striking scenery, perched on top of huge rocks, it seem to be suspended in mid air. Inside, see exquisite specimens of Byzantine art, manuscripts and jewellery. Then drive to the mountain town of Veria (Biblical Berea). Visit the Altar of St. Paul, a traditional spot associated with St. Paul. Then proceed to  Thessaloniki, a major city of Macedonia. Thessaloniki enjoyed prosperity and fame as the capital of the second Macedonian district and as the chief city of the Roman province of Macedonia. Dinner and overnight Thessaloniki.


White Tower

Day 5 Thu, 28 Nov


(Check-out in the morning)

Take a tour of the city and see the White Tower, (Symbol of the city), the Via Egnatia, the Rotunda and visit the Church of St. Demetrios.  Completing the tour drive to and visit Philippi. See the remains of the 2 Basilicas and St. Paul’s prison. Visit also Lydia’s Baptismal site, the first woman convert. Preceed to Kavala for overnight.



Day 6 Fri, 29 Nov


(Check-out in the morning)

Take a short tour of the city to see the Roman Aquaduct and St. Paul’s port before departure to Turkey-Greece border for immigration clearance. After border crossing to Turkey , change to Turkey coach & continue the drive to Canakkale. Overnight in Canakkale. 



Day 7 Sat, 30 Nov


(Check out in the morning)

In the morning, drive to Izmir. We will stop by beautiful Pergamum* which rises high on a hill as one nears the city of Bergama. Among the impressive structures of this city, dating from 399 BC, you will see Acropol. Highlights will include the Altar of Zeus, Temple of Trojan and the Theater. Coming down the mountain we will stop by Asclepion, a leading health center of the ancient world. Dinner and overnight in Izmir.



Day 8 Sun, 1 Dec


(Check out in the morning)

Following breakfast, we visit Church of Smyrna in Izmir. Then we drive to the famous city of Ephesus, one of the world’s finest archaeological sites. Our tour will begin with the Basilica of St John “the Evangelist” who came here with the Virgin Mary and wrote his Gospel in Ephesus*. The Temple of Artemis, considered to be one of the Seven Wonders of Antiquity, was located here. Highlights include the Library of Celcius, the Temple of Hadrian, the Fountain of Trajan and the Theatre. We will also stop by the House of Virgin Mary (on top of Mt Coressos). She was believed to have spent her last years in this area. On 18 August 1961, Pope John XXII proclaimed this place to be sacred. Dinner and overnight in Kusadasi.



Day 9 Mon, 2 Dec


(Check out in the morning)

In the morning, stop at a leather outlet and enjoy a Leather Fashion Show. We drive to Pamukkale and stop at Laodicea*, an important Christian centre in the Byzantine period. Highlights will be the Water Tower, Stadium and the Council Chamber. Afternoon we visit Hierapolis* which was founded by Pergamon King Telephos and named after his wife Hiera. During the Byzantine period the city became the seat of diocese with a large Christian Church dedicated to St. Philip, martyred here in 80 A.D. Highlights include the Roman Baths, the Temple of Apollo and the Theater. Dinner and overnight in Pamukkale.



Day 10 Tue, 3 Dec


(Check out in the morning)

On our way to Bursa, we will first stop at Philadelphia which was an important Christian centre during Byzantine times. Then we drive to Sardis which holds a prominent place in mythology. Sardis felt the influence of the Seven Churches of Revelation and highlights include the 3rd century A.D. Synagogue, Gymnasium, House of Bronzes, Temple of Artemis, and of course the Church. Next, we stop at Thyteria to see the remains of the church. This was one of the principle towns where Christianity spread quickly. Dinner and overnight in Bursa.


Topkapi Palace

Day 11 Wed, 4 Dec


(Check out in the morning)

After breakfast, we drive to Iznik, formerly known as Nicea. The city was founded around 1000 BC. In 325 AD, the First Ecumenical Council was held here for the purpose of condemning the heresy of Arianism. The Seventh Ecumenical Council was also held here in the St Sophia Church, which we will visit. The church was built in the 4th century and has a mosaic floor which dates to the 6th century. All gates and walls date from the Byzantine times. Later we proceed to Yalova to embark ferry boat to Istanbul. Afternoon we will visit Topkapi Palace, which was home to the sultans between the 15th and 19th centuries. It is now a museum exhibiting imperial collections of crystal, silver, Chinese porcelain and imperial costumes. Dinner and overnight in Istanbul.


Hagia Sophia

Day 12 – Thu, 5 Dec


(Check out in the morning)

After breakfast, we will visit to the Hagia Sophia, now called the Ayasofya Museum. Built by Constantine the Great, it was reconstructed by Justinian in the 6th century and is unquestionably one of the finest buildings of all time. Then we will visit Underground Basilica Cistern and Hippodrome of Constantinople, the centre of Byzantine civic life, where horse and chariot races used to take place. Afternoon, we take the Bosphorus cruise to enjoy the unique experience of cruising between 2 continents, Asia and Europe. Lastly, we will stop to the aromatic Spice Bazaar, where the smells of cinnamon, cloves and thyme, rise from hundreds of colorful muslin bags at every store-front.  After dinner,  transfer to the airport for our flight back home.



Depart for international airport

Departure flight: TK54 IST-SIN 0155-1730
Arrive back in Singapore at 1750hrs.

*Indicates that the site has uneven or steep path(s) that may be challenging for elderly and people with walking difficulties. For such participants, you are advised to use a walking stick.

Note: The itinerary and flight schedules are subject to change without prior notice in the event of unforseen circumstances. Hotel confirmations will be given 2 weeks before departure. 

How to Register

  1. Click on the Sign Up Now button and you will be directed to the registration page.
  2. To register for Bible Land Tours, please click on the respective category. Choose the tour or trip that you are registering and press Continue.
  3. Complete the registration form and upload a copy of the Passport ID page for each participant.
  4. Cheque deposit is required upon registration and balance payment will be collected once the tour is confirmed.
  5. For participants who are below 21 years, they are required to fill an indemnity form. This is available for download at the CONSENT page.
  6. Kindly note that all correspondence will be emailed to Participant #1.
  7. If you have any enquiries on registration or having trouble registering, please contact us at Tel: (65) 6304 3762 or Email: info@ibex.sg.

Please use the latest Chrome/ Firebox browser to proceed your registration.

Please read the following Terms and Conditions or download a copy here.
Participants of the tour are deemed to have read, understood and accepted the following terms and conditions. For the purpose of clarity, ‘International Bible Experiences Pte Ltd’ shall be referred to as “the Company” hereinafter.

When the participant (You) purchase any tours or goods online from the company, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.

The Company may change these terms and conditions at any time. Any such changes will take immediate effect when posted on the website, and it is your responsibility to read these terms and conditions on each occasion you use this website.

Bookings will be accepted upon payment of deposit as stated in itinerary. The deposit made forms part of the final payment. However, please note the deposit does not constitute confirmation of the tour. Confirmation of tour is subjected to the minimum group size (as determined by the Company) in order for the confirmation to be effected and for the departure to be finalised.

Payments must be strictly in cash or cheque. Full payment for any product and/or service is required to be paid by the due date stipulated in the online registration form.

In the event that the Company does not receive any payment when due for whatever reason, the Company reserves the right to cancel the participant’s booking immediately, in which case the participant shall pay the relevant cancellation fees accordingly.

In the event of a cancellation of tour, the participant is required to give prior notice in writing or by email to the Company. A cancellation fee is applicable and is based on the following calculation. The Company shall not be held liable for any contingent costs incurred by the Participant arising from cancellation.

Once tour confirmation email is sent: Deposit Forfeited
39-35 days before departure date: 75% of Tour Package Price
34-0 days and no show: 100% of Tour Package Price

Any amendment requested by the Participant to existing booking will incur an administrative charge of $50 and additional charges levied by the airlines, hotels, or service providers concerned. Any amendment request will be subject to airlines, hotels, and service providers’ approval and conditions.

All Participants are strongly recommended to purchase a travel insurance to cover unforeseen circumstances such as trip cancellation, personal baggage loss, personal accident, injury or illness. The purchase of travel insurance is an additional cost and it is to be bore by the participant. Under no circumstance is the Company responsible for expenses of uninsured participants. Under no circumstances is the Company to be construed of as being a carrier under contract for the safe carriage of any passenger and/or his/her baggage and belongings.

* Participants are advised to buy adequate travel insurance, including cover against the following:
(1) the validity of his or her passport, with at least a minimum of 6 months from the departure date of the trip;
(2) the necessary visas, vaccinations, health certificates; and
(3) all necessary travel documents (eg. Exit permit, work permit, social visitor pass, etc) as required by the various government authorities of the country/countries to be visited.

Different embassies and consulates require varying lengths of time to process visa applications. The Company renders assistance in Visa application wherever possible. The Company cannot, however, guarantee the approval of such visa application. This service is subject to (auxiliary) charges.

If, for any reason, application for Visa or exit permit is rejected, the relevant cancellation fee as stated under the section “Cancellation by Participant”, and/or in the addendums to the terms and conditions, if any, will apply.

The Company will not be responsible for any expense, reimbursement or refund of the trip fare if the Participant is deported or refused entry by immigration authorities on the trip for whatever reasons, including improper travel documents, quarantine, custom regulations, and possession of unlawful items or irregularities that may cause harm/damage to person or property.

Any extension or deviation of stay may be permitted at the end of the tour. This is subjected to maximum validity and restrictions of air tickets, seat confirmation and availability of hotel prior to commencement of tour. It is the Participant’s responsibility to hold firm confirmation for their return flight.

When extension or deviation cannot be confirmed three weeks prior to group departure date, Participant is deemed to remain with the original tour schedules.

Extension of stay or deviation will be at Participant’s own expense and transfers to or from the airport will not be provided.

Where the Company has not been negligent nor in breach of any duty, it assumes no responsibility for injury, damage, accident, loss, delay or irregularities that may be caused to person or property where such occur as a result of circumstances beyond its control.

The Company does not accept any liability, whether negligent or otherwise, of those service providers for and during the trip but will render assistance wherever possible. The Company also will not be responsible or liable (for damages, refunds or otherwise) for: mechanical breakdown, government actions, weather, acts of God, strikes, compulsory quarantine, or other circumstances beyond its control.

The Company reserves rights to alter routes, timetables, itineraries, and accommodation reserved if this is so necessary or in the case of force majeure and to cancel any tour prior to departure for any reason including insufficient number of passengers.

The Company will as far as possible try to notify the client 14 days prior to departure in the case of cancellation due to insufficient numbers or as early as possible if cancellation is due to other factors.

The Company reserves the right to cancel or withdraw any bookings made for a Participant or decline to accept or retain any person as a Participant of the trip due to the following circumstances.
(1) Failure of Participant to obtain required documentation (eg. Health certifications, visas, passports, etc.)
(2) Failure of Participant to follow reasonable instructions including but not limited to check-in and check-out places and times.
(3) When it appears to the Company, the Participant is likely to endanger the health or safety of the rest of the Participants.

In any of the foregoing events, the Company’s sole liability shall be to refund to the client any monies paid less the amounts for service utilized, administration and cancellation fees.

The Company respects your privacy and will make the necessary security arrangements to safeguard your personal information. It is the Company’s practice not to ask for information unless the Company needs and/or intends to use it. The primary purpose for collecting your personal information is to provide and deliver our products and services to you; improving our service and to conduct research and analysis and advertising and marketing our products and services (“the purposes”).

The type of personal information that the Company collects includes but is not limited to; your name, home and email addresses, home/office and mobile numbers; date of birth; gender, passport number and details, marital status, occupation, nationality, and other information necessary to fulfil specific travel and tour related purposes (such as booking air tickets and accommodations, visa application, emergency contact purposes etc.)

When you provide the Company with personal information for the purpose of receiving any form of assistance from the Company, the Company will collect, use and/or disclose such personal information solely to facilitate providing such assistance. Personal data collected will not be given to third parties unless it is necessary to fulfil the purposes set out herein (eg. to share your information with vendors like hotels, airlines, land operators etc.) The Company will within its means to ensure that these third parties are also under similar obligations to protect your personal information.

The Company may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. This Privacy Policy is not intended to, nor does it create, any contractual rights whatsoever or any other legal rights, nor does it create any obligations on the Company in respect of any other party or on behalf of any party.

The Company will only conduct water baptism upon request by the Pastor or Ministry leader who is leading the tour group for their church.

The Company will not accept any registration for twin sharing if the couple is unmarried.

All claims against The Company must be made in writing within 14 days from the date of return to Singapore for the company’s investigation. No responsibility is accepted in respect of any complaint and/or claim not so made.

The Company reserves the right to change, amend, insert, or delete any of the Terms and Conditions, or polices contained in this document, as the case may be, without prior notice.

These terms and conditions shall be governed and construed in accordance with Singapore law, and each of the parties submits itself to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Republic of Singapore.

Please read the following FAQ.

A.General information about IBEx
1. IBEx is a licensed travel agent with Singapore Tourism Board (TA no. 02822).
2. Office address: International Bible Experiences (Main Office): 7 Armenian Street, #B2-02, Singapore 179932.
3. Operating hours: Mon-Fri, 9am-6pm (Closed on weekends and Public Holidays).
4. General enquiry: Call 6304 3762 or Email info@ibex.sg

B. Bookings and Payments
1. How do I book a tour package?
Visit our website www.ibex.sg to select your choice of tour and register online. After registration, mail the cheque deposit to IBEx’s office (Refer to A2). Please ensure your passport has at least 7 months’ validity from the date of departure.

2. Amendments to booking
If you want to make changes after the online registration closes, there is an IBEx amendment fee of $50 and, in addition, the airline and land operators’ amendment charges will apply where applicable. For cancellation of tour, refer to D.

3. Modes of Payment
We accept the following
i. Cash: Please pay in person at IBEx’s office (Refer to A2.)
ii. Cheque: Crossed and made payable to ‘IBEX’ as indicated in the booking form. Please indicate participant’s name, contact no, tour destination and tour dates on the back of the cheque.
iii. ATM, Bank transfer or PayNow: Please contact us for the bank details or UEN Number.

C. Accommodation
1. What is the hotel standard for the tours?
Generally, we will provide 3-5 star hotel accommodation. This will be indicated in the tour itinerary.
2. What type of room options is available?
The tour cost displayed is based on twin sharing. For single room, there will be a supplementary cost. For triple sharing room, the tour cost for each participant remains the same for twin sharing. There is no reduced cost for triple sharing.

D. Cancellation and Refund
1. What happens when I cancel the tour?
You are required to inform IBEx on your cancellation via email or writing. A cancellation fee will be imposed on the participant. Refer to the terms and conditions for the cancellation charges.

Timeline Amount Forfeited
Once tour confirmation email is sent Deposit Forfeited
39-35 days 75% of Tour Package Price
34-0 days and no show 100% of Tour Package Price

2. What happens to my tour deposit if the tour fails to materialise?
Upon the closing of registration, if a tour fails to materialize, the deposit will be returned to participants.

E. Visa
1. Do I need a visa?
Refer to the table below to check if you require a visa to your tour destination. We will assist in visa application wherever possible; however, there will be extra charges. For overseas participants joining our tours, you are required to apply for your own visas at the nearest embassy to you. If your country is not listed in the table, please check with the embassy if you are required to apply for a visa.

Who requires Visa?
Indonesia, Malaysia
Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar
Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam
Note: Correct as at 1st February 2016

F. Others
1. Can I extend the tour?
Participants who are interested to extend the tour are required to purchase their own air tickets (same departure flight to tour destination). They are only permitted to extend after the end of the tour.

2. Travel insurance
Participants are strongly encouraged to purchase their own travel insurance so as to cover any unforeseen circumstances for their tour.

3. Terms and conditions
The full terms and conditions are available on IBEx’s website.

Biblical Turkey & Greece Pastors’ Familiarization Tour

Author: Senior Pastor Kenny Chee, World Revival Prayer Fellowship (Pastors' Familiarization Tour to Turkey & Greece participant, 2015)

Packed itinerary

We landed at dawn and began with a one-day tour of Istanbul. It was a wet, windy and cold day. We toured the main tourist sites and manage to squeeze in an hour of shopping at the grand bazaar in the late evening. We visited the ancient ruins of the cities where the seven churches mentioned in the book of Revelation once existed. They are all in modern-day Turkey. We crossed over to Greece by bus and visited holy sites, ancient ruins and museums in Philippi, Thessalonica, Berea, Athens, and Corinth. From Athens, we flew and transited in Istanbul, then flew back home.

We stayed at eight hotels in ten days. That should say something. It meant living out of our suitcases and early morning calls that mercifully became sane morning calls in Greece. It also meant being on the road an average of about 2 hours between sites. We all expected it as this was a familiarization tour and we visited many different sites. This would then help us in our planning to lead a tour from our church in the future.

Personal highlights of the tour

The fellowship was wonderful. There were 39 participants in all—mostly pastors from different denominations and background. There were Methodists, Baptists, Assemblies of God, Independents, Brethren, Presbyterians, Anglicans, and Vietnamese Alliance. There were about 25 meals we had together and I heard many inspiring stories from the pastors: how they were called and what their churches were about. A few of these pastors had successful careers, but they heard the call and became pastors in mid-career changes.

Naturally the pastors were tasked to give devotions at the major sites. It was edifying to hear God’s messages to the seven churches in Revelation come alive with probing relevance and power across the centuries. I was blessed. For me it was like a personal invitation from the Spirit to look more deeply at the book of Revelations and consider preaching through it in my church. The book lit up like a burning bush.

This tour was well-organised and packed. The tour guides were very good in terms of their expertise, people skills and humour. We had our meals at restaurants and most breakfasts and dinners were in above-average hotels. Not sure about the cuisine, but I prefer the Turkish meals to the ones in Greece for greater variety. There were salads in every meal. I never ate so many vegetables in any ten days of my life till now.

If I were to plan a pilgrimage/study tour for the church, I would concentrate on Turkey. I would do the Istanbul bit, fly to Tarsus, get lost in the Cappadocia caves, do the seven churches circuit, and have a day cruise to the island of Patmos (part of Greece). The tour will focus on the book of Revelations and the relevance of its message to us. I feel that the Revelations tour could be very impactful. I would also add some elements like staying an extra day in a city, and have some fun shopping or hot air ballooning. I would have a separate pilgrimage for Greece, probably with more of a missional slant.

My favourite sites were the ancient Ephesus site and Pamukkale “cotton castle” in Turkey; and the Meteora in Greece.

希腊-伊斯但布尔 (5月27日-6月5日2019)




我们这次的旅程会从帖撒罗尼迦开始,寻访新约使徒保罗传道脚踪之旅.我们会乘车前往现代港口小城—卡瓦拉, 圣经中的尼亚坡里. 走访腓立比,看看市场 (Agora)遗迹、the Octagon、两个古代教堂遗迹,和圣保罗监狱。之后参观吕底亚祷告和受洗的河边.




我们会参观白塔,这个城市的标志和圣迪米特里斯教堂我们也会驱车前往 希腊中部的卡尔巴卡镇,就在米特奥拉山脚。在途中,走访山中小镇维利亚,看看圣保罗当年宣讲福音的地方。到迈米特奥拉参观迷人的风景,并走访两个悬在半空中的修道院。到里头看看价值非凡的历史与宗教瑰宝。


行程亮点也包括三天爱琴海巡航 享受3天爱琴海之游畅游米科诺斯岛库萨达斯(土耳其), 以弗所, 帕特莫斯, 克里特岛以及浪漫的圣托里尼岛。被称为“爱琴海的耶路撒冷”— 帕特莫斯,是圣约翰写下启示录的圣岛。可以自由活动或选择跟团参观圣约翰修道院和石窟。


我们也会前往科林斯,圣经中指保罗第二次旅行布道时在欧洲的最后一站哥林多,到衔接爱琴海和爱奥尼亚海的哥林多运河。我们继续前往哥林多古城,参观隆起的平台、阿波罗神庙、市场遗迹, 接着返回雅典,继续雅典半日游。参观宪法广场和2500年人文奇观之雅典卫城.雅典卫城是雅典的地标和古希腊的象征, 也是世界新七大奇迹之一。


在伊斯坦布尔, 参观的景点包括赛马场和建于五世纪的圣索菲亚大教堂。他有着一千五百年的历史,曾经是世界上最伟大的教堂之一,现在已成为博物馆。我们也会参观地下水宫殿, 走访香料市场, 乘船畅游博斯普鲁斯海。从这条分割欧亚两洲的天然水道,观赏两岸的宫殿、堡垒、富丽堂皇的屋子,和两座雄伟的吊桥等等。


希望您参加这次所举办的保罗宣教之旅,和我们一起体会保羅宣教的心路旅程。我们相信您会深入了解希腊繁盛的古今文明, 有许多美好的回忆和经历。希望神与您的同行再也不会一样。我们期待见到您.






当同工把这次预备的行程安排给我看的时候,我告诉她这次的行程很特别。我参加过两次希腊与土耳其的行程, 每一次都有不同的路程,各有不同的领受。2019年将出发的旅程,在那有限的时间里不单能完成保罗宣教的行程安排,同时还可以附加一段很特别的行程。


1. 保罗响应向西方宣教的呼召

在徒16610 保罗在特罗亚回应了馬其顿的呼声。所以他把福音传到腓立比、帖撒罗尼迦... 之后再带到雅典和哥林多。这次的行程我们都会参观这些地方。同时也可以看到初期信徒爱主的心,他们建築的教堂、修道院的心思与技艺真是令我们深受感动!


2. 这次有一段【四天三夜海上郵輪】的行程



3. 特别一提的是拨摩海島和以弗所

两处,这是大家很感兴趣的地方,也包括在这次的行程里面。因为使徒约翰就在这里领受启示並㝍了启示彔! 拔摩海岛不容易到迏。因为它离开希腊好远。一般都需要乘坐飞机前往。以弗所是保罗用上最多时间的城市。它是目前考古被发掘出来最完善的一个城市。当我们回想主耶稣给以弗所教会的勉励,必然会带给我们许多的反省!


4. 我们也会在伊士坦布尔一日遊






行程特点 :

- 帖撒罗尼迦

- 腓立比

- 白塔

- *米特奥拉

- 米克诺斯

- 以弗所

- 吕托里尼

- 科林斯运河

- 古代哥林多

- 半天城市游

- *雅典卫城

- 君士坦丁堡的赛马场

- 圣索菲亚博物馆

- 博斯普鲁斯海峡等等




费用: ≥25pax: $5,200*

≥35pax: $4,980*




- 旅行配套价格包括酒店,陆上交通费,往返经济舱机票 和机场和燃油费(预计$650)单不包括任何机场和燃油附加的费用。参加者得付这附加的费用。

- 旅行费用是根据最少≥35人计算。

- 视乎变化而定-





注册截止日期延长至: 2152019


如需查询或注册, 请致电(65) 6304 3762, 微信(65)8424 7072 或 info@ibex.sg。


敬请留意, 询问圣经圣地之旅及付款需前往总部。

地址:7 Armenian Street, Bible House #B2-02, Singapore 179932











Please read the following Terms and Conditions or download a copy HERE.

Participants of the tour are deemed to have read, understood and accepted the following terms and conditions. For the purpose of clarity, ‘International Bible Experiences Pte Ltd’ shall be referred to as “the Company” hereinafter.

Bookings will be accepted upon payment of deposit as stated in itinerary. The deposit made forms part of the final payment. However, please note the deposit does not constitute confirmation of the tour. Confirmation of tour is subjected to the minimum group size (as determined by the Company) in order for the confirmation to be effected and for the departure to be finalised.

Payments must be strictly in cash or cheque. Full payment for any product and/or service is required to be paid by the due date stipulated in the online registration form. In the event that the Company does not receive any payment when due for whatever reason, the Company reserves the right to cancel the participant’s booking immediately, in which case the participant shall pay the relevant cancellation fees accordingly.

In the event of a cancellation of tour, the participant is required to give prior notice in writing or by email to the Company. A cancellation fee is applicable and is based on the following calculation. The Company shall not be held liable for any contingent costs incurred by the Participant arising from cancellation.

Any amendment requested by the Participant to existing booking will incur an administrative charge of $50 and additional charges levied by the airlines, hotels, or service providers concerned. Any amendment request will be subject to airlines, hotels, and service providers’ approval and conditions.

All Participants are strongly recommended to purchase a travel insurance to cover unforeseen circumstances such as trip cancellation, personal baggage loss, personal accident, injury or illness. The purchase of travel insurance is an additional cost and it is to be bore by the participant. Under no circumstance is the Company responsible for expenses of uninsured participants. Under no circumstances is the Company to be construed of as being a carrier under contract for the safe carriage of any passenger and/or his/her baggage and belongings.

Different embassies and consulates require varying lengths of time to process visa applications. The Company renders assistance in Visa application wherever possible. The Company cannot, however, guarantee the approval of such visa application. This service is subject to (auxiliary) charges.
If, for any reason, application for Visa or exit permit is rejected, the relevant cancellation fee as stated under the section “Cancellation by Participant”, and/or in the addendums to the terms and conditions, if any, will apply.

The Company will not be responsible for any expense, reimbursement or refund of the trip fare if the Participant is deported or refused entry by immigration authorities on the trip for whatever reasons, including improper travel documents, quarantine, custom regulations, and possession of unlawful items or irregularities that may cause harm/damage to person or property.

Any extension or deviation of stay may be permitted at the end of the tour. This is subjected to maximum validity and restrictions of air tickets, seat confirmation and availability of hotel prior to commencement of tour. It is the Participant’s responsibility to hold firm confirmation for their return flight. When extension or deviation cannot be confirmed three weeks prior to group departure date, Participant is deemed to remain with the original tour schedules. Extension of stay or deviation will be at Participant’s own expense and transfers to or from the airport will not be provided.

45days or more before departure date
Deposit Forfeited
75% of Tour Package Price
34-0days and no show
100% of Tour Package Price

* Participants are advised to buy adequate travel insurance, including cover against the following: (1) the validity of his or her passport, with at least a minimum of 6 months from the departure date of the trip; (2) the necessary visas, vaccinations, health certificates; and (3) all necessary travel documents (eg. Exit permit, work permit, social visitor pass, etc) as required by the various government authorities of the country/countries to be visited.

Where the Company has not been negligent nor in breach of any duty, it assumes no responsibility for injury, damage, accident, loss, delay or irregularities that may be caused to person or property where such occur as a result of circumstances beyond its control.
The Company does not accept any liability, whether negligent or otherwise, of those service providers for and during the trip but will render assistance wherever possible. The Company also will not be responsible or liable (for damages, refunds or otherwise) for: mechanical breakdown, government actions, weather, acts of God, strikes, compulsory quarantine, or other circumstances beyond its control.

The Company reserves rights to alter routes, timetables, itineraries, and accommodation reserved if this is so necessary or in the case of force majeure and to cancel any tour prior to departure for any reason including insufficient number of passengers.

The Company will as far as possible try to notify the client 14 days prior to departure in the case of cancellation due to insufficient numbers or as early as possible if cancellation is due to other factors.

The Company reserves the right to cancel or withdraw any bookings made for a Participant or decline to accept or retain any person as a Participant of the trip due to the following circumstances.
(1) Failure of Participant to obtain required documentation (eg. Health certifications, visas, passports, etc.)
(2) Failure of Participant to follow reasonable instructions including but not limited to check-in and check-out places and times.
(3) When it appears to the Company, the Participant is likely to endanger the health or safety of the rest of the Participants.
In any of the foregoing events, the Company’s sole liability shall be to refund to the client any monies paid less the amounts for service utilized, administration and cancellation fees.

The Company respects your privacy and will make the necessary security arrangements to safeguard your personal information. It is the Company’s practice not to ask for information unless the Company needs and/or intends to use it. The primary purpose for collecting your personal information is to provide and deliver our products and services to you; improving our service and to conduct research and analysis and advertising and marketing our products and services (“the purposes”).
The type of personal information that the Company collects includes but is not limited to; your name, home and email addresses, home/office and mobile numbers; date of birth; gender, passport number and details, marital status, occupation, nationality, and other information necessary to fulfil specific travel and tour related purposes (such as booking air tickets and accommodations, visa application, emergency contact purposes etc.)

When you provide the Company with personal information for the purpose of receiving any form of assistance from the Company, the Company will collect, use and/or disclose such personal information solely to facilitate providing such assistance. Personal data collected will not be given to third parties unless it is necessary to fulfil the purposes set out herein (eg. to share your information with vendors like hotels, airlines, land operators etc.) The Company will within its means to ensure that these third parties are also under similar obligations to protect your personal information.

The Company may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. This Privacy Policy is not intended to, nor does it create, any contractual rights whatsoever or any other legal rights, nor does it create any obligations on the Company in respect of any other party or on behalf of any party.

The Company will only conduct water baptism upon request by the Pastor or Ministry leader who is leading the tour group for their church.
The Company will not accept any registration for twin sharing if the couple is unmarried.

All claims against The Company must be made in writing within 14 days from the date of return to Singapore for the company’s investigation. No responsibility is accepted in respect of any complaint and/or claim not so made.

The Company reserves the right to change, amend, insert, or delete any of the Terms and Conditions, or polices contained in this document, as the case may be, without prior notice.

These terms and conditions shall be governed and construed in accordance with Singapore law, and each of the parties submits itself to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Republic of Singapore.

Please read the following FAQ.

A.General information about IBEx
1. IBEx is a licensed travel agent with Singapore Tourism Board (TA no. 02822).
2. Office address: International Bible Experiences (Main Office):  7 Armenian Street, #B2-02, Singapore 179932.
3. Operating hours: Mon-Fri, 9am-6pm (Closed on weekends and Public Holidays).
4. General enquiry: Call 6304 3762 or Email info@ibex.sg

B. Bookings and Payments
1. How do I book a tour package?
Visit our website www.ibex.sg to select your choice of tour and register online. After registration, mail the cheque deposit to IBEx’s office (Refer to A2). Please ensure your passport has at least 7 months’ validity from the date of departure.

2. Amendments to booking
If you want to make changes after the online registration closes, there is an IBEx amendment fee of $50 and, in addition, the airline and land operators’ amendment charges will apply where applicable. For cancellation of tour, refer to D.

3. Modes of Payment
We accept the following
i. Cash: Please pay in person at IBEx’s office (Refer to A2.)
ii. Cheque: Crossed and made payable to ‘IBEX’ as indicated in the booking form. Please indicate participant’s name, contact no, tour destination and tour dates on the back of the cheque.
iii. ATM, Bank transfer and PayNow: Please contact us for the bank details or UEN Number.

C. Accommodation
1. What is the hotel standard for the tours?
Generally, we will provide 3-5 star hotel accommodation. This will be indicated in the tour itinerary.
2. What type of room options is available?
The tour cost displayed is based on twin sharing. For single room, there will be a supplementary cost. For triple sharing room, the tour cost for each participant remains the same for twin sharing. There is no reduced cost for triple sharing.

D. Cancellation and Refund
1. What happens when I cancel the tour?
You are required to inform IBEx on your cancellation via email or writing. A cancellation fee will be imposed on the participant. Refer to the table below for the cancellation charges.

Cancellation Fee
45days or more before departure date
Deposit Forfeited
75% of Tour Package Price
34-0days and no show
100% of Tour Package Price
*Cancellation fee may be covered by specific travel insurance (optional) for which the premium has been paid and the reason for the cancellation is covered by the policy.

2. What happens to my tour deposit if the tour fails to materialise?
Upon the closing of registration, if a tour fails to materialize, the deposit will be returned to participants.

E. Visa
1. Do I need a visa?
Refer to the table below to check if you require a visa to your tour destination. We will assist in visa application wherever possible; however, there will be extra charges. For overseas participants joining our tours, you are required to apply for your own visas at the nearest embassy to you. If your country is not listed in the table, please check with the embassy if you are required to apply for a visa.

Who requires Visa?
Indonesia, Malaysia
Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar
Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam
Note: Correct as at 1st February 2016

F. Others
1. Can I extend the tour?
Participants who are interested to extend the tour are required to purchase their own air tickets (same departure flight to tour destination). They are only permitted to extend after the end of the tour.

2. Travel insurance
Participants are strongly encouraged to purchase their own travel insurance so as to cover any unforeseen circumstances for their tour.

3. Terms and conditions
The full terms and conditions are available on IBEx’s website

How to Register

  1. To register, please click the button SIGN UP NOW and you will be directed to the registration page.
  2. To register for Bible Land Tours, please click on the respective category. Choose the tour or trip that you are registering and press Continue.
  3. Complete the registration form and upload a copy of the Passport ID page for each participant.
  4. Cheque deposit is required upon registration and balance payment will be collected once the tour is confirmed.
  5. For participants who are below 21 years, they are required to fill an indemnity form. This is available for download at the CONSENT page.
  6. Kindly note that all correspondence will be emailed to Participant #1.
  7. If you have any enquiries on registration or having trouble registering, please contact us at Tel: (65) 6304 3762 or Email: info@ibex.sg.

Please use the latest Chrome/ Firebox browser to proceed your registration

Turkey & Greece 20 Mar-1 Apr 2017


BLT 2017 (temporary)

Click to download the poster

Tour cost: $3,252*
Registration has closed!


*Terms and conditions:

- Includes air ticket and land tour but excludes airport and fuel taxes

- Based on twin sharing and a tour group of 35 pax

- Subject to changes


- Pergamum

- Thyatira

- Ephesus

- Basilica of St John

- House of Virgin Mary

- Smyrna



And many more!

- Panathenaic Olympic Stadium

- Temple of Apollo

- Metéora Monastery

- The Altar of St Paul

- Thessaloniki

- Kavala

- Peirene Fountain

- Acropolis

- Church of St Demetrios


More details coming soon!


Terms & Conditions
Read our T&Cs here
Read the Frequently Asked Questions here



Turkey & Greece 27 Nov-9 Dec 2016 (Dr Calvin Chong)


Tour cost: $3235*

Registration has closed!

*Terms and conditions:

- Includes air ticket and land tour but excludes airport and fuel taxes

- Based on twin sharing and a tour group of 35 pax

- Subject to changes


- Pergamum

- Thyatira

- Ephesus

- Basilica of St John

- House of Virgin Mary

- Smyrna



And many more!

- Panathenaic Olympic Stadium

- Temple of Apollo

- Metéora Monastery

- The Altar of St Paul

- Thessaloniki

- Kavala

- Peirene Fountain

- Acropolis

- Church of St Demetrios


For this tour, we have Dr Calvin Chong as our Spiritual Director. He is well-experienced with leading tour groups and has been our Spiritual Director for past IBEx tours. 

Dr Calvin Chong is Associate Professor of Educational Studies at Singapore Bible College. His current teaching and research areas relate to youth, urban missions, and oral preference learners.  Calvin is a board member of The Evangelical Fellowship of Singapore and as well as the community development NGO, HealthServe.  He also serves in the leadership of his local church, Covenant Community Methodist Church.


Terms & Conditions
Read our T&Cs here
Read the Frequently Asked Questions here