God’s Word: A Drop of Water in Dry Land

This article was adapted from materials from the Iranian Bible Society in Diaspora.

"For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground..." – Isaiah 44:3a

Generally speaking, in the northern hemisphere July’s climate is very hot! Especially if you are in the Middle East. The heat might attract tourists but it scatters the locals. In some parts, the fields are so dry that one would wonder if there has ever been a drop of rain!

Yet, this summer in Turkey, while serving among Iranian refugees, I witnessed a different dry land; a land that has gone through many challenges and trauma; a land that has tasted the pain of homelessness, and the fear of hopelessness; a land that cannot imagine a brighter future in its horizon; a dry land that is thirsty; thirsty for the Word of God.

While their tomorrow is uncertain, in their pursuit of finding an answer, many of them meet the Lord of Hope! The God whose Words are hope-giving, purpose-defining, and thirst-satisfying for the dry lands of our hearts. 

aspire-persia-sep-2016-nt-distributionWhile visiting numerous Iranian refugee Churches in Turkey, I heard the same request over, and over again: “we need more Enjil!” As a drop of water in this dry land, the Iranian Bible Society started a movement of distributing free New Testaments in Turkey. Several thousands of NTs were distributed among Iranian Churches in Izmir, Istanbul, Ankara, Eskishehir, and Denizli. It made a difference, yet the difference between the demands and our limited supplies is as deep as the Grand Canyon! We need a lot of hands to close the gap.

aspire-persia-sep-2016-nt-recipientsBeloved friends, there are many who cannot afford to purchase a New Testament, yet long to have their very own copy. Would you please consider joining the Bible Society in prayer and partnership to make the Word of God more available worldwide?

“The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor.” – Proverbs 22:9

Join us in praying for Iranian Christians:

  • Remembering the victims of terrorist attack 15 years ago on this September 11th.
  • School-aged children of Iran who are about to start another school year. May the Lord continue opening the eyes and hearts of Iranian students with the Light of His Word!
  • Safety of Christians who live inside Iran.
  • God’s provision for the safe delivery of Farsi Bibles in some restricted nations.
  • More New Testaments and Scripture portion to be made available for distribution.


Lives changed through Bible literacy classes

This article was adapted from one originally published by British and Foreign Bible Society.

Our counterparts in Pakistan are working to bring the Bible to life for 7,000 women in 2016 by teaching them to read. Will you help?
It costs just S$40 to help teach a woman to read and give her a New Testament.

AratiArati* was a cotton picker in rural Pakistan. She worked long hours to earn around S$2 a day. She was being cheated out of payment but didn’t know it – she couldn’t read the scales that weighed her cotton.

But at our literacy class the Bible changed Arati’s life for good. As she read the Bible for the first time, she met Jesus, discovered His love, and learnt that her life mattered.

Arati said, ‘Jesus died for us and there’s no one in the world who has died and rose again. We appreciate this love.’

Now I am literate, I feel empowered.

Today Arati teaches young children in her village to read. And since learning to read she’s realised the cotton traders were cheating her and others out of their wages.

She said, ‘After studying I read the scale and I knew the actual weight of the cotton and now the men can’t cheat us. Now I am literate, I feel empowered.

Seven families in Arati’s village have become Christians since our literacy programme started.

‘There’s a big change in our village since the start of our literacy class’ Arati told us, ‘We are very happy and my family is very happy.’

Will you help more women like Arati learn to read?

Change for good

Arati is just one example of a life changed for good through the Bible. Through our literacy classes many women like Arati learn that their lives matter as God speaks to them through the Bible.

Just S$40 can help teach a Pakistani woman to read and give her a New Testament.

Your support could help teach Pakistani women to read and bring the Bible to life for them and their families. Will you join us in teaching more women like Arati to read?

*name changed

Stories of Change

We want to hear from you!

Have you been touched by the mission work of The Bible Society of Singapore over the years?

Have you joined one of our Bible Missions Trips or Bible Land Tours?

Has your church hosted a Bible Sunday?

Have you attended one of our courses or events?

Have you enjoyed the articles in the Word@Work or on our website?

Has your church or cell group used the Bible House for your worship?

Have you been blessed by anything from our Bible Resource Centre?

You and your community have played such an important role in the Bible Mission and we want to hear YOUR stories! As a token of our appreciation, you'll even receive a special commemorative item!

Celebrating Our Milestones

180 years of the Bible Mission

On 4 July 1837, the Singapore Auxiliary Bible Society was formally established with the aim of serving the needs of the region.


From now until 15 Sep 2016, we will be hosting an Anniversary Celebration Competition.

The Bible Society represents more than a single organisation. As a global, interconfessional organisation with Scripture as the unifying factor, the Bible Society serves the community of faith here in Singapore.

Within Singapore, the Bible Society’s history is intertwined with the early pioneering work in the region – most notably that of Sir Stamford Raffles and Rev Dr Robert Morrison. They were some of the first to realise Singapore’s potential to be a strategic location for missions work in Asia, and it is due to their heart for the Bible Mission that The Bible Society of Singapore exists today. (Read more about their influence here.)

Over the decades, there have been many men, women, churches, and Christian organisations who have taken up this mantle and worked alongside us to further the Bible Mission. This 180th anniversary is more than the accomplishment of one organisation – it is the shared accomplishment of those who have journeyed with us along the way. As our supporters, you have been such an integral part of seeing this milestone come to fruition, and we would like to invite you to join us in commemorating this anniversary.

Celebrate the work of the Bible Mission with your church community!

We invite you and your church to submit a proposal for a churchwide celebration of the Bible Mission. Some examples of these celebration ideas include:

  • Holding an exhibit at your church on how the Bible came to Singapore
  • Hosting a Bible Sunday – preaching on the importance of the Word
  • Teaching about the Bible Society in Sunday school
  • Hosting a Bible quiz

Your involvement in these celebrations is a vital part of our rich history.

If your proposal is chosen, we would like to express our thanks in the following ways:

  • List your church’s involvement in our archive
  • Present your church with a Commemorative Anniversary Bible
  • Provide a monetary token of $200 to go towards the cost of your celebrations