Articles & Testimonies
Here are some wonderful testimonies by our Bible Land Tour and Bible Mission Trip participants.
There are many highlights for this trip including witnessing the Billy Graham Evangelistic Crusade, hearing testimonies of the people steadfast faith despite persecution and trials etc. Our family has indeed been much blessed. Thanks too for the abundant love and grace shown to one another especially patience and care to our son who is the only kid in the group. Suffice to say, that we were surrounded with much joy, laughter, fun and nice food too throughout this trip. It was a well-organised trip and all thumbs up to Ibex. – Lee Aye Li, Bible Mission Trip, Cambodia, 5-9 Dec 2019
This experience has been amazing. It has strengthened my faith as God has once again shown me how He can make everything work together. God is not someone I can see face to face, but I can see His works. I can hear Him. I can feel Him. Even when I cannot “feel” Him sometimes, I know He is there with me, always. Truly, I can’t deny that God is with me, even when I can’t see beyond my doubt. Thank you Lord for opening my eyes to see You through ways I could not have imagined. - Yvonne Hui, Bible Mission Trip, Cambodia, 5-9 Dec 2019
For myself, I think God has a purpose for sending us there because God wants to tell the Khmer people that He loves them and He will not forget them. My question is that will you make a change in their lives today? Will you bring the good news to them or stay at home and watch Fox movies? For me is a resounding YES. I promise I will go to Cambodia to do God’s work. What about you? – Justin Ng, Bible Mission Trip, Cambodia, 5-9 Dec 2019
I am thankful and it is a joy to work alongside with the team in this trip. I am so encouraged to see how each person in our team spent much time and effort in preparation before this trip, including Justin, (10 yr old boy). There is unity and bonding as we serve God together. Two exciting events I want to highlight were the windy trip across the river on a tiny ferry with the van, and attending the last night of the Billy Graham Crusade. – Lily Quek, Bible Mission Trip, Cambodia, 5-9 Dec 2019
终的来说,六天的缅甸短宣都是以喜乐的心情在说说笑笑中度过的。当然也有疲惫和感动落泪的时刻。我想说的是参加短宣听起来很辛苦,但事实上并不一定是要如此的。- Yao Liwen, Bible Mission Trip, Myanmar, 23-28 Nov 2019
For the Myanmar trip, i felt happy that we could give something to them. For example the blankets to the orphans for winter, to keep them warm during the cold days. I am also very touched when i saw them reading the bible that was given to them, because they can know God better. I could tell that the children were very happy receiving the school bags from us as their existing school bags were torn and dirty. – Caleb Chen (10yr old @ 2019), Bible Mission Trip, Myanmar, 23 – 28 Nov 2019
The trip has open my eyes to see, experience the live of Christ, His purpose and His love for all mankind .The suffering he bore on the Cross for our sins. – Cheong Saik Moey, Bible Land Tour, Israel-Jordan, 29 Oct - 9 Nov 2019
To take the footsteps of Jesus and walked where He walked is very meaningful. It makes the Bible comes alive – Hong Chee Lian, Bible Land Tour, Israel-Jordan, 29 Oct-9 Nov 2019
It is a good experience and i can now relate the sites to biblical times/significance. It has also strengthened my faith and given me a perspective of the places where Jesus had been. I appreciate what they had gone through. It is a journey of rediscovering who God is and his promises. A very meaningful trip. The cohesiveness and grace of the whole group including Helena our tour guide and Rev Peter Poon has also made this trip even more memorable. – Ong Cheng Mae, Bible Land Tour, Israel-Jordan, 29 Oct-9 Nov 2019
We felt very blessed throughout this trip and we witnessed the history comes alive. Knowing our God is true and real has really strengthened our faith. – Richard Heng, Bible Land Tour, Israel-Jordan, 29 Oct-9 Nov 2019
Just as it is written in the Bible, His love for his people and humanity is beyond doubt and he suffered terribly to redeem us back to Him. That's how I felt as i retraced and took the steps that Jesus did some two thousand years ago. –Royal Tan, Bible Land Tour, Israel-Jordan, 29 Oct-9 Nov 2019
The trip has expanded my knowledge of the place and the events happening during that time. It has also encouraged me to have more in-depth studying of the bible and explore more of God want me to understand more. – James Tan, Bible Land Tour, Israel-Jordan, 29 Oct-9 Nov 2019
I join this Bible Land Tour to Turkey led by Bishop Terry Kee. This is my first vacation that included a study tour & it will definitely not be the last. It has been very enriching & rewarding, not only in terms of knowledge but a deeper understanding of where my faith in God is. It has brought light to me that my life here on earth is to live for Christ. I know I will not change overnight, but this trip has made me closer in relationship with God & I pray for this journey to continue growing deeper in relationship with God. - Ellyne Kok, Bible Land Tour, Turkey, 3-12 Jun 2019
I saw the power and glory of God when we went to different provinces and visited churches, orphanages, nomad family, after school care centre and more. God is doing wonderful things in their life. They were filled with joy and they had faith in Jesus. Because of them, my life has been changed. - Janice Yeo, Bible Mission Trip, Mongolia, 3-10 June 2019
We experience God’s heart of compassion for the needy and the orphans. We stand in awe of his mercy and grace and are blessed bountifully. Our hearts are filled with praise and gratitude to the Lord that we can serve him to make a difference for his kingdom. - Kerry Wong, Bible Mission Trip, Mongolia, 3-10 June 2019
The Bible Mission Trip to Vietnam has been eye-opening. We saw how God is working in and through the lives of the local there. There were certainly many needs that we saw, but also much to give thanks and praise to God for. Despite the language barrier, we had the opportunity to edify each other through testimony sharing and affirming one another in love. The faithful and tireless way that the locals carry out God's calling is a reminder and model for me as I have serve in my own church. I encourage everyone to join mission trips to participate in the larger Christian body. As much as I hope I have been a blessing to the locals, they have also blessed me through this short trip. - Linette Tan, Vietnam Bible Mission Trip, 30 Nov - 3 Dec 2018
It was an eye-opening experience. I saw how committed the local church leaders were and that inspired me to think how I can be committed to God. I also had a personal breakthrough during the trip. I shared my testimony to encourage the locals and reflected on how God has been faithful in my life. Through this, I learnt how every individual can be used for God’s glory. God also reminded me that though we come from different churches and speak different languages, we can still be united. - Aaron Chan, Vietnam Bible Mission Trip, 30 Nov - 3 Dec 2018
The Bible Land Tour that I joined to Israel-Jordan-Turkey, led by Rev Dr Danny Goh has encouraged and strengthened my faith. The ancient ruins and secular acknowledgement of biblical history reinforced the accuracy of the Bible. I feel that being in the midst of the wilderness (desert) also really bring to life what the Israelites must have felt during the exodus. The trip has definedly help me to visualise Bible passages better. - Tour Member, Bible Land Tour, Israel-Jordan-Turkey, 20 Nov - 2 Dec 2018
I felt that it was a significant trip to grow bible literacy. After the Bible Land Tour to Israel & Jordan, I just want to try harder to follow Jesus. The trip led by Dr Calvin Chong has also instilled a greater interest in me to go deeper into the Word. It has also made me see the importance of looking into the context of the Scriptures. Eg. the stay in Wadi Rum made me realize the stack reality of the lack of food in the desert. Would have complained a great deal. What more the Israelites. - Tour Member, Explore the Holy Land, Israel-Jordan, 27 Nov - 8 Dec 2018
Our group had the opportunity to meet with the local people and children at the Centres and Churches. Our mission trip was an eye opener as it gave us a golden opportunity to see first hand the work of the local Churches in ministering to their community at large. May God’s grace and favor be upon the faithful leaders and their pastors as they labor to bring more souls to Christ. - Sam Tan, Bible Mission Trip, Laos, 27 Sep – 1 Oct 2018
This is my second mission trip and I came back with great feelings for the all the people we met in Laos. The orphanages were well run and they have proper accommodation. What struck me was that the orphans look happy and are well fed and they look like our own children here in Singapore despite their hardships. Overall they're very appreciative of our presence/presents. I am grateful to God for giving me this opportunity to be part of this mission group where everyone young and old chipped on to help with all the activities that were held. Praise God.- Tan Ban Choo, Bible Mission Trip, Laos, 27 Sep – 1 Oct 2018
Thank God and everyone for being part of God's blessings to the Laotians and to one another in the team. God showed us that in Christ, we are one body and one family together. The team was a little elderly, diverse and intergenerational, but God is good. He supplied us more than what we had expected and showed us that He is the God of abundance (it really drove the point home for me during meals). May we always be reminded that just as God watched over us during the trip, the same God will continue to watch over us in our daily affairs too. Blessed by journeying together. - Chern Siang Ling, Bible Mission Trip, Laos, 27 Sep – 1 Oct 2018
The highlight of my trip was seeing God's work through the older mission trippers, as most of them are my parents’ age. Their faithfulness in bringing joy and God's word to the orphanages and churches was heart-warming. I am really thankful that God chose me to be a part of this journey. It was such a powerful reminder that as long as we are willing to serve him (no matter what condition our body is in), He will provide for us and strengthen us. – Eddie Siow, Bible Mission Trip, Laos, 27 Sep – 1 Oct 2018
It was my privilege to go on this Laos Bible Mission Trip. We got together very well with the young doing most of the programs and the not-so-young supporting the young. We visited Orphanages and attended two services conducted by the minority people and I was most touched by how they worship God in their simple faith. I thank God indeed that I am truly blessed to be able to go on this mission trip. Ho Chee Nen, Bible Mission Trip, Laos, 27 Sep – 1 Oct 2018
I was touched by the sincerity of the worship, and the yearning of the people to learn God’s word. The highlight for me however, was sharing Holy Communion with the villagers. This trip was very special, and I am thankful that I was able to share the journey and experiences with my husband and the other members of the team. – Lynette Lim, Bible Mission Trip, Laos, 27 Sep – 1 Oct 2018
My experience on this trip was fruitful and edifying in several ways. God’s hand of providence and leading was clearly perceived from start to end. The team was blessed with good weather throughout the trip. The types of activities for the care centres we were to visit - some of the best and most suitable ideas implemented were borne out of discussions just the night before our first visit. The fervour of the team members in their love and service were touching examples. The simple faith of the Laotian Christians also reminded me of what was most fundamental in Christian faith and practice. Truly, the Lord works in mysterious ways His wonders to perform. I am thankful for the opportunity to witness something of what God is doing in Laos, and also the love of the team members to God through their love and service, both within the team and to the Laotians. – Neo Chun Choon, Bible Mission Trip, Laos, 27 Sep – 1 Oct 2018
I just want to pen my heart-felt thanksgiving to the wonderful team. I was impressed with the pre-tour briefing session held on site as I get to personally see, hear and interact with our Spiritual Director Dr Calvin Chong and Tour Leader David. During the trip, David ensured that we did not get lost in the midst of crowded sites and there was always a head-count before we leave for the next site. He never failed to serve with a smile and a joke at hand, all the time. I am impressed by his responsibility, dedication and great sense of humour. Truly enjoyed the trip. – Peggy Koh, Explore the Holy Land, Israel, 27 May – 6 June 2018
Meeting the locals is always the highlight for me. The stories I get to hear about the lives of the local Christians encourages me. Also, at times when I see their living conditions or hear about the challenges and persecution they face, it convicts me and silences my complaints in life. These encounters leave deep impressions in me and they are the stories I get the privilege to share with others. - Joan Cher, Bible Mission Trip, Myanmar, 21 – 25 April 2018
我们得到孩子们的鼓励,加上团牧是熟悉的洪牧师和师母,于是参加了这趟渴望已久的旅程。感谢主!行程中对圣地的宗教、种族复杂的环境,体会到旧约律例典章的设立和新约属灵生命的教导,上至国家的存亡,下至个人灵命的扎根成长,都是要与神保持美好的关系,照着神话语的教导去过每日的生活;那么无论我们在任何处境,上帝的喜乐和平安都与我们同在,让我们生活有见证,事奉得力量。- 杨绮文, 圣地之旅, 以色列-约旦, 4月30日-5月11日 2018
以色列之行对我的重要意义:受洗四年,特别是去年又在BSF研习了约翰福音,对主耶稣的一生有了充分的了解。特别渴慕去更深认识我们的神,去亲身经历感受,触摸主耶稣所经历的,走过的路。让我更好地做主门徒,跟随祂,为主而活!这次旅行对我今后的影响:当我再次读神的话语,这些在圣地所看到的,结合圣经所描述的,必将会帮助我更好理解当时历史背景,文化,饮食,传统......并见证神的伟大作为!祂的应许永不落空,何时何地我都要坚定谦卑地信靠祂,不时地祷告,他是我今在永在的主!— 施蕾, 圣地之旅, 以色列-约旦, 4月30日-5月11日 2018
What a joy it was to travel to Israel and worship in the places where Jesus and His disciples lived, walked and talked. The worship, led by the Clancy’s, was a significant part of my experience through Israel. It was awesome to worship God for who He is .... to magnify his name for all He has done for us but also because we love and adore Him. My prayer before the trip was that I would have a deeper revelation of Jesus and know Him more. It was hearing Him speak to me at the various places we toured that have impacted my life. I highly recommend this tour, it will change your life. - Alison Cracknell, A Worship Journey in the Holy Land, Israel, 5-16 March 2018
Our tour guides had expansive knowledge. They love God and were afire with their conviction and eagerness to share all things related to our God and His land with us. In Wadi Rum, we took the jeep ride and saw the super moon which reminded me of the verse, “When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?” (Psalm 8: 3, 4) With the regular reflections that we did with our Spiritual Director, Rev Dr David Wong, and with the exhortations as he delivered his mini sermons daily, our pilgrimage to Israel has indeed been enriching. We prayed. We mulled over the historical contexts of the sites visited. We looked up to God as He blessed us richly with this visit. – John Tan, Walk Through the Holy Land, Israel-Jordan, 28 Nov – 9 Dec 2017.
Going on this trip to the Holy Land has help me understand the harshness of the terrain better and the suffering of Jesus and the disciples had gone through to spread the Good News. It has also help me better understand the word and made me more aware of drawing closer to God and relying on Him more each day. The guides were very knowledgeable and passionate about reaching out to help. They have also inspired me to love God’s word and share HIS love with other. - Benjamin Lee, Israel-Jordan 28Nov-9Dec 2017
The Israel trip in April led by Rev Dr Peter Poon was a wonderful trip, full of insights and wonder. It is really true that the Bible come alive after one return from Israel. In Jerusalem, our guide pointed out the distance and the path that Jesus took with the heavy cross, the love of God for us overwhelmed me. The sharing by the Bible societies also impressed upon on me to pray for Israel. This trip has inspired me to return to Israel, know the Bible better and spend times to read the Bible daily with my mother. My tour leader and spiritual director were fantastic. The tour group was wonderful and I was deeply blessed on this trip. Don’t hesitate to visit the Holy Land if you have not. - Patricia Chow, Following the Footsteps of Jesus, Israel, 4 – 14 April 2016
I am very blessed when I visited the Bible Land. I am reminded that God continue to come through with His promises to the children of Israel and to the fulfilment of His Word. There are many highlights and spiritual encounters and I strongly encourage people to visit the land. Especially for pastors or ministers who preach the Word, we must at least, for once visit this land that God revealed Himself. I was also very touched when I visited Yad Vashem. – Pastor Vincent Lee, Pastor Familiarization Tour, Israel, 2-10 Feb 2015
I give thanks to God that I am able to visit Israel and Jordan. I was blessed with gifted tour guides who taught me valuable insights and scriptural significance relating to biblical sites and Dr Calvin Chong, our Spiritual Director for his dedication in looking after us. Though I have been reading the Scripture for years, this visit has made my reading more complete, as I experience the walk through the land. I encourage those who are called or are hesitant, to prayerfully consider making a trip to Israel, the Holy Land, and experience the footsteps that Jesus, the Son of God has walked. - Christina Tan, In the Footsteps of Jesus, Israel & Jordan, 17-27 Nov 2015

Cambodia Bible Mission Trip 2019
Chan Keen Mun, Participant of the Cambodia Bible Mission Trip (15-18 Mar 2019) shares his experience.

Vietnam Bible Mission Trip 2018
Linette Tan, Participant of the Vietnam Bible Mission Trip (30 Nov - 3 Dec 2018) shares her experience.

Laos Bible Mission Trip 2018
Neo Chun Choon, Participant of the Laos Bible Mission Trip (27 Sep - 1 Oct 2018) shares his reflections on the trip.

Egypt Bible Mission Trip 2018
Marcus Choy, Participant of the Egypt Bible Mission Trip (20–28 Aug 2018) shares his experience.

Turkey & Greece Pastors' Familiarization Tour
Read this walk down memory lane from Pastor Kenny Chee as he shares about the Pastors' Familiarization Tour that he joined in 2015.
"We landed at dawn and began with one day tour of Istanbul. It was a wet, windy and cold day. We toured the main tourist sites and manage to squeeze in an hour of shopping at the grand bazzar in the late evening ..."

A Worship Journey to the Holy Land
Word@Work September Issue 2018
A reflection by Mike Muller, Participant, Bible Land Tour to Israel, 5-16 March 2018
Spiritual Director: The Clancys

Thirty-Nine Pilgrims
A poem from Rev Dr David Wong, Mentoring Pastor of Zion Bishan Bible-Presbyterian Church who led the Bible Land Tour to Israel & Jordan, 28 Nov – 9 Dec 2017.
Spiritual Director: Rev Dr David Wong

Bible Mission Trip – Shannxi and Gangsu Province
A reflection from Ivan Lim, a participant of the Bible Mission trip to Shaanxi and Gangsu Province, China from 14 – 23 Oct 2017.

Growing in the Knowledge of God's Love
A reflection from Yeo Kai Siang, a participant of the Bible Land Tour to Israel & Jordan, 10 - 21 June 2017.
Spiritual Director: Ms Christine Chean

God's Perfect Timing
Word@Work September Issue 2017
A reflection from Elsie Wee, a participant of the Bible Land Tour to Israel & Jordan, 6 - 17 May 2017.
Spiritual Director: Dr Calvin Chong

Unity Admist Uncertainty - Our Parterships in Egypt
A reflection from Blaine Uy, a participant of the Bible Mission Trip to Egypt, Aug 2017.

圣地之旅 - 耶稣的脚踪
A reflection from China Pastors Familiarisation Bible Land Tour to Israel from 2 - 11 February 2017.

Worship Through The Holy Land
A reflection from Darryl Teo, a participant of the Bible Land Tour to Israel from 5 - 16 November 2016.
Spiritual Directors: Brendon and Cathie Clancy

An Interview: Serving by Leading
15 November 2016
We interviewed Elder Ong, 69, from Bethesda Frankel Estate Church (BFEC), who leads and organises trips to China for missions. Be inspired as you read his story!
English Version and 中文版 available.