Lives changed through Bible literacy classes

This article was adapted from one originally published by British and Foreign Bible Society.

Our counterparts in Pakistan are working to bring the Bible to life for 7,000 women in 2016 by teaching them to read. Will you help?
It costs just S$40 to help teach a woman to read and give her a New Testament.

AratiArati* was a cotton picker in rural Pakistan. She worked long hours to earn around S$2 a day. She was being cheated out of payment but didn’t know it – she couldn’t read the scales that weighed her cotton.

But at our literacy class the Bible changed Arati’s life for good. As she read the Bible for the first time, she met Jesus, discovered His love, and learnt that her life mattered.

Arati said, ‘Jesus died for us and there’s no one in the world who has died and rose again. We appreciate this love.’

Now I am literate, I feel empowered.

Today Arati teaches young children in her village to read. And since learning to read she’s realised the cotton traders were cheating her and others out of their wages.

She said, ‘After studying I read the scale and I knew the actual weight of the cotton and now the men can’t cheat us. Now I am literate, I feel empowered.

Seven families in Arati’s village have become Christians since our literacy programme started.

‘There’s a big change in our village since the start of our literacy class’ Arati told us, ‘We are very happy and my family is very happy.’

Will you help more women like Arati learn to read?

Change for good

Arati is just one example of a life changed for good through the Bible. Through our literacy classes many women like Arati learn that their lives matter as God speaks to them through the Bible.

Just S$40 can help teach a Pakistani woman to read and give her a New Testament.

Your support could help teach Pakistani women to read and bring the Bible to life for them and their families. Will you join us in teaching more women like Arati to read?

*name changed

Life-Changing Impact of the Bible

This article was first published in the December 2013 issue of Word@Work.

Since Rev Dr Robert Morrison’s request for 1,000 Chinese New Testaments to be sent and distributed amongst Singaporeans in 1823, the Bible mission work has continued to impact the lives of Singaporeans who receive and read God’s Word.

When God’s Word is sowed into the hearts of people who need its life-changing power, there is a great harvest.

The gospel is capable of changing even the most hard-core offenders. Here is a testimony of an ex-offender whose life was completely transformed after reading the Bible:

“Years ago, I was involved in a gang clash with two seriously injured and one killed, and was sentenced to prison.

I felt hopeless, suicidal and cried out to idols, but there was no response. I was surrounded by enemies, two of whom became Christians and started reading their Bibles. They stopped smoking and using foul language. I was amazed and wanted to know their Jesus.

I was then transferred to Changi Prison, where one of my cellmates had a Bible. Immediately I asked his permission to read it. After reading Matthew 5:33-37, I was convicted of my sins…I had done nothing good. The Word gave me consolation… I saw Jesus shedding His blood to redeem my life. I prayed to accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour right away.

I now feel peace and joy flooding my soul, because I have become a child of God.”

The power of God’s Word is able to capture the hearts of those who have turned towards chasing material wealth and idols, as evident in this testimony.

Chua was a success according to material standards, so much that money had become his master. One day, he had a serious motor accident which left him partially paralysed and gave him a bad case of gastric ulcers. This incident caused Chua to start pondering the true meaning of life for the first time, and he began to explore various religions and cults, burning incense and candles to idols for success.

However, the secret of true peace and joy continued to elude Chua, until he was given a Bible by a fellow businessman he met.

In his own words, Chua said, “God had laid it on my heart to read His Word… I met Jesus in the gospel of John. I cried and asked God to forgive my sins…With tears pouring down my cheeks; I came to know the true God. Jesus healed me completely… He healed my nearly paralysed body, my gastric ulcers and helped me forsake my bad habits… Praise the Lord.”

The Bible Society of Singapore (BSS) provides Bibles, New Testaments and Scripture Portions for distribution in Singapore and overseas, and this Bible mission work has been touching and transforming lives of people like Chua and the ex-offender for 190 years. We pray that you will continue to support the work of BSS, so that we can continue to sow God’s Word and make an impact on people’s hearts and lives.

Weaving Tapestry of Life

This article was first published in the June 2013 issue of Word@Work.

The Bible may be common in a modern city like Singapore, and often taken for granted. But for many in the region, the Word of God is embraced dearly as a message of faith, hope and love (1 Cor 13:13) that saves lives.

Discover how the Bible Societies of Philippines, Pakistan and Singapore bring hope to disaster victims, share love with people of different beliefs, and build faith through the hearing of God’s Word.

Bring Hope through the Word of Life

Bayanihan is ‘the spirit of communal effort to achieve a common objective’ in the Philippines. In this spirit, the Philippine Bible Society distributed Scriptures to victims of the horrendous disaster last year. 

Heavy rains and flash floods are common in the Philippines. Yet, the nation was gripped in terror in the first two weeks of August 2012 when 66 people drowned.

In two short weeks, the number of people affected by torrential rains was 3.45 million, with 410, 729 people seeking refuge in evacuation centres due to risen rivers, clogged drainages, flooded streets and submerged homes.

19 staff members were also affected. Two had their homes totally washed out by the raging flood.

In spite of the difficult period for many at our sister Society, they placed their hope in God’s Word, and selflessly partnered with agencies doing relief distribution, to hand out Scripture resources such as Bibles, New Testaments and copies of the Calamity Portions. 

One of the fruits of their selfless giving is a powerful testimony by 24-year-old Arturo Calinao, a fishpond caretaker from Rizal.

“The Bible changed my life ever since it was given to us during the onslaught of Habagat (southwest monsoon)… I almost died in the fishpond where I work. The only thing I remembered from the Bible was to ask for forgiveness. As I was struggling in the water, I asked God to forgive me and a hand grabbed hold of me…”

Adapted from the selection (tract) produced by the American Bible Society after 9/11, the Calamity Portion is a 34-page booklet entitled Hope in the Midst of Tragedy. It is an easy-to-read collection of verses and brief reflections. It deals with questions asked by calamity victims to encourage them to turn to God for refuge, strength, hope and help.

In total, 120,900 Calamity Portions were distributed, with the potential to bring hope to 362,700 disaster victims.

Lives are powerfully changed when people apply the Word of God in their circumstances. Still, many Filipinos have not received the Word of hope...

Share Love through the Word of Truth

God is using the Bible Society in different places, even in difficult regions like Pakistan, a predominantly non-Christian country, to sow the seed of love with His Word.

Anthony Lamuel, General Secretary of Pakistan Bible Society, shared during his visit to The Bible Society of Singapore (BSS) in November 2012 that there has been a surge of interest in God’s Word of truth after the 9/11 disaster, with people from different faiths buying Bibles to learn more about Christianity.

Whilst it is challenging for Christians living in Pakistan, they are encouraged to see how God can spread His good news, even during turbulent times.

They hope to sow more seeds through the establishment of the first Bible museum on 9 February 2013, opened as part of the Society’s celebrations to mark its 150th anniversary.

“This museum has been our dream for many years… We have collected archaeological replicas and reproductions of Biblical manuscripts all over the world,” said Anthony Lamuel.

Rt Rev Dr Alexander John Malik, President of Pakistan Bible Society expressed that the “museum will be a very useful tool in helping many people… to develop good understanding of Biblical history and archaeology”.

A Muslim scholar who attended the opening said that the museum offered a fascinating insight into the Bible’s history and archaeology, and he would bring his students for a visit.

We believe that all who visit the Bible museum will be sanctified by the Word of truth (John 17:17) and be set free (John 8:32).

But more can be done to bring God’s Word of love to Pakistanis…

Build Faith by Hearing the Word

Engaging people with the Word is a key component at BSS. Our challenge is to make it relevant in our ever-changing society. Singapore may have 96.1% literacy rate (as of 2011), but many are preferred oral learners.

BSS encourages the reading of Scriptures through the Audio Bible. We visited All Saints Home in April 2013 to learn how the Audio Bible has been building faith.

The Chaplain, All Saints Home of Tampines, Pastor Larry Leong heard of the benefits of the Audio Bible, and met Richard Woo, our Head of Social Concerns, to obtain Audio Bibles for baptised Christians in the home.

“We currently have two sets of the Audio Bible (in English and Mandarin), donated by BSS. At the home, only 35-40% of the residents are Christians. It is my hope that everyone will receive salvation,” said Pastor Larry. “We hope to have one set in each ward so the entire ward will hear the Word of God together and be strengthened in faith.”

77-year-old Annie Lau has difficulty moving due to pain in her back. But her faith in God grows when she uses the Audio Bible.

“I am filled with joy when I hear the Word of God. I often pray for peace and for God to take away my pain after listening to the Bible.”

Koh Siew Eng, 60, has yet to receive Christ but she delights in hearing the Word of God.

“I find stories in the Bible very interesting, and I enjoy having the Word read out to me, loud and clear.”

The Audio Bible helps many grow in their faith and BSS strives to bring the Audio Bible to even more people.

Yet, we are limited in our resources to meet the many needs in our community…

Weaving Individual Threads

“It is only when we are able to stand back from the individual strands that connect Bible Societies that we can discern the whole picture of the remarkable work sustained through God’s grace and that reaches out to every corner of the world.” – Michael Perreau, General Secretary of United Bible Societies (UBS)

Bringing the Word of God to the nations and meeting the needs of our community is a tapestry of efforts.

As one of the 147 Bible Societies in more than 200 countries and territories, BSS connects Bible Societies in Asia and beyond. We may not experience the trying situations our sister Societies face, but we can support them through prayer, donation and voluntary services.

One such voluntary service is the Bible Mission Trips. We uphold countries in prayer, donate Bibles in their native languages and invite participants to join us in blessing the communities by giving the Word.

The Bible in Laos: My New Weapon

This article was first published in the March 2013 issue of Word@Work.

In Laos where the purchase of the Bible remains a luxury for the 3.3% Christians, Scriptures are going to those in need – thanks to supporters of Bible Societies.

Life in the landlocked Republic of Laos is basic and under Communist rule. But its Christian population has more than doubled in the last 10 years to more than 200,000.

Thaungxay Sanyahak – a reserved man, expresses joy beyond human understanding in his circumstances as a Christian.

In 1988, Thaungxay married Chanda, a strong believer in Christ. He respected her Christian way of life and became a Christian. But he admits he did not take his new faith to heart.

Turning point

One day, a significant event caused him to encounter God.

Thaungxay recalled, “My boat capsized on the river during military training. I made it back to the river bank but all my belongings including my gun, machete and identity card disappeared.”

Soldiers who lose their weapons are severely punished, and would lose their jobs. Thaungxay was the sole breadwinner in his family.

He was distressed and confided in Chanda. She called her mother and they prayed.

“I had never really felt God as a tangible presence and found it very difficult to pray. Yet, I prayed with my wife and mother-in-law.”

Three days later, Thaungxay found his belongings lying on the riverbank, in perfect condition. This miracle led him to read his Bible and pray daily.

“The Bible became my new weapon,” Thaungxay exclaimed, believing that God is His protector.

Challenges to his faith

But life is not easy for Thaungxay Sanyahak, a soldier and Christian in Laos.

His family was ostracised in many villages. They finally found a village to settle in, and were encouraged by a visiting pastor. But the pastor’s kindness cost him his life – he was murdered on his way home. The family cried out to the Lord in despair and God sent the village chief who offered them a plot of land to build a house, along with a supportive community who gave them free bamboo for building.

Unfortunately, the house they built was burnt down and they lost all possessions. But the Lord provided a church that contributed money, clothing and other basic necessities.

As a Christian, Thaungxay is unlikely to be promoted in the army and his family members struggle to get by. Not all his children are able to attend school. His 14-year-old son is an ‘A’ student but had to withdraw from the state school as his father could not pay his fees.

Yet, Thaungxay is joyful in giving…

More blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35)

Despite the challenges, his family does not lose heart but is renewed day by day as they put their hope in the Word of God (2 Corinthians 4:16 ESV).

Thaungxay seizes every opportunity to share his faith with others. Besides the two Bibles in the house belonging to his family, there are several New Testaments that he bought to give to friends.


Source: United Bible Socieities