Walk Thru The Bible Ministries

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Walk Thru the Bible is a ministry founded by acclaimed Bible teacher and author Bruce Wilkinson. It aims to spark enthusiasm for God’s Word through innovative methods of teaching and learning.


遍览圣经”是著名圣经教师与作家Bruce Wilkinson创办的一项事工。通过革新的教导与学习方式,它旨在激发人们对上帝话语的热诚。

Kids in the Book (OT/NT)
Kids in the Book reveals the “big picture” of God’s story through a unique, fun, kinetic style of learning. This energetic, impactful, and interactive course prepares you to help children gain a deeper understanding of the Word of God and His plan for His people.

Walk Thru the Bible (OT)
Through vivid teaching and interesting hand movements, you will walk through the Old Testament from Genesis to Malachi with ease, without having to copy notes or memorise facts. You will learn more about special people in the Old Testament, the historical background and events so as to explore the past, understand the present and prepare for the future.

Walk Thru the Bible (NT)
God remained silent for four hundred years between the Old and New Testament, preparing the world for the birth of Jesus Christ. Walking through the New Testament from Matthew to Revelation, you will have a deeper understanding of how Jesus, the Son of God, lived and obeyed the Father’s will.

Teaching With Style
Learning doesn’t have to be boring! This live event helps leaders and teachers discover their effectiveness as communicators and learn how to gain and maintain attention regardless of the setting or content.

7 Laws of the Learner
The effectiveness of teaching is measured by whether learners are able to apply what they have learnt. You will learn how to use Bible principles to identify the real needs of learners, guide and motivate them to master effective learning methods and experience life transformation. This seminar could also be helpful for parents.

Biblical Portrait of Marriage
You will be led through the foundational principles of marriage found in Scriptures. The roles and responsibilities of husbands and wives will be presented in a clear and compelling fashion. Your marriage may not be perfect but you will learn to paint a Biblical Portrait of Marriage!





Walk Thru the Bible History

WTTB began when Bruce Wilkinson, a Dallas Theological Seminary student, developed an innovative method of Bible teaching for his ThM project. He used the wide variety of God-given learning methods to teach an overview of the Old Testament (OT) in a highly memorable and interactive fashion. The teaching room is turned into a map of the Middle East with participants using key words and gestures to learn the chronological story of major OT people, places and events.In 1976, WTTB was incorporated and began its impressive growth. Our mission statement is: “Walk Thru the Bible Ministries exists to contribute to the spiritual growth of Christians worldwide through Bible teaching, tools and training.” New seminars have since been added, including video seminars.

In 2013, Walk Thru the Bible has come under the responsibility of The Bible Society of Singapore (BSS). BSS is committed to growing this ministry work by raising more Trainers and Equippers. Together, we work towards making “disciples of all the nations” (Matt 28:19-20).


遍览圣经,源自Bruce Wilkingson在达拉斯神学院攻读神学硕士期间,对创新性圣经教学法的研究项目。他运用上帝所赐、丰富多样的学习法,以一种极易记忆,且高度互动的方式教授旧约概览:教室变成了一张中东地图,学员们通过口诀和动作,按照时间线学习旧约中的人物,地点和事件。1976年,“遍览圣经”注册为机构并取得惊人成长。我们的服事宗旨是:“遍览圣经事工立足圣经教导,教学方法和培训工作,为全世界基督徒的属灵成长做出贡献。”

2013年,新加坡圣经公会担当起“遍览圣经”的管理重任 ,并致力于通过兴起更多培训师资来促进这项事工。我们将齐心协力,践行耶稣基督传给我们的大使命——“使万民作我的门徒” (马太福音28:19-20)。

Live Events

Walk Thru the Bible (WTTB)

The WTTB programme is divided into two parts, the Old Testament (OT) and New Testament (NT). Such “Live” events generally conducted over 1-3 days by WTTB Trainer.

Kids in the Book (WTTB KIB)

Like the programme for adults, KIB programme is also divided into two parts, the Old Testament (OT) and New Testament (NT) and are generally run for 1-3 days. The KIB programme is made up of the basic material which must be taught in full and supplementary materials to expand and expound the Word further for the children. These supplementary materials/activities can be used at the discretion of the Trainer.

List of Live Events:

  1. Walk Thru the Bible (OT)
  2. Walk Thru the Bible (NT)
  3. Kids in the Book (OT)
  4. Kids in the Book (NT)
  5. 7 laws of learners (7LL)
  6. Biblical Portrait of Marriage (BPOM)
  7. Teaching With Style (TWS)

Training of Trainers

Training of Trainers events are conducted for both WTTB and KIB programmes. These are held over 2-4 days by a Master Trainer who is defined as a person certified to conduct Training of Trainers events and assess Trainees.

Characteristics of a WTTB Trainer

1) Not a new Christian (minimum 2-3 years) and is member of a local church
2) Reputation of Christian character – credible and above reproach in his/her community
3) Conducts oneself appropriately in front of participants

List of Training of Trainers (TOT):

  1. Walk Thru the Bible (OT) TOT
  2. Walk Thru the Bible (NT) TOT
  3. Kids in the Book (OT) TOT
  4. Kids in the Book (NT) TOT





Accredited Trainers by Bible Society


Rev Ezekiel Tan

Rev Dr Peter Poon

Rev Nicholas Choo

Elder Jeffrey Goh


