
“No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.” - 1 Corinthians 10:13 (ESV)


You thought you knew God’s Will, but then... things did not go as planned. Now, everything seems to be heading in the opposite direction of what you had expected.

Some walked away from God because of the detours in their lives. Others, like Joseph, drew closer to God.

God is the epic author of life, and He is using the ‘detour’ in your life to bring you to where you need to be.

In this segment of the Biblical Character Series—as we journey through Joseph’s life—learn how he was transformed by God and how God is transforming yours right now.

This interactive and life-changing seminar is for the hearts that seek to be transformed by God.

Make your choice to experience God’s divine intervention in your life!


Date: 28 July 2021
Time: 7.30pm–9pm
Venue: via Zoom
Cost: Free | $5 (Optional purchase of online resources)
Trainer:  Rev Dr. Peter Poon

Registration closes on 21 July 2021
*Upon registration, you will receive the link to the Detour videos & the zoom details for the Online Conversation

Please contact us at or call 6304 5286 with your registration number if there are any issues during registration.

Follow us on Facebook & Instagram to stay updated!


Rev Dr. Peter Poon 

Rev Dr. Peter Poon is currently serving as the Partner-in-Ministry with Sower Institute for Biblical Discipleship at the Bible Society of Singapore. He has been involved in Walk thru the Bible Ministry since 1988. Rev Poon has also served in four Presbyterian churches starting from 1981, but is currently retired from full-time pastoral ministry. He is passionate about teaching and training, as well as coaching and mentoring emerging leaders.

Life Training

Calling all church and ministry leaders, volunteers, befrienders, and everyone who is keen on becoming a community carer to someone with suicide ideation.

LIFE Training is a 4-hour workshop that helps participants identify potential suicide risk and introduce the basic principles of suicide identification and prevention via the LIFE Care Model (LIFE).

This workshop is jointly organised by Sower Institute for Biblical Discipleship (SIBD) and Caring for Life (CFL), supported by the Evangelical Alliance of Singapore (EAS) and Hope Initiative Alliance (HIA).

At the end of the workshop, participants will be equipped with knowledge and skills to:

  • Apply the concepts learnt in a facilitated role-play session
  • Identify potential risk factors and warning signs of a suicidal person
  • Understand that suicide is preventable and that the person is sending out HELP signals
  • Connect at-risk individuals to trained professionals for help


Saturday, 16 November 2024 at 9am–1pm via Zoom.


For enquiries, please contact Sam Leow at 6304 3782 or email

Follow us on social media:

Facebook and Instagram @sowerinstitute


Register Here

Fresh Eyes on ONLINE TOOLS for Children’s Ministry

Following the successful NextGen online conversation held last October, we now present Fresh Eyes on Online Tools for Children's Ministry – a workshop on the use of online platforms such as Flippity and Wordwall to create interactive learning games.

This is a fresh and fun way to engage children by grabbing their attention and holding it for the duration of class! Participants will also get the chance to create simple games on the online platforms during the session.

Date: Saturday, 13 March 2021 (Limited availability)
Time: 10am–12.30pm​
Venue: LIVE Online Workshop Via ZOOM
Cost: $10 per participant

Registration is full. Thank you so much for your support.


Dr Calvin Chong 

Dr Calvin Chong is Associate Professor of Practical Theology at Singapore Bible College. His current teaching and research areas relate to diaspora missions as well as designing learning experiences for the educational ministries of the church.

Financial Stewardship and Sustainability

40th Anniversary of the Evangelical Alliance of Singapore

(Formerly known as the Evangelical Fellowship of Singapore)

How should we manage our finances in the face of an economic recession? Due to the unprecedented circumstances caused by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is an increased need for us to effectively manage our finances and resources.

In conjunction with the 40th anniversary of the Evangelical Alliance of Singapore, the Sower Institute for Biblical Discipleship is co-launching Financial Stewardship and Sustainability—a series of four sessions to equip participants with essential skills on financial management, and the Biblical principles behind good stewardship.

Join Mr Christopher Tan, Founder & CEO of Providend Ltd, and other Christian Leaders in these eye-opening sessions on how to manage your finance in a God-honouring manner!

Speaker Bio 

Mr Tan, Founder & CEO, Providend Ltd

Christopher has more than two decades of experience in the wealth management and financial planning industry. He is a Certified Financial Planner and a member of the Financial Planning Association of Singapore. He is often featured in the media for his expert opinion on financial matters. Mr Tan was also appointed by the Singapore Government to be part of the CPF Advisory Panel and has sat on the Management Committee of Securities Investors Association (Singapore) (SIAS).


UPDATE: Additional Q&A session on Managing CPF
Date: Saturday, 24 Oct 2020 | Time: 10.30am - 12pm





陈显耀先生,Founder & CEO, Providend Ltd


若您希望更好地了解基督徒如何在财务上 成为上帝的好管家,有兴趣与讲员交流,欢迎您即刻报名! 星期三 • 9月30日 • 晚上7点30分至9点 • ZOOM

Session Details:


Session 1—Cash Flow Management
Wed, 9 Sep, 7.30pm–9.30pm

Learn how to make better financial decisions

The Bible says that “for the love of money is the root to all kinds of evils” (1 Tim 6:10). Yet, money is so important in our daily lives. How can we balance between having enough money for our lifestyle and not fall in love with money? How can we ensure that we are financially healthy so that our financial foundation is strong?

In this reflective but practical session, the speaker will share:

  1. A personal money equation that helps us understand how we can be financially successful
  2. The 3 considerations that we need to have to make wise financial decisions
  3. How we can be financially healthy

At the end of this session, participants will walk away knowing how to make better financial decisions in their lives.


Session 2—Managing CPF
Date/Time: Thu, 17 Sep, 7.30pm–9.30pm

Understand the various CPF schemes, and learn how to manage your CPF to enjoy financial security during retirement

Our CPF system is one of the best retirement schemes in the world but yet due to its complexity, it is oftentimes the most misunderstood. As someone who is still saving for retirement, how can you best make use of our CPF schemes to effectively and efficiently save for your lifestyle needs in your golden years?

In this informative session delivered in a simple and understandable manner, the speaker will share:

  1. What are the 3 “things” you must have at retirement
  2. The CPF interest rate structure and why your CPF is one of the best “financial instruments” in the world
  3. CPF Retirement Schemes —How you can best make use of it to help you reach your retirement goals

At the end of this talk, you will walk away with a very clear understanding of our CPF schemes and make good CPF decisions to give you financial security in your retirement.

Session 3 —Insurance
Date/Time: Thu, 24 Sep, 7.30pm–9.30pm

Learn how to buy the appropriate insurance schemes and save money on premiums

Have you ever wondered whether you have enough insurance to protect your family and yourself against the possible loss of income in the event of your unfortunate death, disability or a medical crisis? Do you want to give yourself the option of getting the best treatment in the event you are down with a medical condition? Do you feel that you are paying too much for insurance premiums and would like to reduce it without losing coverage?

In this informative session, the speaker will share

  1. How long do you need insurance coverage
  2. How much coverage do you need
  3. What type of insurance should you buy

At the end of this talk, you will walk away with a very clear idea on how you can buy as much insurance as you need but yet pay as little premiums as you can. Once you are able to do that, you will be ready to take the next step to save and invest towards your retirement or other life goals.

Session 4—Investment
Date/Time: Sat, 26 Sep, 10.30am–12.30pm

Understand the benefits of evidence-based investing and achieve successful long-term investments

In the modern world, we typically depend on extensive research and data to help us in making sound decisions, from medicine to engineering. So, why should it be any different for investing? Forget the dubious art of stock picking and learn how you can take the stress and ambiguity out of investment planning in this session.

At the end of this session, you will walk away with the understanding on the benefits of evidence-based investing and how it will give you the highest probability of achieving a successful investment experience over the long term.

Q&A on Financial Stewardship and Sustainability
Date/Time: (Mandarin) Wed, 30 Sep, 7.30pm–9pm | (English) Sat, 10 Oct, 10.30am-12pm

Still have questions about financial stewardship?

Don’t miss this chance to ask Mr Christopher Tan LIVE!
There will be 2 separate Q&A sessions, in English and in Mandarin.

(Additional Session) Q&A on Managing CPF
Date/Time: 24 October 2020 (English)

Still have questions about managing CPF?

Don’t miss this chance to ask Mr Christopher Tan LIVE!
The Q&A session will be in English.

For more information, contact Joyder Ng at 6304 5286 Or email
Follow us on Instagram to stay updated!

Your support goes a long way in helping us further the Bible Mission work around the region.
We hope you would consider supporting us by contributing a donation of any amount below.

King Josiah – How Can Millennials Change the World?

Amidst bad news and tough times, an 8-year-old named Josiah inherited the throne and was crowned the 16th king of Judah. God worked through Josiah to make sweeping changes for the good of his nation.

If God used an 8-year-old, God can use anyone, regardless of age, to fulfil His purpose. God’s Word has the power to change things! All it takes is a willing heart for Him to bring about a transformation in our communities, our nation and our world. Millennials, are you ready to change the world?

DATE: Saturday, 22 April 2023
TIME:  9am-1pm
VENUE: 7 Armenian St, Bible House Seminar Room 2, S179932
FEE: S$20

For more information, contact Sam Leow at 63043782 Or email

Follow us on social media:
Facebook and Instagram @sowerinstitute


Rev Dr Peter Poon
Rev Poon has been involved in Walk thru the Bible Ministry since 1988. He has also served in four Presbyterian churches starting from 1981, but is currently retired from full-time pastoral ministry. He is passionate about teaching and training, as well as coaching and mentoring emerging leaders.

Trauma Healing – Initial Equipping

Trauma is part of the human experience in a broken world. It can arise when one is overwhelmed with intense fear, helplessness and horror. It can stem from personal issues, such as the loss of a loved one or divorce; from large-scale devastation like natural disaster or from global crisis such as COVID-19 pandemic. Trauma destroys hope, shatters dignity and isolates one from self, others and God.

How does one recover from trauma? Can the Bible help? What can the Church do?

Trauma Healing (from Trauma Healing Institute of the American Bible Society) is our response to these questions by combining proven mental health practices with the wisdom of the Bible to bring restoration and hope to the broken-hearted. In God’s Word, trauma survivors can encounter the resurrection power of Christ.

If you are a church or ministry leader, a missionary or someone who has the heart to help trauma sufferers, join us for part one of a 2-part programme today!

Programme Structure

Initial Equipping ⇒ Practicum ⇒ Advanced Equipping

Initial Equipping
ScheduleWed– Sat, 27–30 Jan 2021
Fees$380 (early bird price till 3 Jan) | $420 (from 4 Jan)
Venue7 Armenian Street, Bible House, S179932

*Due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation, limited seats will be available.

Before registering, please:

  1. Read the Detailed Course Information below,
  2. Download the Statement of Support,
  3. Have it signed by your church leadership or Christian organisation supervisor, and
  4. Email it to Florence Kang.

Please note: Registration will only be confirmed upon receipt of the online registration, payment AND the signed Statement of Support.

Detailed Course Information

Sower Institute for Biblical Discipleship, in partnership with Trauma Healing Institute (THI), aims to provide leadership and services to churches and organisations using God’s word to bring healing and restoration to trauma survivors.

THI’s trauma healing programme provides basic mental health concepts with a biblical framework, using Scripture passages and composite real-life stories to help traumatised people connect the teaching with their circumstances.

Topics Covered
  • If God loves us, why do we suffer?
  • How can the wounds of our hearts be healed?
  • What happens when someone is grieving?
  • Taking your pain to the cross
  • How can we forgive others?
  • How can churches minister amidst various causes of trauma (domestic violence, suicide, etc.)?
  • How can we live as Christians amidst conflict?
  • Looking ahead

How the Programme Works
The programme consists of four components: Part I, a Practicum, Part II and a competency-based assessment.

1. Part I: Initial Equipping Session. Candidates attend a 3.5 day Initial Equipping session which allows participants to: explore their own trauma and bring it to Christ for healing; experience participatory learning; learn basic biblical and mental health principles related to trauma care; and develop plans for using what they have learned in their community. Trauma healing facilitators aim to ‘do no harm’ to those they help. To this end, participants are evaluated through a simple test.

2. Practicum. Participants return to their communities and apply what they have learned. They need to teach the five core lessons at least twice to groups of at least three people and send in reports on their activities.

3. Part II: Advanced Equipping Session. This 3-day session (conducted 6 or 9 months after the Initial Equipping session) focuses on consolidating the facilitator’s competencies in view of their practicum experience.

4. Competency-based assessment. Participants will be certified when they demonstrate the following competencies:

  • Able to manage personal well-being.
  • Able to work on a team.
  • Able to help traumatised people (listening, confidentiality, and so on).
  • Able to lead groups in a participatory way.
  • Demonstrated understanding of the content.

5. Certification and Deployment. At the end of the advanced session, participants are awarded a Certificate of Participation, or, for those who qualify, a facilitator-in-training Certificate. For some, these certificates may be awarded later when the competencies have been acquired.

Who should attend?
This programme is intended for Christians who would like to explore becoming a trauma healing facilitator so that they can provide basic care for those wounded by trauma and loss, or train others to do so.


  • Able to teach others in a community.
  • Able to attend all of the sessions.
  • Committed to helping trauma survivors.
  • Must be referred by church leadership or Christian organisation supervisor who must sign the Statement of Support.

About the Trainer

Belinda Ng

Belinda Ng has been a missionary with Serving In Mission (SIM) since 1977. After 12 years in Niger, she served as Personnel Director with SIM East Asia for 16 years. Since then she serves as Member Care and MK Education Consultant in the International Office before returning to Singapore to continue with this role in the Pastoral Care team in SIM East Asia.

Carol Lim Seok Lin

Carol has a passion to serve God through helping people with challenges lead a more meaningful life. Trained as a special needs educator and equipped with a Masters in Special Education, she has more than three decades of experience in Singapore and overseas.

Biblical Character Series: Chiseled

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which
God prepared beforehand,that we should walk in them. — Ephesians 2:10 (ESV)


Chiseled is a study of the life of Simon Peter. Discover how God led the impulsive Simon Peter and shaped him into a strong leader, the man whom God has planned him to be. His work in Peter’s life shows how He can work in our lives too.

Join us for the inaugural Walk Thru the Bible’s Biblical Character Series to learn about the transformational power of God’s Word in our lives. Through two interactive sessions, participants will gain valuable insights about the Word of God, and begin a journey to become the masterpiece that God has created each of us to be.

Date: 15 & 22 April 2020
Time: 7.15pm–10pm
Venue: 7 Armenian St, Bible House, Level 4, Morrison-Liang Room, Seminar Rooms 1 & 2, S179932
Cost: $55 (Early bird extended till 15 April) | $65 (Regular)
Trainer:  Rev Dr Peter Poon

*Due to the COVID-19 situation, limited seats will be available

Please contact us at or call 6304 5286 with your registration number if there are any issues during registration.

Follow us on Facebook & Instagram to stay updated!

Multiplying Leaders Series (Module One)

Multiplying Leaders Series

Module One

“Leadership is influence—nothing more, nothing less. If you are being salt and light as Jesus commanded, then you have begun to obey God’s call to leadership.”
John C. Maxwell, Maxwell Leadership Bible, Revised and Updated

Jesus is clearly a role model and influencer for leadership par excellence. What can we learn from Him to be a great leader?

Multiplying Leaders Series (MLS) is biblical model of servant-leadership based on content from Dr John Maxwell's Million Leaders Mandate curriculum. It helps people fulfil their maximum leadership potential by equipping them with holistic and effective leadership skills to lead and mentor other leaders

The lessons in the series challenge us from three perspectives: Spiritual Formation, Skill Formation, and Strategic Formation for a holistic approach.

Topics Covered:

  • God's Call to Lead
  • The Leadership Test
  • I Have a Dream
  • Security or Sabotage
  • Measuring Your Leadership Growth
  • Leadership Begins with an Attitude
  • Christ the Great Communicator
  • The Art of Basin and Towel
  • The Foundation of Our Leadership
  • Today Matters: Leadership and Personal Growth
  • Leadership & Credibility: Making the Tough Call


Join us in this augural programme and unleash your potential by mastering the qualities of effective leadership and learn to lead self and others in the Church, at work, in society and even at home for maximum impact.

Date: 9 & 16 May 2020
Time: 9am–5pm
Venue: Pavilion of the Nations, 7 Armenian St, Bible House Rooftop, S179932
Cost: $200 (Early Bird extended till 30 Apr) | $240 (1 May onwards)
Trainer:  Rev Dr Peter Poon

*Due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation, limited seats will be available.

For more information, contact Florence Kang at 6304 3765 Or email
Follow us on Facebook & Instagram to stay updated!

Biblical Portrait of Marriage

And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony."
— Colossians 3:14 (ESV)

What did God intend for marriage to provide?
Partnership. Relationship. Companionship.

Come join us for this classic Walk Thru the Bible programme to help you understand marriage as God intends for it to be. This marriage preparation workshop will equip you with 6 partnership principles of marriage as you learn to paint a loving and problem-solving Biblical Portrait of Marriage.

This course is suitable for:

  • Married couples or couples who are preparing for marriage—to learn how to build enriching relationships with their partner
  • Singles—to develop a Biblical roadmap for choosing a godly marriage partner.

Date: 5, 12, 19 & 26  Aug 2021, Thursdays
Time: 7.30pm–9.30pm
Venue: LIVE Online Workshop Via ZOOM
Cost: $65 (includes physical course-book)
Trainer:  Elder Jeffrey Goh

*The BPOM course-book will be mailed to you so please provide us with your address when registering

*Registration closing date 29 July 2021

For more information, contact Joyder Ng at 6304 5286 Or email
Follow us on Facebook & Instagram to stay updated!

Trauma Healing Initial Equipping

Calling all church and ministry leaders, missionaries, social workers, mental wellness professionals, and everyone who is keen on learning how to help trauma victims.

Trauma Healing — Initial Equipping is the first part of a 2-part Bible-based Trauma Healing Programme from the Trauma Healing Institute at American Bible Society. It equips churches and individuals to care for people who suffer emotional and spiritual injuries from traumatic events such as abuse, conflict and loss, and walk with them on a journey to healing and restoration with God and with others.

Initial Equipping
ScheduleWed– Sat, 27–30 Jan 2021
Fees$380 (early bird price till 3 Jan) | $420 (from 4 Jan)
Venue7 Armenian Street, Bible House, S179932

Registration closes on 9 October!

Before registering, please:

  1. Read the Detailed Course Information below,
  2. Download the Statement of Support,
  3. Have it signed by your church leadership or Christian organisation supervisor, and
  4. Email it to Florence Kang.

Please note: Registration will only be confirmed upon receipt of the online registration, payment AND the signed Statement of Support.

Detailed Course Information

Sower Institute for Biblical Discipleship, in partnership with Trauma Healing Institute (THI), aims to provide leadership and services to churches and organisations using God’s word to bring healing and restoration to trauma survivors.

THI’s trauma healing programme provides basic mental health concepts with a biblical framework, using Scripture passages and composite real-life stories to help traumatised people connect the teaching with their circumstances.

Topics Covered
  • If God loves us, why do we suffer?
  • How can the wounds of our hearts be healed?
  • What happens when someone is grieving?
  • Taking your pain to the cross
  • How can we forgive others?
  • How can churches minister amidst various causes of trauma (domestic violence, suicide, etc.)?
  • How can we live as Christians amidst conflict?
  • Looking ahead

How the Programme Works
The programme consists of four components: Part I, a Practicum, Part II and a competency-based assessment.

1. Part I: Initial Equipping Session. Candidates attend a 3.5 day Initial Equipping session which allows participants to: explore their own trauma and bring it to Christ for healing; experience participatory learning; learn basic biblical and mental health principles related to trauma care; and develop plans for using what they have learned in their community. Trauma healing facilitators aim to ‘do no harm’ to those they help. To this end, participants are evaluated through a simple test.

2. Practicum. Participants return to their communities and apply what they have learned. They need to teach the five core lessons at least twice to groups of at least three people and send in reports on their activities.

3. Part II: Advanced Equipping Session. This 3-day session (conducted 6 or 9 months after the Initial Equipping session) focuses on consolidating the facilitator’s competencies in view of their practicum experience.

4. Competency-based assessment. Participants will be certified when they demonstrate the following competencies:

  • Able to manage personal well-being.
  • Able to work on a team.
  • Able to help traumatised people (listening, confidentiality, and so on).
  • Able to lead groups in a participatory way.
  • Demonstrated understanding of the content.

5. Certification and Deployment. At the end of the advanced session, participants are awarded a Certificate of Participation, or, for those who qualify, a facilitator-in-training Certificate. For some, these certificates may be awarded later when the competencies have been acquired.

Who should attend?
This programme is intended for Christians who would like to explore becoming a trauma healing facilitator so that they can provide basic care for those wounded by trauma and loss, or train others to do so.


  • Able to teach others in a community.
  • Able to attend all of the sessions.
  • Committed to helping trauma survivors.
  • Must be referred by church leadership or Christian organisation supervisor who must sign the Statement of Support.

About the Trainer

Ps Shannon Chan Mei Ming

A nurse turned pastor, Mei Ming was formerly the Minister of Cell Groups at the International Baptist Church and also the Associate Pastor of Leng Kwang Baptist Church. She is currently serving at Ang Mo Kio Methodist Church.

Carol Lim Seok Lin

Carol has a passion to serve God through helping people with challenges lead a more meaningful life. Trained as a special needs educator and equipped with a Masters in Special Education, she has more than three decades of experience in Singapore and overseas.